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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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Quote:You quoted a scientist who said "The world has agreed..."

That is false. The world has not agreed. He is attributing his position to everyone else.

I'm sorry you are struggling with comprehension of a basic false premise, but it explains your position on more complicated matters.

Everyone in the world (with a functioning brain) most certainly does agree with him. You denying the truth doesn't make it false.
Quote:Everyone in the world (with a functioning brain) most certainly does agree with him. You denying the truth doesn't make it false.

It's false. Doesn't matter if I agree with it or not, the whole world does not agree on this topic. It's unqualified and patently false.
Quote:It's false. Doesn't matter if I agree with it or not, the whole world does not agree on this topic. It's unqualified and patently false.

There is most definitely a scientific consensus. You can deny it all you want, but it is real. You might as well deny the sun.
Quote:There is most definitely a scientific consensus. You can deny it all you want, but it is real. You might as well deny the sun.

Just so we agree that your source lied, that's all that really matters.
Quote:Just so we agree that your source lied, that's all that really matters.

No, what really matters is the Great Barrier Reef is in it's death throes thanks to the denial of basic science by the likes of you. I hope you feel happy with yourself - you are culpable in this.
Quote:No, what really matters is the Great Barrier Reef is in it's death throes thanks to the denial of basic science by the likes of you. I hope you feel happy with yourself - you are culpable in this.

Oh dear, now I'm upset. Rolleyes 


 See, when you exaggerate, as you are doing here and your source did in his statement, you make people like me even more skeptical of your claims. According to your article more than 3/4 of the Reef is healthy and in no danger. But to you folks "the whole world" thinks that the Reef is "in it's death throes." That's why most people like me just ignore your claims, because you tend to exaggerate. Because if there's no crisis then there's no funding and we all know the real rea$on$ behind the AGCC hoax.
Quote:Oh dear, now I'm upset. Rolleyes

See, when you exaggerate, as you are doing here and your source did in his statement, you make people like me even more skeptical of your claims. According to your article more than 3/4 of the Reef is healthy and in no danger. But to you folks "the whole world" thinks that the Reef is "in it's death throes." That's why most people like me just ignore your claims, because you tend to exaggerate. Because if there's no crisis then there's no funding and we all know the real rea$on$ behind the AGCC hoax.

I'm not here to change your mind, friend. Your mind is obviously already made up. And I suggest you re-read that article.
Quote:Of course not. The post I was responding to was about the great barrier reef.

Lol, you're killing me, Malabar!

Your post implies clearly that coral bleaching has more to do with farm run off than the rising temperatures of the oceans...

My post was pointing out the absurdity of your explanation.
Quote:Lol, you're killing me, Malabar!

Your post implies clearly that coral bleaching has more to do with farm run off than the rising temperatures of the oceans...

My post was pointing out the absurdity of your explanation.

The bleaching of the Great Barrier reef has more to do with farm runoff than rising temperatures. Temperatures do affect this, and it has been warmer than usual because of El Nino, but the temperatures are not records.


According to my Google search, the water temperature in Hawaii during the bleaching there was 80F. I've snorkeled in much warmer waters with unbleached corals many times. Maybe the corals around Hawaii are of a species that is particularly sensitive to temperature. Or maybe warming was not the cause there either.


The measured warming is higher in the Arctic, and in the Northern Hemisphere. In the tropics it's negligible. We're talking about a global average of less than 1 degree, and Siberia accounts for most of that. How many of your friends die when the temperature goes from 79 to 80?


Even using NOAA's highly exaggerated warming you can see that the area of the Great Barrier reef is in the lowest warming color.




Don't believe me. But don't believe people who profit from spreading alarm. Look at the data yourself.

Quote:No, what really matters is the Great Barrier Reef is in it's death throes thanks to the denial of basic science by the likes of you. I hope you feel happy with yourself - you are culpable in this.

Even if you buy into the CO2 hype and the parasite you quoted was 100% correct, there was absolutely nothing anyone in the US could have done to prevent this, short of nuclear war with China.

Quote:The bleaching of the Great Barrier reef has more to do with farm runoff than rising temperatures. Temperatures do affect this, and it has been warmer than usual because of El Nino, but the temperatures are not records.


According to my Google search, the water temperature in Hawaii during the bleaching there was 80F. I've snorkeled in much warmer waters with unbleached corals many times. Maybe the corals around Hawaii are of a species that is particularly sensitive to temperature. Or maybe warming was not the cause there either.


The measured warming is higher in the Arctic, and in the Northern Hemisphere. In the tropics it's negligible. We're talking about a global average of less than 1 degree, and Siberia accounts for most of that. How many of your friends die when the temperature goes from 79 to 80?


Even using NOAA's highly exaggerated warming you can see that the area of the Great Barrier reef is in the lowest warming color.




Don't believe me. But don't believe people who profit from spreading alarm. Look at the data yourself.

I read a couple news articles from the winter of 2015 (November time frame) which was discussing the bleaching in Hawaii.  The fact is that while El Nino can be one factor, it has only been exaserbating the issue.


Now I'm no marine biologist, but I did watch the PBS NOVA episode on Coral Bleaching a few years back.  A slight increase in temperature causes bleaching.  The prolonged raised temperature is what eventually kills off the coral, as the bleaching is a sign that the photosynthesis isn't happening.


