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Quote:I still think Clinton would win. Trump essentially has all the supporters he's going to get. He has very little appeal to moderates. That's not to say that Clinton is particularly attractive to us middle-of-the-road folks, but Trump is going to face a real battle that Clinton won't: Disillusioned Republicans staying home, voting for Clinton because they find her slightly less offensive, possibly even uniting behind a third-party candidate if the GOP chooses to quietly help Rubio field an independent bid.

It's easy to find a Republican that dislikes Trump strongly enough that they'd sooner stay home or vote third party than help him get into office. It's not hard to find Rubio, Bush, Christie or Kasich supporters that would probably vote for Clinton over Trump. It's difficult to find Democrats, even the hardcore Sanders crowd, that dislike Clinton enough to show up and vote for Trump.

When all is said and done, and this could prove to be a huge help to Trump if he does win, I suspect this will be one of the lowest voter turnouts in American history. Both parties are running a candidate that appeals primarily to the extremes, even though Clinton really is one of the more centrist candidates in the entire race.

Rubio's campaign is dead and gone, but he'll stay in it because the GOP will encourage him to in hopes that they can arrange a brokered convention.

I hadn't read the rest of your post before writing the above, but it seems like we're actually seeing things the same way, more or less. I honestly don't know what I'd do in a Clinton/Trump scenario. Clinton's a snake, but Trump is (imo) legitimately dangerous. Do I dislike Trump enough to very, very unhappily cast a vote for Hillary, or do I dislike both of them so much that I write in Rand Paul and roll with the punches that our next one-term President brings to the table?

Or you could actually do yourself a favor and get behind Bernie. Primary is on the 15th here on FL.
Quote:Or you could actually do yourself a favor and get behind Bernie. Primary is on the 15th here on FL.
Sanders' plan isn't feasible. He doesn't have the money for it, and he knows it. The only way it happens is large tax increases, not just on the "1%" but coming right down into middle America. I am not going to watch my taxes go up so the value of my bachelor's degree can officially be less than that of a good roll of toilet paper.
I have extra vapes if any of you want to join me in my self-imposed cannabis escape from this madness.


Trump vs. Clinton. You can't make stuff like this up.

Quote:Sanders' plan isn't feasible. He doesn't have the money for it, and he knows it. The only way it happens is large tax increases, not just on the "1%" but coming right down into middle America. I am not going to watch my taxes go up so the value of my bachelor's degree can officially be less than that of a good roll of toilet paper.

Can't get the link to work. Might post it when I get home. You have seen it before tho. No taxes are increasing for folks making less than 250K/yr which is something like less than 5 percent of America.
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://imgur.com/drfyv82?r'>http://imgur.com/drfyv82?r</a>
And when he realizes (soon) that those tax brackets won't fund his plan, you'll see new intermediate brackets pop up, or other ways of passing the bill to the middle class (which he'd previously said he wouldn't touch).


The man is looking to fund his plan by increasing taxes on a very small subset of the population, with a subset that could best be described as miniscule taking the hardest hit. If you don't believe that he'll find some other way to make the middle class pay more without actually raising taxes, I want some of what you're on. Again, I'm not willing to give more of my money to the government so Uncle Bernie can give away for free the bachelor's degree that I spent over $50K on, and at the same time completely undermine the worth of my degree and its power in the businessplace.
Quote:And when he realizes (soon) that those tax brackets won't fund his plan, you'll see new intermediate brackets pop up, or other ways of passing the bill to the middle class (which he'd previously said he wouldn't touch).

The man is looking to fund his plan by increasing taxes on a very small subset of the population, with a subset that could best be described as miniscule taking the hardest hit. If you don't believe that he'll find some other way to make the middle class pay more without actually raising taxes, I want some of what you're on. Again, I'm not willing to give more of my money to the government so Uncle Bernie can give away for free the bachelor's degree that I spent over $50K on, and at the same time completely undermine the worth of my degree and its power in the businessplace.

That would be the other graphic. Where we save 18.8 by actually taxing the rich elite.
Quote:That would be the other graphic. Where we save 18.8 by actually taxing the rich elite.
What Sanders cleverly fails to take into account is what's already happening: older, wealthy individuals are leaving the country, renouncing their citizenship and taking their money with them. Look, I can sit here and shoot as many holes in Bernie's "make the rich pay for everything" plan as I can in Trump's "make Mexico pay for the wall" routine. Neither one is sustainable, and both will just spin us deeper and deeper into debt.
cough...  cough...  Re-balancing a quarter trillion dollar trade deficit over the course of his first term by 25% or 12.5% over his two terms would generate enough net tax revenue to cover the 12 billion dollar expenditure of the wall...  Cough cough...  


