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It looks like from early voting and record attendance that there is going to be enough Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians to make Trump next president. From quotes from all 3 categories of voters who have already voted in primaries they are tired of previously elected Democrats and Republicans not doing what they voted them in office for. They also seem to be tired of elected politicians continuing to benefit the people donating money instead of the people who actually voted for them. Elected politicians want to do what is better for big business rather than the employee's and customers who make it possible for all businesses to continue to stay profitable. Sad but America since the 1960's no longer looks out for what is best for America.
Quote:I love how people can act like Trump is for them when he is clearly all about himself. Hate on Bernie, but his message has been consistently "we are all in this together."

Whereas Trump has been.. America loses. It's because of (insert boogeyman here). He is not running on a platform experience or knowledge. He is not running on a platform of even helping people. He just says.. when I'm president I'm gonna fix (insert perceived issue here) and follows it up with "I guarantee you that." And nobody calls him on it to ask how.

We're gonna deport 11 million people? Good luck with that. How much will that cost? When half of them come back, then what? Oh.. a wall on the border? Are you gonna close every hidden border tunnel too? People think he's gonna lower taxes for the people who need it? Aren't these people takers and losers? People attack Obama on foreign policy.. Trump would be a [BAD WORD REMOVED] nightmare on foreign policy. He's already ticked off enough allies and enemies with his campaign schtick. He cares about two people. Himself and his daughter he wants to bang so badly. The rest of his robot family on stage is awkward to even look at.

I get it now, you just dont know what the heck ur talking about.
Quote:I get it now, you just dont know what the heck ur talking about.

Never has when it comes to politics.


I'm reluctant to back trump, because he doesn't behave like a president should.


But then I realize why that doesn't matter to those who do back him rabidly... we've had a petulant child for the last nearly 8 years to degrade the position and recondition voters into lowering the bar.


He's a more mature, sightly more right leaning version of the same cult of personality that won last time.

I disagree with the cult of personality. Obama had no track record of professional or political success. It was about lofty ideals (that had never worked when tried on a massive scale).

Like him or hate him Trump is one of the most tangiably successful people on the planet.
I'm to the point where I'm feeling that, among the three candidates that still have a realistic chance, Trump is the least offensive because he's still, I hope, a centrist in disguise.

Very little disguise when you actually look at most of his positions
Quote:Very little disguise when you actually look at most of his positions
You mean his pre-2015 positions, or the positions he holds now?
Quote:So because I believe in the conservative ideology I should just stand by and wait for the government to magically become more conservative? Obviously that isn't going to happen. In this situation for conservatives, you either vote for the person you BELIEVE, based on your own independent research, will transition the government back to its fundamentals, or accept eventually a Pinochet-like authoritarian will come along to force it back. Thomas Jefferson said it himself, "I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical...It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government."

I am not saying Donald Trump is our Pinochet, but if we elect Hillary Clinton or Marco Rubio, I can say it is guaranteed that person will eventually come.

But the person were counting on restoring the republic has a history of supporting all kinds of abuse of government. Why are we supposed to believe once given the keys to the kingdom he's going to restrain from abusing the power? If the republicans get this wrong in 4 years you can't count on the Democrats to run a constitutionalist. So best case he runs amoke for 8 years than we have to convince the country to trust a Republican again? Nope you'll get an even more radical democrate in 4 or 8 years.

And there will never be an armed revolt in America the population is to complacent. As long as you have football on Sundays walmarts open and drive through restaurants theyll sit in the boiling pot.
Quote:I'm to the point where I'm feeling that, among the three candidates that still have a realistic chance, Trump is the least offensive because he's still, I hope, a centrist in disguise.

Trumps a statist not a centrist, he doesn't think government is a problem or the problem he thinks it's ran poorly. Trump believes with the right people in charge government can fix the country's problems. That's where I oppose him.
Quote:Trumps a statist not a centrist, he doesn't think government is a problem or the problem he thinks it's ran poorly. Trump believes with the right people in charge government can fix the country's problems. That's where I oppose him.

