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Quote:lol this jagiblieve guy is still high on Rubio

It's the foam.
Quote:You don't see much fall off?  Really?  The dude won 35% + in the south...  THE SOUTH!  You know, the whole basis of the republican party since Nixon is to appease the dixie-crats that left the Democratic party after the Civil Rights revolution of the 60s...  It's called the Southern Strategy.  And it's a real thing.


If those people don't come out to vote, Hillary wins in a land slide...  I mean, come on...  you're  just wishful thinkin', right?


And he doesn't have to announce his independent run quickly at all.  That's not the point.  The point is that he's a disruptor.  His whole campaign as been similar and the anti-thesis of Bernie Sanders this entire time.  The thing is, Republicans are more radicalized than the establishment democrats (unfortunately...).  Republicans have been indoctrinated for years now to be upset with everyone, including republicans in the House and Senate.  Heck, Cruz called the majority leader a liar.  LOL, that's awesome, except you make your entire base distrust EVERYONE.  


Let's face it, the entire Republican Party has realized they cannot tolerate Trump.  The problem is that they didn't account for the chickens coming home to roost. The divorce from Trump will alienate the 35% of your party that you guys exploited for the last 40 years...  Ted Cruz isn't gonna gobble up those people.


Cruz is a fundamentalist radical.  His support comes from Glenn Beck listeners and the like.  That's his base.  GLENN BECK...  A guy too crazy for Fox News...  FOX NEWS!


You think moderate republicans are gonna vote for him?  Nope.  They'll just stay home.  It's a landslide if Cruz steals the nomination.  


Let that sink in for a minute.

I'm going based on what I hear most conservative leaning people say.  While some of them really like Trump, they would vote for anybody but Hillary (the presumed democrat nominee).  From what they say, they will not go with Trump to an Independent ticket, even if it comes down to that.


Now I do admit, the people that I'm around every day are a bit more educated and understand that voting for an Independent means a win for Hillary.  At most, Trump would take the younger Trumpettes with him who have no idea about how things work as well as the "ill-informed voters".  That will not be enough for him to win.


As far as more moderate leaning voters (democrats and/or republicans), yes some will stay home, but I'll bet that far more will come out to place a vote "against Hillary", regardless of who the republican nominee happens to be.


If the republican party chooses to nominate Marco Rubio, he would get those votes hands down.  I've mentioned it before and I'll say it again.  My parents happen to be life-long democrats and have said that they WILL NOT vote for either Hillary or Bernie at all.  They actually wanted Rubio to win the republican nomination and would vote for him.  There are many others like them.


That being said, they would stay home if the republican nominee was Trump or Cruz.


Quote:lol this jagiblieve guy is still high on Rubio
Quote:Well, he is going to be the appointee.

It's my opinion that Marco Rubio will probably win the nomination if it goes to a contested convention.  The GOP has made it clear that they don't want Trump, and Cruz isn't exactly the "darling" of the GOP.  I don't see the GOP being stupid enough to put someone like Bush or Kasich in, as that would basically be a "death warrant".  I do believe that most in the republican party would support Rubio, and he can win the moderate vote from both republicans and democrats.
CNN Source:


The state attorney's office in Palm Beach County, Florida, will not prosecute Donald Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski for battery, according to sources familiar with the case.


Where are the apologies from all the media that claimed Trump should've fired this man, and swore he was guilty of assault & battery?

Quote:CNN Source:


The state attorney's office in Palm Beach County, Florida, will not prosecute Donald Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski for battery, according to sources familiar with the case.


Where are the apologies from all the media that claimed Trump should've fired this man, and swore he was guilty of assault & battery?

Who said Trump should fire him?  
Quote:Sure, why not? (said with a shrug, eye roll, whatever)

If they want to abrogate their responsibilities to the government then why not make it fool proof? And if they want to argue about then they can choose to buy their own contraception. But I'm in the "give up your voter registration card if you want an EBT card" camp. If you can't fend for yourself then you turn over all your decision making to the government, not just the hard parts, and you have no business contributing to decisions that impact those of us who are paying the bills.

So people who receive EBT benefits that are employed should be stripped of their voting rights?
Hey, anyone know how Joe Paterno is doing???
Quote:Hey, anyone know how Joe Paterno is doing???

He's resting peacefully.
Quote:So people who receive EBT benefits that are employed should be stripped of their voting rights?

