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Full Version: Jacksonville Jaguars Vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers (race for the #1 overall pick)
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Quote:We have the worst possible luck.  We'll get the 2nd pick and draft Mariota and he turns out to be a complete bust, while the Bucs get Teddy and he becomes the next Peyton Manning .



I see the whole Manning/Leaf scenario playing out.  Ugh.

If we get the 2nd pick, I'm fine with that... Just don't take the 2nd QB in the 1st round.  Pick Clowney at that point. 


Not sold on Bridgwater, anyways...
Wouldn't it be funny if we some  how go 8-8

Quote:Wouldn't it be funny if we some how go 8-8
"Funny" isn't the word I'd use, "tragic" does come to mind though
Quote:Wouldn't it be funny if we some  how go 8-8


why not?  If we are good enough, strong willed enough, well coached enough, to go 8-0,  I'd think we'd eventually hit on a QB to become a consistent winner and future SB contender.


Bridgewater isn't such a great prospect that I'm willing to cry if we don't get him.  He's just another small school QB with decent skills.  He's no Marino, Elway, or Manning, if you ask me.


Will hate on Bridgewater if we get him?  No.  But if we dont' get him, I'm not going to pretend the sky is falling...


There are many more things needed to make a perenial powehouse other than just QB.  Yes, QB must be solidified, but we got a long ways to go.  If Caldwell is the real deal, we'll get there with or without Bridgewater
Quote:Not sold on Bridgwater, anyways...

Doesn't really matter if you are sold on him or not.  It's Caldwell who's opinion I want the chance to see.

Quote:Doesn't really matter if you are sold on him or not.  It's Caldwell who's opinion I want the chance to see.

well, obviously.  Just giving my opinion.  'tis all
Quote:why not?  If we are good enough, strong willed enough, well coached enough, to go 8-0,  I'd think we'd eventually hit on a QB to become a consistent winner and future SB contender.


Bridgewater isn't such a great prospect that I'm willing to cry if we don't get him.  He's just another small school QB with decent skills.  He's no Marino, Elway, or Manning, if you ask me.


Will hate on Bridgewater if we get him?  No.  But if we dont' get him, I'm not going to pretend the sky is falling...


There are many more things needed to make a perenial powehouse other than just QB.  Yes, QB must be solidified, but we got a long ways to go.  If Caldwell is the real deal, we'll get there with or without Bridgewater
He's only a small school QB because the head coach at Miami was fired (or left can't remember what the report said) and he decided he didn't want to go there anymore so he went to elsewhere.

atm there's a report on NFL.com that compares him to Aaron Rodgers when he was coming out. However i'm not sure if this is the best thing for us seeing has Rodgers also sat behind favre and we need someone who can step in now.
Quote:Bucs take the lead.

They are only a half game in front because their game is tomorrow.
Quote:We have the worst possible luck.  We'll get the 2nd pick and draft Mariota and he turns out to be a complete bust, while the Bucs get Teddy and he becomes the next Peyton Manning .


I see the whole Manning/Leaf scenario playing out.  Ugh.

Stop pushing the panic button. This is Week 10. We have 6 games left to play. Tampa Bay has 7. Why are you acting like this is the end of the regular season?


Quote:Now that we got that win out of the way, can we please lose out?  Seriously, if we don't get the #1 pick this year I am going to lose my mind. 

We don't need to lose out to get the top pick and you know that. Teams have clinched the top pick with three wins. Teams have traded up to #1. Players have dropped a long way when they were the favorite to be the top pick. If you know even one of those facts, you know we don't need to lose any more games.
LOL @ anyone who wouldn't take 8 wins with a team in the first year of a rebuild, with the worst QBs in the history of the NFL.


That is easily the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

Quote:"Funny" isn't the word I'd use, "tragic" does come to mind though

If you think that is tragic, you hate the Jaguars like I hate the Cowboys and Ravens.
Quote:LOL @ anyone who wouldn't take 8 wins with a team in the first year of a rebuild, with the worst QBs in the history of the NFL.


That is easily the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

You just showed us your own stupidity by calling Gabbert and Henne the worst quarterbacks in NFL history. You must be 100 years old to know that.
Quote:You just showed us your own stupidity by calling Gabbert and Henne the worst quarterbacks in NFL history. You must be 100 years old to know that.
YOU, my friend, just revealed who the stupid one is.


I am in fact 107 years of age.
Quote:YOU, my friend, just revealed who the stupid one is.


I am in fact 107 years of age.

No wonder you're upset the Jags have drafted just two QB's since your 14th birthday!
What moron would seriously complain about his team going on an eight game winning streak?

I don't want an 8 game winning streak.. We aren't going to win 7 more games anyway. We barely beat the titans lol
Quote:I don't want an 8 game winning streak.. We aren't going to win 7 more games anyway. We barely beat the titans lol
If an 8 game winning streak happened at the beginning of the season, this  franchise would be a whole different story.


It was a hypothetical statement. No one thinks we are going on an eight game streak.
Quote:I don't want an 8 game winning streak.. We aren't going to win 7 more games anyway. We barely beat the titans lol

Then don't call yourself a Jaguars fan. Real Jaguars fans want an eight-game winning streak.
Quote:Then don't call yourself a Jaguars fan. Real Jaguars fans want an eight-game winning streak.

What qualifies you to decide what makes a real Jaguars fan or not?  Weren't you rooting for the Broncos against the Jaguars earlier?

Maybe people don't want an eight-game winning streak because they don't want other teams to just give away the game, because at this point that's pretty much what it would take.

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