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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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Quote:What are you on about. Science shouldn't be about political opinion. Let's say the science is wrong, isn't using renewables better than using up finite resources anyway?

The only reason those two deny the reality of climate change is because acknowledging it's reality would be extremely damaging to their worldview. Instead of adapting their worldview to the new facts, they have decided to claim that certain political powers and an international cabal of climate scientists are conspiring to scam the entire world. Presumably for world domination.

It's extremely fascinating watching the two of them squirm. But it's all in their heads. Hard, hard heads.
Quote:The only reason those two deny the reality of climate change is because acknowledging it's reality would be extremely damaging to their worldview. Instead of adapting their worldview to the new facts, they have decided to claim that certain political powers and an international cabal of climate scientists are conspiring to scam the entire world. Presumably for world domination.

It's extremely fascinating watching the two of them squirm. But it's all in their heads. Hard, hard heads.

Yes yes, facts that change whenever they are inconvenient to the cultists.
The only reason we're having this conversation is because alternative fuel sources cannot compete with fossil fuels at current. If they require more energy and more resources to be brought to market then by definition they won't actually reduce the amount of emissions.
Hope nobody here is caught up in the crazy blizzard.
It snowed in Jax Beach today. We'll have a tough time digging out.
Quote:Hope nobody here is caught up in the crazy blizzard.

I'm actually up in the Philly area this weekend. We got 18 to 22 inches of snow. Everything was shut down yesterday. We marathoned "making a murderer" which is ridiculous. I think there is still a state of emergency in the city.

I heard that 22 inches was the annual average. So they've had their year's worth in one day. One of the effects of global warming is more precipitation in wet areas and less precipitation where it is normally drier. Not saying that was the case here tho of course. Can't say it didn't play a part either seeing how Jonas was another record setter.
Quote:The only reason those two deny the reality of climate change is because acknowledging it's reality would be extremely damaging to their worldview. Instead of adapting their worldview to the new facts, they have decided to claim that certain political powers and an international cabal of climate scientists are conspiring to scam the entire world. Presumably for world domination.

It's extremely fascinating watching the two of them squirm. But it's all in their heads. Hard, hard heads.

This is from the true believers at NOAA:




“<i>Near-zero and even negative trends are common for intervals of a decade or less in the simulations, due to the model’s internal climate variability. <b>The simulations rule out (at the 95% level) zero trends for intervals of 15 yr or more</b>, suggesting that an observed absence of warming of this duration is needed to create a discrepancy with the expected present-day warming rate</i>.”

We're now at 18 years of zero trend. That's their own definition of a failure in the theory. So NOW who's the science denier?

Quote:This is from the true believers at NOAA:

We're now at 18 years of zero trend. That's their own definition of a failure in the theory. So NOW who's the science denier?

Yay! You disproved climate change again! Good job, buddy. *hangs your crayon line graph on construction paper on my fridge*
Quote:Yay! You disproved climate change again! Good job, buddy. *hangs your crayon line graph on construction paper on my fridge*

Human caused climate change. Natural climate change is unavoidable, but boy they want us to pay through the nose to try! I wonder why that is?
Quote:This is from the true believers at NOAA:

We're now at 18 years of zero trend. That's their own definition of a failure in the theory. So NOW who's the science denier?

You'd have to look at the complete model to be able to make such a case with any any significant degree of certainty.
The complete model is the 4 billion year history of the planet. The last 150 years isnt the whole picture
Quote:The complete model is the 4 billion year history of the planet. The last 150 years isnt the whole picture

It's not a pixel in the image much less a reason to change our whole way of life.
Quote:Human caused climate change. Natural climate change is unavoidable, but boy they want us to pay through the nose to try! I wonder why that is?

Ever thought that there's big oil companies who want you to ignore science and keep digging?...
Quote:Ever thought that there's big oil companies who want you to ignore science and keep digging?...

Ooga booga big oil!
Quote:Ooga booga big oil!

Just pointing out that it isn't just people who believe in climate change may be being had... Lots of money involved either way.
Quote:Just pointing out that it isn't just people who believe in climate change may be being had... Lots of money involved either way.
Quote:Just pointing out that it isn't just people who believe in climate change may be being had... Lots of money involved either way.

Only one side wants us to give up our lifestyles to appease the gods.
Quote:Only one side wants us to give up our lifestyles to appease the gods.

What lifestyles?
Ten years ago, ole ManBearPig made the prediction that we would have 10 years to save the planet or civilization would end as the Earth turns into a frying pan..

And today, people are still eating what that idiot is shoveling.. Bon Appetit
Quote:Ten years ago, ole ManBearPig made the prediction that we would have 10 years to save the planet or civilization would end as the Earth turns into a frying pan..

And today, people are still eating what that idiot is shoveling.. Bon Appetit

You eat [BLEEP] for breakfast?

Ya I bet he was talking about reaching co2 milestones in which case we are well on pace.

2016 will be the hottest year yet! At least we have Rush Limbaugh to soften the blow for us with his comic levity. What a trooper that guy is. Sticking up for us against the good guys, you know. Conflating science and just generally setting the whole of humanity back. What a great talk show host. Truely a great man.