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Quote:You simply talked about how a nationalistic authoritarian in office is scary. We've had authoritarians types with Bush and Obama. I dont see how its somehow more scary to add in the nationalist perspective to that mix.

But that's my point. You remember how terrible Bush's authoritarian presidency was for the usa? You want more of that? More wars? More torture? More rights taken away?

But, and this is key--- Bush did not campaign and blatantly telegraph the message that trump is running on.
Quote:You're 100% correct, you're not shedding any light at all.

I don't think I've ever read a thread with your comments where you don't attack someone that disagrees with you.

It's a shame that you can't learn to have a discussion like a normal person. You may one day find, you have similarities with more people than you think. But first, you need to grow up and learn how to have a discussion like a grown man.
Quote:I don't think I've ever read a thread with your comments where you don't attack someone that disagrees with you.

It's a shame that you can't learn to have a discussion like a normal person. You may one day find, you have similarities with more people than you think. But first, you need to grow up and learn how to have a discussion like a grown man.

Empathy = nazzism. Thats grown man talk right there!

Quote:But that's my point. You remember how terrible Bush's authoritarian presidency was for the usa? You want more of that? More wars? More torture? More rights taken away?

But, and this is key--- Bush did not campaign and blatantly telegraph the message that trump is running on.

lol more wars? Trump is one of the only candidates still remaining that has expressed a desire to stay out of conflicts across the globe. Guys like Rubio are all about having our hands in everything "to keep us safe".


I've been a Rand Paul supporter, but he's out.  That's when I turned to Trump.


Torture? That's an area I disagree with Trump but its not a deal breaker for me. 


More rights taken away?  What candidate still in the race is for certain less authoritarian?  Rubio is a Bush clone; typical political puppet.  Don't say Cruz; he's a fraud. The guy bold face lied about being for the TPP last night.
Quote:Empathy = nazzism. Thats grown man talk right there!


Who said that?
Quote:lol more wars? Trump is one of the only candidates still remaining that has expressed a desire to stay out of conflicts across the globe. Guys like Rubio are all about having our hands in everything "to keep us safe".

I've been a Rand Paul supporter, but he's out. That's when I turned to Trump.

Torture? That's an area I disagree with Trump but its not a deal breaker for me.

More rights taken away? What candidate still in the race is for certain less authoritarian? Rubio is a Bush clone; typical political puppet. Don't say Cruz; he's a fraud. The guy bold face lied about being for the TPP last night.

Let me say what I disagree with first: it's my opinion that a person like trump will get us into a war, whether he's saying he wants to or not. The guy runs his mouth, has a HUGE ego, and would never allow another strong leader get the best of him. That's a recipe for WWIII, considering the other world leaders in Russia, China, Iran, and north Korea.

That's it. Everything else is stuff I'm actually on your side on.

Heck, if I was a republican I'd absolutely vote for trump over creepy Cruz or little Marco. And it's not even close.

Trump's position on free trade is aligned with mine. I totally love his critique of our corrupt political system. Heck, if you want to talk about something that trump was the first to talk about on the gop side, it's the corruption of our campaign financing. In totally on board with fixing that. I trust him way more than I trust the other 2 guys.

The fact that we have a gop candidate strong enough to call out gwb for lying us into iraq, and strong enough to point out the day that gwb failed is on 9/11 lands him a lot of respect, in my eyes.

Heck, between Hillary and trump, I'm gonna have alot of soul searching to do before I cast my ballot.

All I'm saying, and I don't think I'm off base here, is that along with alot of his positions I agree with, he is also clearly focused on appealing to a base if gop voters that identify with a style of governing and power that is highly nationalistic and leans authoritarian.
Still waiting on the authoritarian governing style.
Still waiting on you telling me who said that nonsense about Nazis and empathy...
Quote:There you go again. If you want to call him an authoritarian you're going to have to justify it with the definition of authoritarianism and show us where u think the guy is going to bypass the political process and curtail our freedoms. Until then you're just spouting off to get an emotional response.

That's easy

1. Supports the FBI demanding private company create software at their expense to manipulate their product.

2. Supports imenent domain for private gain

3. Wants to levy taxes on consumers to dicatate product price points

4. His foreign policy is very authoritarian he just said last night 20-30k troops to the middle East was an option.

I can keep going, weather or not someone likes trump we shouldn't pretend he's not an authoritarian
Trump's foreign policy is more isolationist than any of the candidates besides Bernie Sanders.  The rest of them we know will bring about more of the same world conflicts.

Quote:That's easy

1. Supports the FBI demanding private company create software at their expense to manipulate their product.

2. Supports imenent domain for private gain

3. Wants to levy taxes on consumers to dicatate product price points

4. His foreign policy is very authoritarian he just said last night 20-30k troops to the middle East was an option.

I can keep going, weather or not someone likes trump we shouldn't pretend he's not an authoritarian

Thats not authoritarianism. Authoritarianism constitutes the intentional curtailing of both the political process and the rights of individuals to serve the regime.

