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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/aug/23/tom-harris-global-warming-deceptive-temperature-re/'>http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/aug/23/tom-harris-global-warming-deceptive-temperature-re/</a>

Opinion piece from a conservative rag.

Keep tryin
Quote:Opinion piece from a conservative rag.

Keep tryin

I'm not really even trying because global warming climate change is such a farce.  July was allegedly the "hottest month on record" by 0.020 degree Celsius.  This is data from NOAA and NASA.
Quote:I'm not really even trying because <del>global warming</del> climate change is such a farce. July was allegedly the "hottest month on record" by 0.020 degree Celsius. This is data from NOAA and NASA.

Quote:Opinion piece from a conservative rag.

Keep tryin

As opposed to your posts from objective impartial media? 


Is there anything in that article you disagree with?

Quote:As opposed to your posts from objective impartial media?

Is there anything in that article you disagree with?

I didn't read it. I'm not really interested in blatant political propaganda.
Quote:I didn't read it. I'm not really interested in blatant political propaganda.


If we keep the pace up, I'm quite sure we can make three whole meters. What a time to be alive!

If we keep the pace up, I'm quite sure we can make three whole meters. What a time to be alive!

Did you read the article?


One meter in 200 years is hardly a cause for concern. Tuvalu was the poster child for sea level rise until someone compared satellite photos with decades old aerial photos and discovered that their land area had actually increased while the sea levels supposedly rose.


200 years ago we had just repelled a British attack. Both sides used muskets and sailing ships. Railroads weren't around yet, much less air travel. If humanity hasn't progressed sufficiently to deal with a one meter sea level rise 200 years from now, then we'll deserve whatever misery it causes.

Quote:Did you read the article?


One meter in 200 years is hardly a cause for concern. Tuvalu was the poster child for sea level rise until someone compared satellite photos with decades old aerial photos and discovered that their land area had actually increased while the sea levels supposedly rose.

200 years ago we had just repelled a British attack. Both sides used muskets and sailing ships. Railroads weren't around yet, much less air travel. If humanity hasn't progressed sufficiently to deal with a one meter sea level rise 200 years from now, then we'll deserve whatever misery it causes.

Hey, give the guy some credit. At least he dropped the Obama hanging a cigarette avatar...baby steps!
Quote:Did you read the article?

One meter in 200 years is hardly a cause for concern. Tuvalu was the poster child for sea level rise until someone compared satellite photos with decades old aerial photos and discovered that their land area had actually increased while the sea levels supposedly rose.

200 years ago we had just repelled a British attack. Both sides used muskets and sailing ships. Railroads weren't around yet, much less air travel. If humanity hasn't progressed sufficiently to deal with a one meter sea level rise 200 years from now, then we'll deserve whatever misery it causes.

2100 is 85 years now. Most projections are for this century. This one is actually a guarantee. There's a difference. Also, bear in mind these models are generally very conservative so as not to appear as alarmist. The reality is it will happen faster than the models predict.
But don't listen to me, here it is verbatim from the article I've posted:

""Right now we have committed to probably more than three feet (one meter) of sea level rise, just based on the warming we have had so far," said Steve Nerem of the University of Colorado, Boulder and leader of NASA's sea level rise team.

"It will very likely get worse in the future," he told reporters.

"The biggest uncertainty is predicting how quickly the polar ice sheets will melt."

Melting faster

The last major predictions were made in 2013 by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Based on a consensus of international researchers, the IPCC said global sea levels would likely rise from one to three feet by the end of the century.

Nerem said the latest satellite data suggests the higher end of that range is more likely."
Quote:But don't listen to me, ...

Don't worry, we're not.
Quote:2100 is 85 years now. Most projections are for this century. This one is actually a guarantee. There's a difference. Also, bear in mind these models are generally very conservative so as not to appear as alarmist. The reality is it will happen faster than the models predict.

This is so far from a "guarantee" that it's laughable. Right now the sea level is rising at a rate of 3mm per year. That's the same rate it rose in the early part of the 20th century. There has been no increase from the natural rise that has occurred since the end of the little ice age. If you remember, I posted a link to the Miami tidal gauge. The rate of sea level rise has been constant.


3mm per year is 300mm per century. At this rate the sea will be 0.3 meters higher in 2115. The whole panic theory presumes that the rate will magically increase to 10mm per year. Assuming the increase in rate is gradual, it would have to increase to 20 or more mm per year at the end of the century. That's twice what the rate was during the post-glaciation period when there was lots of much more easily melted ice. Greenland is rarely warmer than freezing, Antarctica never. One meter by 2100 just can't happen.

Quote:But don't listen to me, here it is verbatim from the article I've posted:

""Right now we have committed to probably more than three feet (one meter) of sea level rise, just based on the warming we have had so far," said Steve Nerem of the University of Colorado, Boulder and leader of NASA's sea level rise team.

"It will very likely get worse in the future," he told reporters.

"The biggest uncertainty is predicting how quickly the polar ice sheets will melt."

Melting faster

The last major predictions were made in 2013 by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Based on a consensus of international researchers, the IPCC said global sea levels would likely rise from one to three feet by the end of the century.

Nerem said the latest satellite data suggests the higher end of that range is more likely."

Note the weasel words I highlighted. How you get "guaranteed" from that is beyond me.


And the latest satellite data doesn't show any increase in the rate. NONE! Here is the figure from Steve Nerem himself:


I was told that the sea levels began to recede the day Obama was Immaculated.

Did they not speak the truth?

Whatever will I tell my children?
No More Cereal for Conservatives

I have to imagine the boycott will be in effect after this silly little outing:

Quote:No More Cereal for Conservatives

I have to imagine the boycott will be in effect after this silly little outing:


The CEO of General Mills is a stupid idiot?


In other news, water is wet.