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Quote:Aussie politics pretty bad too don't get me wrong! Glad you get some kind of national pride out of having a more powerful military! You certainly pay enough from taxation...

I'd rather have higher living standards, higher wages, more time off, better health care and that's before the better beaches etc

Australia is an entire .020 higher than the United States in the HDI scale, nearly a non-existant gap. Meanwhile, I get to enjoy lots of GUNS (I love guns), freedom of speech, a continent free of giant poisonous bugs, an extremely diverse and livable climate, faster internet, higher wages (Aussies don't have higher PPP), lower cost of living, much better food, and the best collegiate education the world can offer.


Australia, the literally who of countries.
My prediction Trump wins every state tomorrow except for Texas.

Quote:Australia is an entire .020 higher than the United States in the HDI scale, nearly a non-existant gap. Meanwhile, I get to enjoy lots of GUNS (I love guns), freedom of speech, a continent free of giant poisonous bugs, an extremely diverse and livable climate, faster internet, higher wages (Aussies don't have higher PPP), lower cost of living, much better food, and the best collegiate education the world can offer.

Australia, the literally who of countries.

I see you used HDI? You mean where us poor little Aussies ranked 2nd in world. Behind only Norway with their state owned oil company?

Google any most livable cities In the world and Aussie cities are at or near top.

You will find that wage rates aren't as high here higher up but the average person earns a much better wage. Walk around an Aussie city and an American one and you can see the difference instantly. Also social mobility much better here.

Have never had my freedom of speeches infringed upon in any country I have lived..So can't really comment.

There are gun ranges around, but personally don't really see the appeal. I'd rather go for a swim or a walk.

Oh and if I get cancer tomorrow I can go to local public hospital and get world class care and not be bankrupted! How awful.
Quote:Look who is talking. John Oliver has his own show on HBO for a reason. Even if you can't agree with his politics, you have to respect him.

Yeh hes funny. Doesnt mean hes an objective news person.
Quote:Yeah, you're also not American so please stay out of this.  Nobody here knows or cares about the politics of Holland or wherever you're from. But for some reason you're following so closely American politics. Very strange.
That's an interesting way of looking at it. If you want to take your toys and go home, you should probably just exit sandbox right. No need to kick sand in your own eyes first.


Quote:Rubio's campaign has really turned nasty. His donors must have threatened his future or something.
The future of Rubio's campaign, along with Cruz's and Sanders', ends tomorrow.
Quote:Yeh hes funny. Doesnt mean hes an objective news person.

Nobody claimed he was ? It was funny and laced with truth. I enjoyed his gun control ones too...
I don't understand this David Duke and KKK stuff about Trump.  He has disvowed them both several times over a decade, yet they keep trying to turn it into making Trump this racist.


Meanwhile Obama was not only endorsed by a former KKK member when he went up for President and never disvowed that guy, but he had the racist Black Panther party endorsement to this day and never said one word about it... in fact they were illegally at the polling center in Philadelphia and other places caught on media because people felt they should've been arrested & Obama did nothing & said nothing and never indited any of them..



I mean both KKK & Black Panther party are racist IMO so i dont see how one could be seen as okay but not the other..

Quote:I don't understand this David Duke and KKK stuff about Trump.  He has disvowed them both several times over a decade, yet they keep trying to turn it into making Trump this racist.


Meanwhile Obama was not only endorsed by a former KKK member when he went up for President and never disvowed that guy, but he had the racist Black Panther party endorsement to this day and never said one word about it... in fact they were illegally at the polling center in Philadelphia and other places caught on media because people felt they should've been arrested & Obama did nothing & said nothing and never indited any of them..



I mean both KKK & Black Panther party are racist IMO so i dont see how one could be seen as okay but not the other..

It doesn't matter that Trump has disavowed David Duke over 3 times now, even just a day before Jake Tapwaters interview.. This is all part of the political establishment oligarchy colluding with mass media in a coordinated effort to take down Donald Trump. This strategy is known as the "Full Mississippi" and has been used to smear campaigns in the past.




Isn't it curious that Hillary Clinton has openly embraced and supported former KKK member Senator Robert Byrd, but gets literally NO coverage about it at all? The excuse is that Robert Byrd hasn't been a member of the KKK for 50 years so it is non-factor. Well guess what? David Duke hasn't been a member for 36 years! Honest journalism? I think not.


Now we have Marco Rubio commenting about Trump's penis size and Ted Cruz speculating that Trump is a secret member of the Italian Mafia. Crazy times we live in just keep getting crazier.


Watch this video of MSNBC accidentally showing a video of a black and white man talking about how stupid all this KKK/Trump smearing is, then the host backpeddling and making an offhanded remark about how Blacks don't support Donald Trump.


Quote:It doesn't matter that Trump has disavowed David Duke over 3 times now, even just a day before Jake Tapwaters interview.. This is all part of the political establishment oligarchy colluding with mass media in a coordinated effort to take down Donald Trump. This strategy is known as the "Full Mississippi" and has been used to smear campaigns in the past.




