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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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maybe Leo should stop flying around in his jet all day and they would have more snow
Quote:maybe Leo should stop flying around in his jet all day and they would have more snow

It wouldn't do any good. There is really nothing any of us can do, unfortunately.
Quote:It wouldn't do any good. There is really nothing any of us can do, unfortunately.

We can implement a carbon tax. Surely that will make the world wonderful again and end this nightmare.
Quote:We can implement a carbon tax. Surely that will make the world wonderful again and end this nightmare.

Yea that would actually help a lot and save folks a bunch of money.
Quote:Yea that would actually help a lot and save folks a bunch of money.

You really should get into stand up, your material is fantastic!
Quote:You really should get into stand up, your material is fantastic!

While I appreciate the encouragement, I don't think science journals and economic forecasts are bringing many smiles to peoples' faces these days, unfortunately.
Quote:While I appreciate the encouragement, I don't think science journals and economic forecasts are bringing many smiles to peoples' faces these days, unfortunately.

Well, they do to those of us who understand the motivation.
Another day, another financial boondoggle.



Quote:Another day, another financial boondoggle.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/patrick-goodenough/days-after-500000-us-contribution-un-green-climate-fund-increases'>http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/patrick-goodenough/days-after-500000-us-contribution-un-green-climate-fund-increases</a>

That's propaganda but whatev.
Quote:That's propaganda but whatev.

[Image: mqdefault.jpg]
Quote:[Image: mqdefault.jpg]

The website you posted your blog from is a partisan rag. Enjoy your echo chamber. I refuse to out my head in the sand. The articles I post are not propaganda. It's mainstream news.
Quote:The website you posted your blog from is a partisan rag. Enjoy your echo chamber. I refuse to out my head in the sand. The articles I post are not propaganda. It's mainstream news.

That you think mainstream news is anything but propaganda makes me laugh.
Quote:That you think mainstream news is anything but propaganda makes me laugh.

Wow so edgy. Go vote for trump
Quote:Wow so edgy. Go vote for trump

It's ok lil' fella, Uncle Donnie will make it all better.

Better vote for trump or this be be a real thing we have to deal with.

Better vote for trump or this be be a real thing we have to deal with.

The same Hansen who said New York would be underwater in 30 years ... in 1980. He has been dead wrong in his predictions time after time.

I bet you still believe the massive starvation by 2000 claims too.


And again I suggest you look at the tide gauges on the NOAA website. You know, actual data rather than the predictions of some prophet of doom. The rate of sea level rise hasn't changed since measurements started over 100 years ago, and the average is about 8" per century. The rate at any specific tide gauge is affected by local crustal elevation changes, so in some places the rate is higher, in others it's actually below zero.


Since you worship the Guardian as some sort of god of objectivity, here's another prediction from them:



<a class="" href='http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-change'>Climate change</a> over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters..

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;">A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.



You only have 3.8 years left.

Dang, England only has 4 years to live. Unfortunate.


Great news if you hate natural wonders^