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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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Another day, another climate milestone

So explain why the alarmist crowd continues citing conglomerations of local measurements that have been adjusted, extrapolated, and outright fabricated, while they ignore the two temperature data sets that have actual comprehensive global measurements?

Twisting the data to prove your point is not science, it's religion.

Quote:So explain why the alarmist crowd continues citing conglomerations of local measurements that have been adjusted, extrapolated, and outright fabricated, while they ignore the two temperature data sets that have actual comprehensive global measurements?

Twisting the data to prove your point is not science, it's religion.

I really hope you get paid for your time.

Goodbye, Greenland! We hardly knew ya!
To anyone that claims Global Warming is a myth or a lie...




NASA claims that it is not.


along with NOAA



[Image: global-temp-and-co2-1880-2009.gif]




and what about the giant craters in Russia?
Quote:To anyone that claims Global Warming is a myth or a lie...




NASA claims that it is not.


along with NOAA



[Image: global-temp-and-co2-1880-2009.gif]




and what about the giant craters in Russia?

Another appeal to authority? You must believe in Astrology too. 97% of professional astrologers agree that what happens to you tomorrow depends on the alignment of the planets at your birth.


The climate change departments of both NASA and NOAA are run by individuals, they are not the whole of the organization. And both depend on continued alarm in order to get continued funding. If there's no problem, there's no funding.


Do you really believe the global temperature in 1880 was known to within one degree? Two thirds of the planet is ocean, how many thermometers were there in the ocean to measure daily or even monthly temperature in 1880? How many in Africa? South America? Asia?


We really only have global temperature measurements since 1979. The only truly global temperature measurements are the satellite measurements. They show a rise of about 0.4 degrees since 1979 when the world was recovering from a cold decade significant enough to make new-ice-age headlines.

You merely need to go outside to know that something is wrong.  I mean the polar caps are melting at a rate never before witnessed by man (in written history), water levels are rising, and freak wx in places that never had things occur before such as tornado's in PA for example.

Quote:Another appeal to authority? You must believe in Astrology too. 97% of professional astrologers agree that what happens to you tomorrow depends on the alignment of the planets at your birth.

The climate change departments of both NASA and NOAA are run by individuals, they are not the whole of the organization. And both depend on continued alarm in order to get continued funding. If there's no problem, there's no funding.

Do you really believe the global temperature in 1880 was known to within one degree? Two thirds of the planet is ocean, how many thermometers were there in the ocean to measure daily or even monthly temperature in 1880? How many in Africa? South America? Asia?

We really only have global temperature measurements since 1979. The only truly global temperature measurements are the satellite measurements. They show a rise of about 0.4 degrees since 1979 when the world was recovering from a cold decade significant enough to make new-ice-age headlines.

Hey friend. Just so you know, listening to professionals and experts isn't an appeal to authority. It's called not being a moron. It's called not having your politics so far up your butt you would rather believe lies bloggers on the Internet and congerssional republicans tell you.

Hey I got an idea. If we aren't supposed to listen to experts, you should probably sue the court system. Cause a lot of times they call get an expert to come testify on a case. It's called expert testimony. What a joke that is! Can you imagine how many innocent lives have been destroyed by these people!? Probably some big money in it for you that lawsuit. I wouldn't hire a lawyer tho, you better represent yourself, wouldn't want an expert muddling things up for ya.
The internet creates an illusion whereby people mistake access to information for their understanding of the information. Hence deferring to experts being a sane and reasonably position.
Quote:You merely need to go outside to know that something is wrong.  I mean the polar caps are melting at a rate never before witnessed by man (in written history), water levels are rising, and freak wx in places that never had things occur before such as tornado's in PA for example.


Yeah, sorry, even a generous 6,000 out of 4,500,000,000 years is insignificant. 
Quote:Hey friend. Just so you know, listening to professionals and experts isn't an appeal to authority. It's called not being a moron. It's called not having your politics so far up your butt you would rather believe lies bloggers on the Internet and congerssional republicans tell you.

