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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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Quote:Do you get paid for this crap? I'm starting to believe you are.

And this is why I don't bother explaining anything anymore. The minds are made up and there can be no real discussion about anything other than differences of opinion.
Quote:Do you get paid for this crap? I'm starting to believe you are.

As usual, the far-left has nothing but insults on their side.


If you disagree with anything I wrote you could have explained why, or as usual posted another lame link to the Guardian that describes a whole different topic.

Quote:I'll make it simple.

"Scientists" were wrong that the Earth was flat until other scientists proved it wasn't, but those other scientists were persecuted by the Flat Earthers.

"Scientists" are wrong about AGCC and are, once again, persecuting those who disagree with the so-called Settled Science.

The more things change the more they stay the same and everything you "know" today will be wrong tomorrow.

"Science" in those days was heavily influenced by the church. As was the threat of excommunication and heresy charges for being audacious enough to claim earth was not the center if the universe.
Quote:"Science" in those days was heavily influenced by the church. As was the threat of excommunication and heresy charges for being audacious enough to claim earth was not the center if the universe.

Science today is heavily influenced by the New Faith that is no less aggressive in its zealotry, even to the point of excommunication for speaking heresy against the Faith.
Quote:Science today is heavily influenced by the New Faith that is no less aggressive in its zealotry, even to the point of excommunication for speaking heresy against the Faith.

The scientific community is burning people? Throwing them in prisons? No but you knew that.

Support for scientific theories is not remotely the same thing as faith in religion. Its a clever piece of rhetoric but nothing more.
Quote:The scientific community is burning people? Throwing them in prisons? No but you knew that.

Support for scientific theories is not remotely the same thing as faith in religion. Its a clever piece of rhetoric but nothing more.

Not throwing people in prisons ... yet. But here is a Warmist idea of humor:




As far as religion, I agree, support for scientific theories is not the same as religion. Support for Global Warming (er, we better change the name to Climate Change since the globe hasn't warmed in a while) is very much like religion. In science you create a theory, then postulate consequences of that theory and test the theory. In religion you create a dogma and explain away any discrepancies. With science you take measurements to make your case while keeping an open mind. With religion you paint non-believers as evil, create strawman analogies ('witches'), and give them a derogatory name ('heretics'). Look carefully to see what's being done in this case.

Quote:The scientific community is burning people? Throwing them in prisons? No but you knew that.

Support for scientific theories is not remotely the same thing as faith in religion. Its a clever piece of rhetoric but nothing more.

They don't have the power for that yet. One they do you can rest assured that they will start their own pograms against the others. We have to reduce the population to save the planet after all.

And your belief in this is purely based on faith, your faith in the word of the AGCC prophets You can say that it's based in fact and science and whatever else but the truth it's that you, personally, are just defending what you've been told.
Quote:They don't have the power for that yet. One they do you can rest assured that they will start their own pograms against the others. We have to reduce the population to save the planet after all.

And your belief in this is purely based on faith, your faith in the word of the AGCC prophets You can say that it's based in fact and science and whatever else but the truth it's that you, personally, are just defending what you've been told.
No as usual you attempt paint your own reasons for your convictions on others. You believe the minority because it falls in line with your political beliefs. Along with evolution denial and climate change denial (not just human driven but flat out denial of change) was the sparking point for me moving from conersvative positions.

As I've stated before its foolish and downright arrogance to think you know more than experts in a field. As long as the experts in the field of discussion are in majority agreement of scientific theory at hand than I will defer to them since they are educated in the matter and I am not. I chose to wait and see on the matter as more data comes in while also thinking of the future for generations that follow. Short game versus long game is the difference between us on this issue.
Quote:Not throwing people in prisons ... yet. But here is a Warmist idea of humor:

As far as religion, I agree, support for scientific theories is not the same as religion. Support for Global Warming (er, we better change the name to Climate Change since the globe hasn't warmed in a while) is very much like religion. In science you create a theory, then postulate consequences of that theory and test the theory. In religion you create a dogma and explain away any discrepancies. With science you take measurements to make your case while keeping an open mind. With religion you paint non-believers as evil, create strawman analogies ('witches'), and give them a derogatory name ('heretics'). Look carefully to see what's being done in this case.

I see the majority if the derisive attacks to flat out deniers since until recently that has been the oppositions standpoint. I agree and most climate experts agree that though the think its likely humans have caused it that the data is not fully conclusive in the matter. There are still people denying that anything at all is happening and, in my perspective, those are the targets.

I still dont see it as the same. And no to you and flsprts, they are not ever going to treat people the way proponents if heliocentric theory were treated.
Quote:No as usual you attempt paint your own reasons for your convictions on others. You believe the minority because it falls in line with your political beliefs. Along with evolution denial and climate change denial (not just human driven but flat out denial of change) was the sparking point for me moving from conersvative positions.


I haven't found anyone who denies that the climate changes. Do you have any examples of statements by people who deny that the climate changes?

Quote:I haven't found anyone who denies that the climate changes. Do you have any examples of statements by people who deny that the climate changes?
It remains the same in China. People wear masks due to their poor air quality year round.