You can oppose him all you want, but pretending it isn't going to be a person or group of persons that will return the country to its fundamentals is ludicrous. Waiting around twiddling your thumbs just further cements the subversive oligarchy ingrained in modern politics and the three branches. Something has to be done. Yes, the libertarian method of letting the invisible hand guide the nation is fine and dandy, but when that invisible hand is actively being suppressed by globalists and special interests you have to take action. You either vote the right people into office to resolve the issue, authoritarian or not, or you suffer to the point of rebellion.


The American Revolution was lead by people with an ideology of liberty, not by the ideology alone.
Quote:It looks like from early voting and record attendance that there is going to be enough Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians to make Trump next president. From quotes from all 3 categories of voters who have already voted in primaries they are tired of previously elected Democrats and Republicans not doing what they voted them in office for. They also seem to be tired of elected politicians continuing to benefit the people donating money instead of the people who actually voted for them. Elected politicians want to do what is better for big business rather than the employee's and customers who make it possible for all businesses to continue to stay profitable. Sad but America since the 1960's no longer looks out for what is best for America.


I disagree.  When the polls were taken and media pundits interviewed a year ago, everyone said Trump had no chance.  Now they are saying he can't win in a general election.  One thing I have witnessed is that you can't count Donald Trump out of a fight.  He hasn't even begun to take on Hilary Clinton.  He made one comment and she dropped in the polls, and hasn't done well with women against Bernie because of it.


Imagine if you will that he wins the Republican Primary and goes against Hilary Clinton as the Democrat candidate. 

She will say he is a sexist, and a racist.  She will beat the women & race card (despite herself being white), and Donald Trump will say...


My vice president is Condoleezza Rice.  I have a long history of employing and advancing minorities and women in my workplaces & will continue to do so as President.

Boom... she loses a big planned argument...  and he hasnt even started on her ...


He can talk about how she should be in jail for being a traitor, among other things and he will win by the biggest margin in Presidential Election history.
Quote:I get it now, you just dont know what the heck ur talking about.

Pot. Kettle. Black.
Quote:You mean his pre-2015 positions, or the positions he holds now?

Positions he holds now. Center right but a lot of center
Quote:Positions he holds now. Center right but a lot of center

Banning all Muslims is far right.   Deporting all illegal aliens is far right.   Torturing prisoners is far right. 


Putting a tariff on imported goods is far left.   Refusing to make any adjustment to Social Security and Medicare is medium left.   Supporting the Obamacare mandate is medium left.  


Where is he center right?   I don't see it. 
Quote:Banning all Muslims is far right.   Deporting all illegal aliens is far right.   Torturing prisoners is far right. 


Putting a tariff on imported goods is far left.   Refusing to make any adjustment to Social Security and Medicare is medium left.   Supporting the Obamacare mandate is medium left.  


Where is he center right?   I don't see it. 

1. Temporarily halting Muslim immigration is not partisan.

2. Trade balancing is not partisan.

3. Torture is not partisan.

4. Deporting illegal aliens is not partisan, it is enforcing the law.


Here is your problem. The left vs right paradigm isn't the defining factor for this election, or at least it shouldn't be. It also isn't Trump's appeal. It is nationalism vs globalism. Do you support equalizing (dropping) the United States with the rest of the world by supporting collusion between global corporations, the federal government, and foreign governments aka globalism, or do you support elevating and securing the US and its citizens by performing actions that benefit it's citizenry and it's citizenry alone while expelling the viral colluding establishment aka nationalism.

He can win and that's the scary part.
Quote:He can win and that's the scary part.

ya man terrifying. everybody currently in office is so swell.
[Image: 12715713_521088024718381_244852869287318...e=575A1B02]

Quote:ya man terrifying. everybody currently in office is so swell.

Yeah because I've ever said anything like that.

Trump is nothing but a sideshow.

I'm willing to bet even he himself is baffled by his support.
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