Damn Allergies.  

Quote:Sanders' plan isn't feasible. He doesn't have the money for it, and he knows it. The only way it happens is large tax increases, not just on the "1%" but coming right down into middle America. I am not going to watch my taxes go up so the value of my bachelor's degree can officially be less than that of a good roll of toilet paper.

Bernie's plan is for Community College, you know like welding, pharmaceutical techs, medical billing, sheet metal workers, computer information services, emergency medical technicians ..............and such. Besides, if you're Bachelor's Degree is devalued by the rest of society becoming more educated and higher wage earners you still benefit because those people are paying more in taxes than they would have otherwise.


Regards.....................the Chiefjag
Miley Cyrus says she will leave the country if Trump is elected..... VOTE FOR TRUMP

Quote:What Sanders cleverly fails to take into account is what's already happening: older, wealthy individuals are leaving the country, renouncing their citizenship and taking their money with them. Look, I can sit here and shoot as many holes in Bernie's "make the rich pay for everything" plan as I can in Trump's "make Mexico pay for the wall" routine. Neither one is sustainable, and both will just spin us deeper and deeper into debt.

What are you talking about?
Fox News put the candidates in the awkward position of saying they will support whomever is nominated. I figured Trump would go with the flow, but if he gets the shaft at the RNC, I see no reason he wouldn't run as an independent if this happens.

Quote:Miley Cyrus says she will leave the country if Trump is elected..... VOTE FOR TRUMP

If there is a guarantee on that, it will move me.   A little.  


If Trump will build a wall across the border with Canada to keep out Justin Bieber, that will move me more. 
Quote:What are you talking about?

People with means won't sit on their [BLEEP] while Bernie pilfers their wealth. If they can stop him from winning they'll will, if they can't they'll leave. Why do you think Trump is winning with his "low penalty to repatriate wealth" plan? Because the truly wealthy have already left the over-taxed United States for friendlier climates. Some dumb [BLEEP] Senator who just wants them to pay more isn't going to succeed, and neither are the jealous and greedy denizens that follow him.
Quote:Miley Cyrus says she will leave the country if Trump is elected..... VOTE FOR TRUMP

Bill O'Reilly says he will leave the country if Sanders is elected.... VOTE FOR SANDERS


Celebrities always threaten to leave if things don't go their way.  It back fires a lot though.  Of course Samuel L. Jackson also said he'd leave if the Trump is elected.

Quote:People with means won't sit on their [BAD WORD REMOVED] while Bernie pilfers their wealth. If they can stop him from winning they'll will, if they can't they'll leave. Why do you think Trump is winning with his "low penalty to repatriate wealth" plan? Because the truly wealthy have already left the over-taxed United States for friendlier climates. Some dumb [BAD WORD REMOVED] Senator who just wants them to pay more isn't going to succeed, and neither are the jealous and greedy denizens that follow him.

I'm supposed to care that some unknown amount of billionaires who have never done anything for me are supposedly going to let themselves get run out of town by a geriatric Jew with a fiscal policy that involves them finally paying their fair share? Color me unimpressed.
Quote:Bill O'Reilly says he will leave the country if Sanders is elected.... VOTE FOR SANDERS


Celebrities always threaten to leave if things don't go their way.  It back fires a lot though.  Of course Samuel L. Jackson also said he'd leave if the Trump is elected.

That would make it nearly impossible for him to star in his monthly movie. 
Quote:I'm supposed to care that some unknown amount of billionaires who have never done anything for me are supposedly going to let themselves get run out of town by a geriatric Jew with a fiscal policy that involves them finally paying their fair share? Color me unimpressed.

You have a distorted concept of "fair." Your jealousy clouds your rational mind. You also clearly have no concept what has been done for you. So you're both jealous and ungrateful, the true hallmarks of the immature.
Quote:Bill O'Reilly says he will leave the country if Sanders is elected.... VOTE FOR SANDERS


Celebrities always threaten to leave if things don't go their way.  It back fires a lot though.  Of course Samuel L. Jackson also said he'd leave if the Trump is elected.
O'Reilly's actually a pretty level-headed guy when he's not spitting fire for money on his show.


Also, I have had it with these [BAD WORD REMOVED] celebrities in this [BLEEP] media.


Edit: If you misspell "morther", the profanity filter does not work.

Quote:Bill O'Reilly says he will leave the country if Sanders is elected.... VOTE FOR SANDERS


Celebrities always threaten to leave if things don't go their way.  It back fires a lot though.  Of course Samuel L. Jackson also said he'd leave if the Trump is elected.

New book...Killing O'Reilly
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