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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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Copy pasta baby.
Quote:Copy pasta baby.

Are you trying to say something? Use your words.

Great news if you hate natural wonders^

This is a human-caused problem, but not from the water temperature being a fraction of a degree warmer than it was during the little ice age. The main problem is nutrient runoff from Australian farms. The Global Warming industry has sucked up much of the money that was previously dedicated to fixing real environmental problems.

Quote:This is a human-caused problem, but not from the water temperature being a fraction of a degree warmer than it was during the little ice age. The main problem is nutrient runoff from Australian farms. The Global Warming industry has sucked up much of the money that was previously dedicated to fixing real environmental problems.

That doesn't sound correct...  What's the Global Warming Industry?  Are you talking about colleges and universities that do research?  And government agencies like NASA, the EPA, etc?


Because those really aren't "industries" in the sense I think you're trying to use it.


I mean, there's an oil industry.  There's the automobile industry that is giving us electric and hybrid cars.  But for the life of me, I can't think of "Global Warming Industry".
Quote:This is a human-caused problem, but not from the water temperature being a fraction of a degree warmer than it was during the little ice age. The main problem is nutrient runoff from Australian farms. The Global Warming industry has sucked up much of the money that was previously dedicated to fixing real environmental problems.

You are such a troll.

Literally verbatim from the article:

"Professor Justin Marshall, a reef scientist from the University of Queensland, said the reason for these bleaching events was clear.

"What we're seeing now is unequivocally to do with climate change," he told 7.30.

"The world has agreed, this is climate change, we're seeing climate change play out across our reefs."

You don't know better than the world.
Quote:You are such a troll.

Literally verbatim from the article:

"Professor Justin Marshall, a reef scientist from the University of Queensland, said the reason for these bleaching events was clear.

"What we're seeing now is unequivocally to do with climate change," he told 7.30.

"The world has agreed, this is climate change, we're seeing climate change play out across our reefs."

You don't know better than the world.

So the guy makes a patently false statement in your quote but we should totally believe him. In reality the truth is that, to AGCC supporters, every problem looks like the climate change nail because all they have is the AGCC hammer.

What about the coral bleaching in Hawaii? Is that also from Australian farm run off water?

Quote:That doesn't sound correct...  What's the Global Warming Industry?  Are you talking about colleges and universities that do research?  And government agencies like NASA, the EPA, etc?


Because those really aren't "industries" in the sense I think you're trying to use it.


I mean, there's an oil industry.  There's the automobile industry that is giving us electric and hybrid cars.  But for the life of me, I can't think of "Global Warming Industry".

Technically not "industry", but there isn't a specific word to describe the groups that live off of tax dollars (which some actual industries also do). Maybe "parasites" would be a better term.


alternative energy industry is an actual industry that survives off of tax dollars. Which gives another example of a real environmental problem being ignored while the Australian government sends over a billion dollars to alternative energy cronies.


Quote:What about the coral bleaching in Hawaii? Is that also from Australian farm run off water?


Of course not. The post I was responding to was about the great barrier reef.

Quote:What about the coral bleaching in Hawaii? Is that also from Australian farm run off water?


That's from people wearing sunscreen.
Quote:So the guy makes a patently false statement in your quote but we should totally believe him. In reality the truth is that, to AGCC supporters, every problem looks like the climate change nail because all they have is the AGCC hammer.

There's nothing patently false about what he said. Deal with it man
Quote:There's nothing patently false about what he said. Deal with it man

Line 4 of your post is a falsehood. His position is not "the whole world."
Quote:Line 4 of your post is a falsehood. His position is not "the whole world."

That's not what you said. No one agrees with Malabar anyway so technically I would be correct even if that was what you meant.
I wonder why parts of Miami are now routinely flooding. 
St Augustine is also flooding. 



Quote:I wonder why parts of Miami are now routinely flooding.

The Miami mayor -who is republican - recently pleaded with Rubio to admit to the climate change issue. He refused.
Quote:So the guy makes a patently false statement in your quote but we should totally believe him. In reality the truth is that, to AGCC supporters, every problem looks like the climate change nail because all they have is the AGCC hammer.


Quote:There's nothing patently false about what he said. Deal with it man


Quote:Line 4 of your post is a falsehood. His position is not "the whole world."


Quote:That's not what you said. No one agrees with Malabar anyway so technically I would be correct even if that was what you meant.

Bro, do you even English?
Quote:The Miami mayor -who is republican - recently pleaded with Rubio to admit to the climate change issue. He refused.

Because he's a lying whore. He knows the truth. He's just scared to offend his base.
Quote:Bro, do you even English?

What are you trying to say? You said two different things. Stop talking from the side of your mouth and explain yourself. Who was being patently false exactly?
Quote:What are you trying to say? You said two different things. Stop talking from the side of your mouth and explain yourself. Who was being patently false exactly?

You quoted a scientist who said "The world has agreed..."


That is false. The world has not agreed. He is attributing his position to everyone else.


I'm sorry you are struggling with comprehension of a basic false premise, but it explains your position on more complicated matters.