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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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I believe that one of the head quarters for the AGCC crowd in east Anglia or some such place is actually located in an area that was historically FAR MORE TROPICAL than it is today.  They are running around screaming the sky is falling because their computer predicts a tem increase of 2.0* in the aggregate over the next century while all the poetry and literature for their part of the world harkens back to a time hundreds of years ago when there used to be much more tropical vegetation and temperature than there is now. 
Quote:I don't care what y'all think. I'm just minding my business, updating the thread as new information comes out. You guys are the ones who feel the need to 'counter' every bit of information. It's cool tho; keep bumping this thread. I appreciate it Wink
Isn't that what you do when you "update the thread as new information comes out"? :ermm:
Quote:Isn't that what you do when you "update the thread as new information comes out"? :ermm:

Naw man, he's just spreading the Gospel.
Quote:Isn't that what you do when you "update the thread as new information comes out"? :ermm:

Hey, there are some brains rattling round up there! Good for you, champ. Here's your gold star.
Quote:Hey, there are some brains rattling round up there! Good for you, champ. Here's your gold star.
Sadly, I am unable to reciprocate the compliment back to you.

This is terribly unsurprising^^

Lewandowski is a liar and a hack, who makes things up to support his dogma. Reading through the list of "talking points on climate denial blogs" (note the religious style denigration of skeptics by the use of a poisoned word) he basically makes up arguments that nobody is using and then shoots them down. Have you ever heard of the term "straw man argument?"


Of course the extreme leftist Guardian spouts back anything he says. No surprise there.

It's obvious that oil companies have more to gain by denying climate change. I'm constantly amazed that people decided to make it a political issue and fight hard against any belief in climate change, what is to gain? Thanks for supporting your global big oil company.

The preservation of.... Oh I don't know... The global economy?
Imagine the jobs boom in renewables...

So you ignore the science because of economic worries?
Quote:Imagine the jobs boom in renewables...

So you ignore the science because of economic worries?

No, we ignore the zealotry for that reason.
Quote:Imagine the jobs boom in renewables...

So you ignore the science because of economic worries?

If they were truly economically competitive we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Quote:If they were truly economically competitive we wouldn't be having this conversation.

The Wonderful World of Renewables just can't come to fruition because of the Big Bad Oil Companies.
So you think the nice oil companies would welcome news that their oil assets are ruining the environment?


Just like the cigarette companies were so forthcoming. You are very naive characters... 

By the way were you guys also deniers of the harm of tobacco and CFC's? 


Why do I get the feeling you were if old enough. I'm sure the lobby groups are happy with your continued faith against all things science...

Quote:Imagine the jobs boom in renewables...

So you ignore the science because of economic worries?

Hiring 40,000 people maintaining solar arrays to generate the same amount of energy it takes 120 people to create using natural gas is not progress.


But if that's your dream, just think how many jobs could be created if electricity were required to be solely from people hand cranking generators.
Quote:By the way were you guys also deniers of the harm of tobacco and CFC's? 


Why do I get the feeling you were if old enough. I'm sure the lobby groups are happy with your continued faith against all things science...

The whole Global Warming religion is anti-science. And isn't it the left that has been demonizing vaccines and GMO food?

Really I've never heard anyone but wackos demonize vaccinations. No idea about GM food? Why is this political though? Science isn't left or right?
Quote:Really I've never heard anyone but wackos demonize vaccinations. No idea about GM food? Why is this political though? Science isn't left or right?

The left in the US is anti-GMO and the anti-vaccine crowd is mainly from the left. In Australia it may be different.


It's political because the government is using it to justify taxes and regulations. You should know this; Australia has used Global Warming alarm to institute a carbon tax. In the US the bald eagle is protected. It's a federal crime to kill a bald eagle ... but windmill power is exempt.


Science paid for by politicians becomes left/right. 
Alarm keeps the funds flowing. When you have to pay the mortgage and pony up for your kids' braces, tossing in some disaster prediction is preferable to losing your job if the government no longer sees the need to fund climate science research. If you look at the actual science rather than the press releases, you'd see that all of those doomsday scenarios assume an extremely unlikely series of events. When you see the words "can," "might," or "may" put that in the same context as you "might" win the Powerball lottery.