So while El Nino's can trigger an event, the fact that temperatures overall have been rising is creating a bigger problem.  


And the idea the farm run off is causing the bleaching, again, is just silly.  Unless you want to provide a source that states your claim that farm run off is the big factor of coral bleaching, I'm just not gonna believe that to be the issue here.
Quote:I read a couple news articles from the winter of 2015 (November time frame) which was discussing the bleaching in Hawaii.  The fact is that while El Nino can be one factor, it has only been exaserbating the issue.


Now I'm no marine biologist, but I did watch the PBS NOVA episode on Coral Bleaching a few years back.  A slight increase in temperature causes bleaching.  The prolonged raised temperature is what eventually kills off the coral, as the bleaching is a sign that the photosynthesis isn't happening.


So while El Nino's can trigger an event, the fact that temperatures overall have been rising is creating a bigger problem.  


And the idea the farm run off is causing the bleaching, again, is just silly.  Unless you want to provide a source that states your claim that farm run off is the big factor of coral bleaching, I'm just not gonna believe that to be the issue here.

I rechecked that and you are right. Runoff can kill corals, but does not cause bleaching.


Apparently bleaching is predominantly caused by rapid temperature changes.
 Excess UV (lack of clouds) is the other major cause. Global warming is a slow change, but may make bleaching more likely. That's especially true during El Nino events like this year's. I still doubt the fraction of a degree warming caused by Global Warming is responsible, we're not talking about a lot of warming in the tropics. Corals have been around since before the dinosaurs, and the planet has been much warmer than the present for most of that time.
Should come visit the reef while it still worth visiting. If you can get a couple of weeks off work that is...
Quote:It's false. Doesn't matter if I agree with it or not, the whole world does not agree on this topic. It's unqualified and patently false.



"No scientific body of national or international standing maintains a formal opinion dissenting from any of these main points. The last national or international scientific body to drop dissent was the American Association of Petroleum Geologists,<sup>[13]</sup> which in 2007<sup>[14]</sup> updated its statement to its current non-committal position."


Even the oil industry has quit denying man-made climate change!  


"No scientific body of national or international standing maintains a formal opinion dissenting from any of these main points. The last national or international scientific body to drop dissent was the American Association of Petroleum Geologists,<sup>[13]</sup> which in 2007<sup>[14]</sup> updated its statement to its current non-committal position."


Even the oil industry has quit denying man-made climate change!  

1. Wikipedia on Global Warming is about as unbiased as the Westboro Baptist Church is on homosexuality. You might want to investigate other sources in the future.


2. None of those bodies have polled their members (hmm, I wonder why not). The "opinions" are strictly by the ruling members of the bodies, essentially the political activists.


3. In any case, it only takes one scientist who disagrees to make the statement a lie and flsprtsgod right. In this particular survey there are a lot less than 97% who buy into the alarm.


Quote:1. Wikipedia on Global Warming is about as unbiased as the Westboro Baptist Church is on homosexuality. You might want to investigate other sources in the future.

2. None of those bodies have polled their members (hmm, I wonder why not). The "opinions" are strictly by the ruling members of the bodies, essentially the political activists.

3. In any case, it only takes one scientist who disagrees to make the statement a lie and flsprtsgod right. In this particular survey there are a lot less than 97% who buy into the alarm.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://gmuchss.az1.qualtrics.com/CP/File.php?F=F_cRR9lW0HjZaiVV3'>https://gmuchss.az1.qualtrics.com/CP/File.php?F=F_cRR9lW0HjZaiVV3</a>

You are a such a troll. No one will ever love you.
Quote:1. Wikipedia on Global Warming is about as unbiased as the Westboro Baptist Church is on homosexuality. You might want to investigate other sources in the future.


2. None of those bodies have polled their members (hmm, I wonder why not). The "opinions" are strictly by the ruling members of the bodies, essentially the political activists.


3. In any case, it only takes one scientist who disagrees to make the statement a lie and flsprtsgod right. In this particular survey there are a lot less than 97% who buy into the alarm.



Science isn't a democratic process.  A small percentage of scientists disagreeing doesn't mean that it's an invalid theory.  Not even the law of gravity is 100%.  Vaccines certainly aren't.  The great thing about science is that you don't have to believe for it to be true.  And when new data is available, it changes.  

Quote:Science isn't a democratic process. A small percentage of scientists disagreeing doesn't mean that it's an invalid theory. Not even the law of gravity is 100%. Vaccines certainly aren't. The great thing about science is that you don't have to believe for it to be true. And when new data is available, it changes.

Who doesn't believe in gravity? Lol that's so crazy it makes me curious.
Quote:Science isn't a democratic process.  A small percentage of scientists disagreeing doesn't mean that it's an invalid theory.  Not even the law of gravity is 100%.  Vaccines certainly aren't.  The great thing about science is that you don't have to believe for it to be true.  And when new data is available, it changes.  

Yes, but the damage done by the Envrioweenies while acting on what they "know" at the moment doesn't change.
Ahh yes, the damage of making our air cleaner.   Not to mention trying to find an energy source so our country can be less dependent on foreign energy sources.