Hey I got an idea. If we aren't supposed to listen to experts, you should probably sue the court system. Cause a lot of times they call get an expert to come testify on a case. It's called expert testimony. What a joke that is! Can you imagine how many innocent lives have been destroyed by these people!? Probably some big money in it for you that lawsuit. I wouldn't hire a lawyer tho, you better represent yourself, wouldn't want an expert muddling things up for ya.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. When an expert legal witness continually changes his story then his credibility is shot and he's no longer used. When your credible witnesses are caught manipulating their data and flat out pulling numbers out of the collective [BLEEP] you just double down and dig in deeper.
Quote:Yeah, yeah, yeah. When an expert legal witness continually changes his story then his credibility is shot and he's no longer used. When your credible witnesses are caught manipulating their data and flat out pulling numbers out of the collective [BAD WORD REMOVED] you just double down and dig in deeper.

Believe in your fairy tales; I don't care.
Quote:You merely need to go outside to know that something is wrong.  I mean the polar caps are melting at a rate never before witnessed by man (in written history), water levels are rising, and freak wx in places that never had things occur before such as tornado's in PA for example.

So you live in the Arctic? While the sea ice in the Arctic is below average, the Antarctic set a record for most sea ice just last year.


If you are referring to WRITTEN history, there wasn't anything written about the extent of the polar caps. We have no good measurements of them until satellites. But there were historical records of the Vikings farming in Greenland and grapes being grown in Scotland 1000 years ago.


YOU need to go outside. Does it feel warmer than it did 15 years ago? Go to Majorie Kinnan Rawlings house in Cross Creek. There's a map of where the orange groves used to be. There's no way people grow oranges that far north any more, because it has gotten COLDER. Even the groves around Clermont have been abandoned due to cold.


Go to the beach. Is the water warmer? The water levels are rising, but not rising any faster than they have been since they started keeping records over 100 years ago. For instance:




Tornadoes are down. This March was the only the second time that ZERO tornadoes were reported that month (1969 was the other). also, historically there have been plenty of tornadoes in PA. Look at the maps at the bottom of this page:




You need to look at the actual data rather than just read press releases
Quote:Hey friend. Just so you know, listening to professionals and experts isn't an appeal to authority. It's called not being a moron.

You keep believing that. Do you then listen to professional Astrologers? They are the "experts" in that field.


And, if you do think that, when are you going to quote experts rather than some Guardian reporter?

Quote:Believe in your fairy tales; I don't care.

We know, you tell us your own all the time.


Once upon a time...


Quote:We know, you tell us your own all the time.

Once upon a time...


That's not the narrative. It's just a lot of unnessary hardship and a terrific amount of money and coastline that we are talking about.
Quote:You keep believing that. Do you then listen to professional Astrologers? They are the "experts" in that field.

And, if you do think that, when are you going to quote experts rather than some Guardian reporter?

You're right. Better bone up on my blogs.
Quote:That's not the narrative. It's just a lot of unnessary hardship and a terrific amount of money and coastline that we are talking about.

It's exactly the narrative. The only unnecessary hardship is on those of us being pushed to give up our lifestyle for a bogeyman.
Quote:You're right. Better bone up on my blogs.

A better choice would be NOAA.gov. Their director is a believer like you, so that should suit your needs. Unfortunately the actual data they provide doesn't support the agenda.

Quote:A better choice would be NOAA.gov. Their director is a believer like you, so that should suit your needs. Unfortunately the actual data they provide doesn't support the agenda.

Except it does.

Here's another expert for you to ignore/discount/claim conspiracy.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/3qkkzw/i_am_christiana_figueres_the_top_un_climate/'>https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/3qkkzw/i_am_christiana_figueres_the_top_un_climate/</a>

She is answering questions today. Maybe you should call her out on her mess? See how that goes. Be sure to cite your blogs.
Quote:Except it does.

Here's another expert for you to ignore/discount/claim conspiracy.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/3qkkzw/i_am_christiana_figueres_the_top_un_climate/'>https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/3qkkzw/i_am_christiana_figueres_the_top_un_climate/</a>

She is answering questions today. Maybe you should call her out on her mess? See how that goes. Be sure to cite your blogs.

Expert? A politician with a degree in anthropology? By that criteria just about everyone who posts here is an expert.