Isn't it curious that Hillary Clinton has openly embraced and supported former KKK member Senator Robert Byrd, but gets literally NO coverage about it at all? The excuse is that Robert Byrd hasn't been a member of the KKK for 50 years so it is non-factor. Well guess what? David Duke hasn't been a member for 36 years! Honest journalism? I think not.


Now we have Marco Rubio commenting about Trump's penis size and Ted Cruz speculating that Trump is a secret member of the Italian Mafia. Crazy times we live in just keep getting crazier.


Watch this video of MSNBC accidentally showing a video of a black and white man talking about how stupid all this KKK/Trump smearing is, then the host backpeddling and making an offhanded remark about how Blacks don't support Donald Trump.



You can just see the hate dripping off that guys face. It's kind of sad. Why should anybody have to defend someone endorsing them when they never asked for an endorsement? 


The irony is, right now we are seeing exactly why people are supporting Trump. 
This whole "HE'S A RACIST" game is like the dumbest trick in the book.  Pretty typical of the left to be on this constant witch hunt calling everybody but themselves racists.


This is how the left works. They have dirty tricks like dressing up their own people in KKK outfits and showing up at rallies. It's beyond pathetic.

Quote:This whole "HE'S A RACIST" game is like the dumbest trick in the book.  Pretty typical of the left to be on this constant witch hunt calling everybody but themselves racists.


This is how the left works. They have dirty tricks like dressing up their own people in KKK outfits and showing up at rallies. It's beyond pathetic.

It is extremely sad, yellow journalism at its finest.
Quote:It is extremely sad, yellow journalism at its finest.

They have control of 90% of the media so I fear the masses will be brainwashed as usual.  Literally the first thing out of people's mouth is "He's a racist!"
Quote:They have control of 90% of the media so I fear the masses will be brainwashed as usual.  Literally the first thing out of people's mouth is "He's a racist!"

It happened early on in the campaign as well but it failed to take him down. They are trying the same playbook months later.
Quote:It happened early on in the campaign as well but it failed to take him down. They are trying the same playbook months later.

The left is not trying to take down Trump.   Trump is probably the best thing that ever happened to the left.   It's the Republican Party that is trying to take him down.   The left will take him down after he wraps up the nomination.   And I predict it will be really easy.  
Repudiation of David Duke and the KKK by a political candidate doesn't exactly proove Trump isn't racist. Having said that, he's a demagogue, not necessarily a racist. There's a difference.
Quote:Repudiation of David Duke and the KKK by a political candidate doesn't exactly proove Trump isn't racist. Having said that, he's a demagogue, not necessarily a racist. There's a difference.

So dumb. As if it's on him to PROVE he's not a racist just because the liberal agenda constantly accuses everybody who isn't liberal that they're racist.  Such claims should require extraordinary evidence, but they don't have it and people believe it immediately.


A demogogue? That's like every politician to ever exist.  This is the obsession to attack Trump that is so bizarre.  You're accusing him of doing things that all politicians do as if he invented it. Seems ridiculous.
Quote:The left is not trying to take down Trump.   Trump is probably the best thing that ever happened to the left.   It's the Republican Party that is trying to take him down.   The left will take him down after he wraps up the nomination.   And I predict it will be really easy.  

What? Every liberal outlet spends the entire day making fun of Trump.... And it shows because twitter and facebook feeds are full of one thing, TRUMP. And it's not posivitve.


Every day my facebook feed has an ad that is anti-Trump. And it's from something that I didn't ask to be on my feed. Textbook media brainwashing.


Yes, you're correct in that the Republican party (RUN BY CROOKS) like the Koch brothers, are trying to take him down. Wont argue there. That's why he gets my endorsement. Everybody is after him. That means he's doing something right.

Quote:The left is not trying to take down Trump.   Trump is probably the best thing that ever happened to the left.   It's the Republican Party that is trying to take him down.   The left will take him down after he wraps up the nomination.   And I predict it will be really easy.  

Democrats are de-registering at record rates to vote for Trump as Republican. Certainly not the best thing to ever happen for the left. I would definitely say it is a combination of the Democrat and Republican establishments trying to take down a centrist, though.

I'm a registered independent, but if I was registered republican I'd vote for Trump just to give the big "screw you" to MSM and everybody trying to talk me out of it.


If he wins I can't wait to watch the mass hysteria and overreactions as if the world will end.

Quote:Democrats are de-registering at record rates to vote for Trump as Republican.

That's news to my Democrat friends.


A link will help your case.


As for the Duke/Donald thing, former RNC chairman Michael Steele put it best last night.  Paraphrasing, he basically said that Trump played dumb about Duke because he wants the racist vote.  He is so absolutely consumed by winning, that he can't make himself turn down a possible voting bloc by alienating David freakin' Duke.  He's fully aware of who Duke is, and used the "faulty headset" excuse to get out of a sticky situation.
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