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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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Happy Earth Day!




"When all the scare talk is pushed aside, it is the science that should be the basis for the debate. And the hard cold truth is that the basic theory has failed."


I'm sure that will go over swimmingly.
Lasagna tonight?
Quote:Lasagna tonight?

I'm grilling out, gotta increase my carbon footprint if I'm gonna catch up to St Al.
That's gonna be a lot of hot dogs
Quote:That's gonna be a lot of hot dogs

Every little bit helps.
No solutuon, no coverage.


Kinda scary if you ask me.
fear mongering

Quote:fear mongering

They literally said "we are not trying to scare you."
Dude, I didn't get you guys anything... apologies
I just had some flatulence.  I wonder if it contributes to global warming climate change as much as cow flatulence?

Quote:No solutuon, no coverage.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://mediamatters.org/video/2016/05/03/jimmy-kimmel-segment-featured-more-scientists-discussing-climate-change-abcs-top-news-shows-did/210191'>http://mediamatters.org/video/2016/05/03/jimmy-kimmel-segment-featured-more-scientists-discussing-climate-change-abcs-top-news-shows-did/210191</a>

Kinda scary if you ask me.

Jimmy kimmel...

I feel so sorry for u.


But, ya know, whatever we gotta do to save the world mannnnnn.

Quote:They literally said "we are not trying to scare you."

That means they are
Hmm... I guess this is permissible in order to combat global warming climate change.  After all, it is a national security threat.

Meanwhile in Ireland.... https://youtu.be/YQbNYzVVKDA
Quote:Meanwhile in Ireland.... <a class="bbc_url" href='https://youtu.be/YQbNYzVVKDA'>https://youtu.be/YQbNYzVVKDA</a>

Maybe the native Anericans had it right with their rain dances, huh?
When anybody tells me, "the science is settled", they lose all credibility.  Have any scientists that are completely self-funded weighed in on this issue?  Let me know if any ever do.

Quote:When anybody tells me, "the science is settled", they lose all credibility. Have any scientists that are completely self-funded weighed in on this issue? Let me know if any ever do.

It's settled as far as NASA and NOAA are concerned. Do you know better than them?
Quote:It's settled as far as NASA and NOAA are concerned. Do you know better than them?

I'm wrong far less frequently.