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Quote:From the Emperor himself:  


"Leave it the way it is. North Carolina, what they're going through with all the business that's leaving, all of the strife -- and this is on both sides. Leave it the way it is," he said, referring to companies that have canceled plans to move or expand businesses in the state as a result of the law, which bans transgender individuals from using a bathroom that does not match their gender at birth.


There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go. They use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate," Trump said. "There has been so little trouble. And the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife and the economic -- I mean, the economic punishment that they're taking."


This is so anti-Republican it's crazy.  This Trump sure does keep you on your toes.  Remember, he also said that Bush and Cheney lied us into Iraq and that it was a total disaster.


Pretty good stuff

Every so often the mask slips and we see the real Trump. The one who is BFFs with Shrillary.
Leave it the way it is. Labeled inauthentic.

Lift up the skirts.... Sexist racist bigot homphobe good time rock and roller.
Trump supposedly now has adults running his campaign. Look for the "New Trump", much like the "New Nixon".


It'll be interesting to see if he can stay on message and start looking "Presidential". 


Now that he has insider types/politicians at the helm and will tone down the yahooisms (supposedly), will he alienate many of his followers?


I'm praying real hard for a contested convention - just for the tremendous entertainment value. Must-see tv!

I tuned in to Meet the Press for about 25 minutes this morning. The only interruption of their all out anti-Trump onslaught was a soft ball interview with a happy ending for Uncle Bernie. The media bias in this country is appalling.

It seems on TV that almost all of it is owned by the Democrat party with the exception of FOX news.

Cruz and Kasich trying to team up to take down The Don, lol. Desperation makes a stinky cologne.
This is just...
Mitt Romney is running the primaries now?
This just adds fuel to the Trump Train. The voters have spoken and clearly don't want anything to do with the two weak chinned men trying to take down the kingpin.

After tomorrow it might not matter. If trump wins next week then it really won't matter.
Quote:After tomorrow it might not matter. If trump wins next week then it really won't matter.

I have faith that my fellow voter can see through all of this garbage and keep their eyes at the end of the tunnel. 
Quote:I have faith that my fellow voter can see through all of this garbage and keep their eyes at the end of the tunnel. 

If you have faith in me you're crazy.


I vote based on religion & color.  If that's a tie, then I usually default to the hotter looking 1st lady or 1st man.  If we're still in a tie, then the ultimate tiebreaker is the candidates stance on the Law preventing a citizen from consulting with a known pirate.  18 U.S.C. §1657 makes it a federal crime to consult with a known pirate.
Y'arr. Tis be true matey
Quote:I have faith that my fellow voter can see through all of this garbage and keep their eyes at the end of the tunnel. 

It is down to elite narcissistic individuals to run our country one has killed people with her leadership and the other simply repulses people.
After today's primary contests, we need to change the title of this thread to


"Cruz Can't Win, Kasich Can't Win, Why Are They Still In?"

Quote:It is down to elite narcissistic individuals to run our country one has killed people with her leadership and the other simply repulses people.


I'll take people who haven't shown they can't be trusted and haven't killed people for $500, Alex.
Did y'all hear that Cruz's dad hung out with Lee Harvey Oswald and was a commie sympathizer?

Man, that guy is a hot mess
Quote:I'll take people who haven't shown they can't be trusted and haven't killed people for $500, Alex.

Who is Richard Cheney?
Donald Trump can't lose is more likely the topic...


He will get the 1,237 delegates on the first vote (based on the polling of the remaining states) and once he secures the GOP nomination he'll move more to the center on issues & then rip into Hilary.

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