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Quote:Went in to vote and the voter sign-in system was down. Had to sign in manually. Not fishy at all. Surely this is just coincidental with Marco Rubio saying he was going to shock the world yesterday...............................................................

The Machine will protect itself.
review your votes. people in Texas reported votes being changed from Trump to Rubio when they reviewed their votes. They had to go back and change it to what they wanted. 

Quote:review your votes. people in Texas reported votes being changed from Trump to Rubio when they reviewed their votes. They had to go back and change it to what they wanted. 

How exactly does something like this happen?
Quote:How exactly does something like this happen?

Quote:How exactly does something like this happen?

tampering with code.  votes are cast with computers now in most places.
Quote:tampering with code.  votes are cast with computers now in most places.

That is a pretty serious issue if true.
Quote:That is a pretty serious issue if true.

people were calling texas am radio stations while it was happening.  There has been no definitive proof I dont think but its enough to make you look twice.

[Image: CdciaKtUMAAIwA_.jpg]

[Image: CdciaKtUMAAIwA_.jpg]

Still early but that still deserves a woot..

Unfortunately, I think John "The turd that won't flush" Kasich will probably block Donald's win in OH. Hopefully I am wrong.


<div><a class="" href='https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump'>Donald J. Trump<span>Verified account</span>‏<span style="color:rgb(177,187,195);">@realDonaldTrump</span></a>

<p class="" style="font-size:26px;">A lot of complaints from people saying my name is not on the ballot in various places in Florida? Hope this is false.

LOL.  The Trumpistas have their panties in a wad.

I've heard these reports as well where he's left off the ballot.  lol


Every dirty trick in the book is being pulled to keep him out.

I'd be upset too if my candidate was left off the ballot, and was supposed to be on there.  If it's true, that's a major violation.  

How can a candidate be left off the ballot? Is it up to the counties whom they want to put on there? This makes no sense.

Quote:I'd be upset too if my candidate was left off the ballot, and was supposed to be on there.  If it's true, that's a major violation.  

I really doubt that it's true.  There are not any reputable news organizations reporting on it from what I've seen.  The only thing that I've seen so far are twits I mean tweets from some alleged anchor that were picked up by a few blogs.


The local news stations around "Jupiter County" (which doesn't even exist) or rather Jupiter, Fl. which is in Palm Beach County are not reporting anything.  The same regarding all of the national news channels.


My guess is that the Trumpistas are preparing an excuse in case Trump doesn't win.
Quote:My guess is that the Trumpistas are preparing an excuse in case Trump doesn't win.

I wouldn't worry about that. More likely someone will need to get a Baker Act ready for Oface when his Uncle goes down to the Hillary machine.
Quote:I really doubt that it's true.  There are not any reputable news organizations reporting on it from what I've seen.  The only thing that I've seen so far are twits I mean tweets from some alleged anchor that were picked up by a few blogs.


The local news stations around "Jupiter County" (which doesn't even exist) or rather Jupiter, Fl. which is in Palm Beach County are not reporting anything.  The same regarding all of the national news channels.


My guess is that the Trumpistas are preparing an excuse in case Trump doesn't win.

Are you kidding? Trump has it in the bag and everybody knows it.
the many millions spent on anti-Trump ads down the crapper. LOL

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