In the fbi case he didnt advocate the suspension of due process to target a political opponents pricacy. He believes that apple should unlock the phone like 99% of the country. The only disagreement is how global the tech should be. The 4th amendment doesnt cover the right to conspire to committ terrorist acts against the country. We have a named warrant and beyond probable cause.

I dont like immenent domain. No ones talking about abolishing it, so what makes him so special.

Tariffs passed through regular legislative business are not authoritarian.

The use of force to protect our vital national interest through and by the will of congress and the people is not authoritarian.
Quote:That's easy

1. Supports the FBI demanding private company create software at their expense to manipulate their product.

2. Supports imenent domain for private gain

3. Wants to levy taxes on consumers to dicatate product price points

4. His foreign policy is very authoritarian he just said last night 20-30k troops to the middle East was an option.

I can keep going, weather or not someone likes trump we shouldn't pretend he's not an authoritarian

Not to mention his stance on bringing back something worst than water boarding, believe me... lol.

I thought Marty's post which quoted a couple articles on authoritarianism was also very good.
Quote:Trump's foreign policy is more isolationist than any of the candidates besides Bernie Sanders. The rest of them we know will bring about more of the same world conflicts.

Possibly. But, let's not forget that trump wants to squash isis. Which could put him in a stand off with Russia.

I don't see that ending well for anyone if that were to happen.
Quote:Possibly. But, let's not forget that trump wants to squash isis. Which could put him in a stand off with Russia.

I don't see that ending well for anyone if that were to happen.

I'd say definitely, not possibly. He's one of the few candidates, only Republican candidate besides Paul I know of, willing to say we should have stayed out of Iraq and other countries which destabilized the region.  He wants the missing pages of the 9/11 investigation declassified.  No other candidate was saying this stuff before he came along.


You remember the debate in SC where the hired audience applauded Jeb Bush as he gushed over his family's presidencies? lol, disgusting. Trump was only guy willing to call him out on the failures of George W's presidency.


We helped create ISIS, but now that it exists, I understand something might need to be done regarding military action.

Quote:I'd say definitely, not possibly. He's one of the few candidates, only Republican candidate besides Paul I know of, willing to say we should have stayed out of Iraq and other countries which destabilized the region. He wants the missing pages of the 9/11 investigation declassified. No other candidate was saying this stuff before he came along.

You remember the debate in SC where the hired audience applauded Jeb Bush as he gushed over his family's presidencies? lol, disgusting. Trump was only guy willing to call him out on the failures of George W's presidency.

We helped create ISIS, but now that it exists, I understand something might need to be done regarding military action.

Remember? I mentioned it in another post when I was pointing out some of the points I agree with trump on. He's the only republican that's ever told it like it is on Iraq. He said Bush lied us into iraq. Which everyone knows is true, but for some reason, we've decided to ignore. He then called out the other Bush false narrative that he kept us safe, even though he was the president for 9 months before 9/11.

You have to give trump credit for that. At least I do. He says things that Bernie supporters are totally for.

But, as I've been saying, there are other things that give me pause.
Quote:He's the only republican that's ever told it like it is on Iraq. He said Bush lied us into iraq. Which everyone knows is true, but for some reason, we've decided to ignore. 

Uhhhh, you do know that's not true, right? That WMD have been found in Iraq? Even the NYT has conceded this point now.
Shhhhhhh. Wait till after he votes with us fl
Quote:Not to mention his stance on bringing back something worst than water boarding, believe me... lol.

I thought Marty's post which quoted a couple articles on authoritarianism was also very good.

Not to mention his threatening the media.  




Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner for President, is again threatening to roll back the media’s First Amendment protections in the Constitution.

Speaking at a rally at Radford University in Radford, Virginia, Trump condemned the media for writing “incorrect” stories about him.

“The press is amazingly dishonest, okay? The press is a real problem in this country. One of the things that’s very important to me … I think the press is worse … they’re worse than the politicians,” Trump said, arguing that about 80 percent of the press is corrupt.

“They can write anything they want and you cannot sue them, because the libel laws, they essentially don’t exist, and one of the things I’m going to do is I’m going to open up the libel laws.”



One has to wonder, if he gets elected President, will he use the resources of the federal government to go after people in the media who criticize him?  
Quote:Uhhhh, you do know that's not true, right? That WMD have been found in Iraq? Even the NYT has conceded this point now.


the pre 1991 chemical weapons shells?

Hardly the smoking gun that will be a mushroom cloud...
Quote:Shhhhhhh. Wait till after he votes with us fl

(In whiney Luke Skywalker voice) I'll never join the dark side, never!!
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