Hopefully they don't start a clean air act there, that will drive up prices of all their goods and services we import.
Quote:I haven't found anyone who denies that the climate changes. Do you have any examples of statements by people who deny that the climate changes?
Maybe not any more since they can't deny all of the science any longer. Nearly all GOP politicians and some Dem politicians at least until recently. The tact was absolutely nothing is happening. It's a fraud, a scheme, a total lie. Now its, well something might be happening but it's not humans that's just silly that's a fraud, a scheme, a lie. 
Quote:Maybe not any more since they can't deny all of the science any longer. Nearly all GOP politicians and some Dem politicians at least until recently. The tact was absolutely nothing is happening. It's a fraud, a scheme, a total lie. Now its, well something might be happening but it's not humans that's just silly that's a fraud, a scheme, a lie.

It's nature and its natural processes. Same as it had been for all of recorded history and before.
Quote:It's nature and its natural processes. Same as it had been for all of recorded history and before.
Maybe, maybe not. Real scientists are doing work and accumulating data. Currently they think one thing more data could change that since that's how science works. That's the best part about science. it doesn't matter what you or I think, science just is what it is. Arguing about it from an untrained and clearly political bias is silly. 
Quote:It's nature and its natural processes. Same as it had been for all of recorded history and before.
Our river here in Jax isnt safe for swimming near downtown, nor is eating the fish. Friggin natural process and nature!!


I, too, am no scientist, but theres no way I will believe mankind isnt screwing up the environment. Which makes me lean toward that some our actions have caused a shift from what was normal years ago to somewhat different. But the bottom line to me is...whats wrong with not dumping poisons into our waters, sending so much crap into the air it produces acid rain? Our oceans? They're becoming a dumping ground cesspool. Then theres our energy debate...oil. That nasty crap has caused many problems from financial problems to wars, so why not seek alternative sources? 

If the argument is that its a money grab hoax, then it is what it is. We've spent way more on other things that make one want to spit. At least this has a possibility of slowing down a potential dangerous hazard. All the while, cleaning up somewhat. 

Years ago India and China, with little or no regulatory laws werent as huge in industrial production. Now they are, and they've certainly added to some of our planetary woes, from air pollution to over fishing to toxic waste dumps....soon these guys with their growing population and industrial needs will need more room.

At least lets keep investigating and trying to agree on a solution. Remember when cigarettes were good, reduced stress,etc. People believed that it wouldnt cause death...years later...oh how some wish they would have listened to those few whacko scientist/doctors. 

Gotta go..my Hummer is running outside with the AC full tilt, ready to pull my cigarette boat out to those oil rigs for a protest.
Quote:Our river here in Jax isnt safe for swimming near downtown, nor is eating the fish. Friggin natural process and nature!!


I, too, am no scientist, but theres no way I will believe mankind isnt screwing up the environment. Which makes me lean toward that some our actions have caused a shift from what was normal years ago to somewhat different. But the bottom line to me is...whats wrong with not dumping poisons into our waters, sending so much crap into the air it produces acid rain? Our oceans? They're becoming a dumping ground cesspool. Then theres our energy debate...oil. That nasty crap has caused many problems from financial problems to wars, so why not seek alternative sources? 

If the argument is that its a money grab hoax, then it is what it is. We've spent way more on other things that make one want to spit. At least this has a possibility of slowing down a potential dangerous hazard. All the while, cleaning up somewhat. 

Years ago India and China, with little or no regulatory laws werent as huge in industrial production. Now they are, and they've certainly added to some of our planetary woes, from air pollution to over fishing to toxic waste dumps....soon these guys with their growing population and industrial needs will need more room.

At least lets keep investigating and trying to agree on a solution. Remember when cigarettes were good, reduced stress,etc. People believed that it wouldnt cause death...years later...oh how some wish they would have listened to those few whacko scientist/doctors. 

Gotta go..my Hummer is running outside with the AC full tilt, ready to pull my cigarette boat out to those oil rigs for a protest.
What's wrong with it? It impedes corps from maximizing profits by imposing unfair regulations on them. At least that's the impressions I get the argument is. 
Quote:What's wrong with it? It impedes corps from maximizing profits by imposing unfair regulations on them. At least that's the impressions I get the argument is. 
One huge reason companies have shifted their businesses over seas and Mexico. You dont see them going to Germany,Sweden,Canada,etc. There they pay a fair wage and have regulatory environmental laws. The labor is just a small part of the shift to India, China, Viet Nam,Mexico. They welcome US companies with open arms, open air and open waters. This to me is the big threat that will ultimately be this countrys demise.; The profit over people mantra, all the while promoting faux patriotism, whilst creating their plutocracy.
Quote:Maybe, maybe not. Real scientists are doing work and accumulating data. Currently they think one thing more data could change that since that's how science works. That's the best part about science. it doesn't matter what you or I think, science just is what it is. Arguing about it from an untrained and clearly political bias is silly.

So you're saying that humans aren't part of nature then. And the interpretation of science is the issue, just as it is with most other issues.
Quote:It's nature and its natural processes. Same as it had been for all of recorded history and before.

This is not true according to the experts.

This is simply your belief, which you refuse to let go of, which is the entire basis of your argument. You start with your conclusion and work your way backwards to the argument, ie the experts aren't saying what I expect to hear, therefore they are lying. It's actually exactly what you accuse the scientists of and exactly the opposite of what they actually do.
Quote:So you're saying that humans aren't part of nature then. And the interpretation of science is the issue, just as it is with most other issues.
I didn't say anything about humans and nature. I am nor sure exactly what you implying here.