Yes, just like people who accept government paying for their healthcare should have to conform to a healthy lifestyle regimine to reduce our costs. If you want government to pay your way then you give up certain freedoms in the exchange.
Quote:Yes, just like people who accept government paying for their healthcare should have to conform to a healthy lifestyle regimine to reduce our costs. If you want government to pay your way then you give up certain freedoms in the exchange.

That's a pretty slippery slope, it's been said more than 1/3rd of the population is receiving government assistance and or payments. The argument is because individual X is receiving benefit Y from the government it's in their best interest to keep government empowered. Well than you have to include all the people who work for the government as X individuals receiving benefit Y. That would be teachers, police, firefighters, military, administrative workers, postal workers, ect........
I mean, really?  Has nobody been laughing their butts off over this?!?!  I mean, how 'bout that whole deal?  LOL



Quote:That's a pretty slippery slope, it's been said more than 1/3rd of the population is receiving government assistance and or payments. The argument is because individual X is receiving benefit Y from the government it's in their best interest to keep government empowered. Well than you have to include all the people who work for the government as X individuals receiving benefit Y. That would be teachers, police, firefighters, military, administrative workers, postal workers, ect........

Most of those are represented by public sector unions which should also be illegal. And it's not a slope, it's a voluntary line. You don't have to cross it.
Quote:Most of those are represented by public sector unions which should also be illegal. And it's not a slope, it's a voluntary line. You don't have to cross it.

I'm not saying I disagree, I just find people tend to be more hesitant when you hold public "workers" to the same standard as welfare recipients. 


I'm fine with welfare, if it's funded at the state level. As it is funded from the federal level it's uncontrollable. As for trading an EBT card for a voting card that wouldn't hold up under the constitution, but you know that, you're just making a point. 


I guess if we where "re-writting" the constitution there's an argument to be made there, but it absolutely can't be done under current law. 
Quote:Who said Trump should fire him?  
Ted Cruz for one, but many I think Kasich did too...


It shows Trump is smart, calm, and level headed but most of all Loyal.
Quote:I mean, really?  Has nobody been laughing their butts off over this?!?!  I mean, how 'bout that whole deal?  LOL



I mean he was reading from his paper, so I don't think that he didn't know Joe was dead .. as the media has been spinning it... i think he was talking about how the left ruined the man over something a guy under him had done..


either way it was awkward and shouldn't have been said..
Quote:Hey, anyone know how Joe Paterno is doing???

If he didn't know he was alive is it that horrible?  I mean it's not like Trump is known for his love of sports... so.. really it was strange but not a reason not to vote for the guy.
Quote:If he didn't know he was alive is it that horrible?  I mean it's not like Trump is known for his love of sports... so.. really it was strange but not a reason not to vote for the guy.

He's not known for his love of sports?  Didn't he own a USFL team?  What ever happened to that?  


And the point is that right before he said this, he was all, "I know Pennsylvania".  Come one, dude, it's funny.  No need to try and spin it.  The thing was hilarious.
Quote:Most of those are represented by public sector unions which should also be illegal. And it's not a slope, it's a voluntary line. You don't have to cross it.

I hate unions too!  Bunch of commie pigs.


Hey, who's ready for this weekend after working for 40 hours?  I know I am!  Ammmirite!?  
Quote:Yes, just like people who accept government paying for their healthcare should have to conform to a healthy lifestyle regimine to reduce our costs. If you want government to pay your way then you give up certain freedoms in the exchange.

This is the argument in favor of government control of what we eat.  Not sure if you are serious. 
Quote:I mean he was reading from his paper, so I don't think that he didn't know Joe was dead .. as the media has been spinning it... i think he was talking about how the left ruined the man over something a guy under him had done..


either way it was awkward and shouldn't have been said..

The left ruined him?   Are you implying that conservatives think it's okay to cover up crimes like child molesting?   I'm not sure if you've insulted liberals or conservatives with that post. 
Quote:This is the argument in favor of government control of what we eat. Not sure if you are serious.
America does not have a healthcare problem, it has a lifestyle problem. I just spent 4 days at a conference where the key note was on the integration of wearable technology and preventative healthcare. You guys just have no idea how intrusive the government is going to become to reduce costs. As I said, giving someone else the responsibility to pay for something means they get input into how that thing is used. The gift has strings and there's no free lunch, always. And the cost for healthcare is going to be the requirement to allow oversight of your life to mitigate risk, very soon there will be no other option. It's speaks to the power of our system that so many people live so long while living so poorly in diet and habit. The caveat is that the system is very expensive. Reactive care can no longer be the goal, prevention is the new aim, and it will inevitably reach the point where everyone must conform to program guidelines and big brother will know if you arent.
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