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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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Quote:Well, I have to say, you have definitely nailed it. Somebody, somewhere, some time in the past, was wrong about something. Therefore, don't believe anything you don't like. Because there's a chance they're wrong.

Not someone somewhere same alarmists same demand "end capitalism or die"
Quote:Since you are a scientist, maybe you can explain why Miami is flooding so often these days.   St Augustine also.  





You don't need someone to explain things to you. You can go to the NOAA website and look at the data yourself. 




The sea level trend in Miami hasn't changed since measurements started around 1930, and is at about the global average rate of 8" per century, as I described in my previous post. Sea level has been rising since the start of measurements, which go back before 1900 at other places, and probably since the end of the "little ice age" which bottomed out in the 1700s. So yeah, living in a place with continuous sea level rise without ever compensating for it will eventually result in flooding. But there has been no increase in the rate because of CO2.


You need to read the cover of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.



And carry a towel.




EDIT: Here's Mayport, which I think is the closest tide gauge to St. Augustine.


Quote:And yet you still haven't taken me up on the offer. Nor have you presented a scientific counter argument. Your current disposition clearly precludes you from critical thinking. Try using science and not politics and see how far you get. Good luck Wink

Marinara? Something else?
Quote:Marinara? Something else?

Are you making spaghetti? Bit early for all that - I haven't even had breakfast. Are we having garlic bread?
Hey man... You are the pasta guy in just asking
Quote:Hey man... You are the pasta guy in just asking

Oh copy pasta...gotcha. Good one. Real funny.
U mad bru?
Quote:U mad bru?


...my mussels for this nice pasta dish we are bout to make.
And the Inquisition begins!




"Speaking at a press conference on March 29, New York Attorney General EricSchneiderman said, “The bottom line is simple: Climate change is real.” He went on to say that if companies are committing fraud by “lying” about the dangers of climate change, they will “pursue them to the fullest extent of the law.”"
Quote:And yet you still haven't taken me up on the offer. Nor have you presented a scientific counter argument. Your current disposition clearly precludes you from critical thinking. Try using science and not politics and see how far you get. Good luck Wink

I'm beyond the "debate" stage and moved on into full blown mockery of this foolishness. That you continue to believe that your precious "science" is devoid of politics shows how naive you truly are. Your clerics have told you that AGCC is nothing more than a mechanism for income redistribution, why don't you believe them on that? Because you want so badly for the world to be dying so you can be part of saving it, just like the rest of the true believers. That or you're afraid, but only the Right uses fear to motivate their adherents, right?

Quote:I'm beyond the "debate" stage and moved on into full blown mockery of this foolishness. That you continue to believe that your precious "science" is devoid of politics shows how naive you truly are. Your clerics have told you that AGCC is nothing more than a mechanism for income redistribution, why don't you believe them on that? Because you want so badly for the world to be dying so you can be part of saving it, just like the rest of the true believers. That or you're afraid, but only the Right uses fear to motivate their adherents, right?

Yea as soon as you use quotation marks around the word science is when I stop reading. This is 2016 not 1620. Good luck on your faith based understanding of how the world works, friend.
Quote:What we're involved in hardly constitutes a world war.

I don't know, man...

That coalition of the willing in 2003 was like 50 or more countries.

And this isis thing is now spilling into Europe, and most of the presidential candidates seem to be hinting about a ground war in Syria...

Seen like we've been in a world war for 13 years now...
Show a socialist that says he's a socialist and proposes socialist policies isn't a socialist but a conflict with a delocalized ideology is the same as a war among nations that killed 20 million people? Who needs the nutmeg now brother?
Quote:Yea as soon as you use quotation marks around the word science is when I stop reading. This is 2016 not 1620. Good luck on your faith based understanding of how the world works, friend.

That's nice. Best of luck with your continually proven wrong ideas about science. 
Quote:I don't know, man...

That coalition of the willing in 2003 was like 50 or more countries.

And this isis thing is now spilling into Europe, and most of the presidential candidates seem to be hinting about a ground war in Syria...

Seen like we've been in a world war for 13 years now...

This feels more like the later years of Viet Nam at this point, especially if we have some political riots this summer. 
Quote:This feels more like the later years of Viet Nam at this point, especially if we have some political riots this summer.
Yeah, maybe... or the start of something really really big.

Never the less, the 2003 Iraq war and the war in Afghanistan involved nations from every continent.

That to me is the definition of a world war. Just like that picture said... off by 3 years is pretty legit...
So is global warming climate change really a security threat?  I would say no.
Quote:So is <del>global warming</del> climate change really a security threat? I would say no.

The DOD disagrees.

Sometimes you have to laugh or else you'll cry. And I guess there is a third option but that involves a psychosis.