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Quote:Not to mention his threatening the media.  




Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner for President, is again threatening to roll back the media’s First Amendment protections in the Constitution.

Speaking at a rally at Radford University in Radford, Virginia, Trump condemned the media for writing “incorrect” stories about him.

“The press is amazingly dishonest, okay? The press is a real problem in this country. One of the things that’s very important to me … I think the press is worse … they’re worse than the politicians,” Trump said, arguing that about 80 percent of the press is corrupt.

“They can write anything they want and you cannot sue them, because the libel laws, they essentially don’t exist, and one of the things I’m going to do is I’m going to open up the libel laws.”



One has to wonder, if he gets elected President, will he use the resources of the federal government to go after people in the media who criticize him?  

If the information is false then media should not be able to hide behind the "public figure" clauses.  This is how MSM misleads the public, by broadcasting false information.
Quote:If the information is false then media should not be able to hide behind the "public figure" clauses. This is how MSM misleads the public, by broadcasting false information.

But we already have laws against libel. He wants to open up libel laws to increase lawsuits, that's not a good thing. Libel should be a serious offense.

You should not be able to claim libel just because you disagree with an opinion or an analysis.

Based on my understanding, saying you want to open up libel laws means he wants to go after more than just lying about someone. It's a slippery slope, in my opinion
Of course, this libel thing cuts both ways... rush Limbaugh may very well go bankrupt!!! Haha
Quote:But we already have laws against libel. He wants to open up libel laws to increase lawsuits, that's not a good thing. Libel should be a serious offense.

You should not be able to claim libel just because you disagree with an opinion or an analysis.

Based on my understanding, saying you want to open up libel laws means he wants to go after more than just lying about someone. It's a slippery slope, in my opinion

That's not what I'm saying.  I have not heard his exact comment but he's probably talking about public figures being fair game when it comes to libel or slander.  That is one way MSM deceives people. They can print or broadcast false information to try to sway the public or push an agenda without repercussion because public figures have very little to no protection.


It's really no different than liberals wanting to prosecute pastors in churches for "hate speech".  So I don't see any reason to panic.  I dont 100% agree with Trump here but I think he's talking specifically about FALSE information.  Not criticism.


Yes, freedom of the press should not be infringed, but what about the current state of MSM these days?  It's obviously run by scum of the Earth with their own agendas.  It's not at all about presenting real facts or NEWS.

Quote:Uhhhh, you do know that's not true, right? That WMD have been found in Iraq? Even the NYT has conceded this point now.

Mostly degraded, unusable shells containing mustard and sarin gas, remnants of a rushed chemical weapon program during the Iran/Iraq war and abandoned in 1991. The Iraq invasion was sold on the lie that Hussein had an active WMD program and was an imminent threat to use them, when the reality was much different.


The NYT articles were not concessions, they were the result of intensive investigation and provide proof that not only were we deceived about Iraq's WMD program, or lack thereof, but they also showed the Bush administration's disregard for our troops' welfare. They knew these chemical weapons caches existed, but did not inform troops who were in danger of exposure, nor the medical personnel treating them.


The reason the discovery of these "WMD" was not trumpeted by the war mongers was  two-fold: They did not support the case made for war, and they were acquired with the help of Donald Rumsfeld.

Quote:But we already have laws against libel. He wants to open up libel laws to increase lawsuits, that's not a good thing. Libel should be a serious offense.

You should not be able to claim libel just because you disagree with an opinion or an analysis.

Based on my understanding, saying you want to open up libel laws means he wants to go after more than just lying about someone. It's a slippery slope, in my opinion

Actually i think he is talking about the fact that onve you become a publuc figure its basicallt open season on you.
If you like Donald Trump, don't read this article.   For everyone else, just let me say it's funny as hell.   It's an article about Trump and libel laws. 




National Review again.   Not exactly a left-wing publication. 

Yeh but they endorsed cruz.
Chicago protesters shut down Trump rally due to security concerns. Rubio calling for tactical voting in Ohio. What a time to be alive, watching the death of Democracy in the United States.
Quote:Chicago protesters shut down Trump rally due to security concerns. Rubio calling for tactical voting in Ohio. What a time to be alive, watching the death of Democracy in the United States.

I know, right? Here we have Trump supporters using tactics that would make Brown Shirts proud.


Quote:I know, right? Here we have Trump supporters using tactics that would make Brown Shirts proud.
Enough! I've had with this nonsense! both Trump and anti-Trump supporters are to blame! honestly, all this rhetoric from both sides makes me want to puke. Why can't conservatives, liberals, socialists, libertarians, etc, put aside their differences and work together? this isn't America. This is the Weimar Republic.
The people who are like so anti-trump that they go to protest rallies must have no life.
But I guess since CNN told them Trump is going to start implementing concentration camps they are really serious about this. Lmbo
Quote:Enough! I've had with this nonsense! both Trump and anti-Trump supporters are to blame! honestly, all this rhetoric from both sides makes me want to puke. Why can't conservatives, liberals, socialists, libertarians, etc, put aside their differences and work together? this isn't America. This is the Weimar Republic.

Because my goals and end game are the opposite of socialist.
Quote:But I guess since CNN told them Trump is going to start implementing concentration camps they are really serious about this. Lmbo

Media pushing the Trump is Hitler, KKK, Mussolini, anti-Latino, anti-women are at fault here. Media sensationalism and yellow journalism is tearing this country apart. This has been happening well before Trump started.
Quote:Chicago protesters shut down Trump rally due to security concerns. Rubio calling for tactical voting in Ohio. What a time to be alive, watching the death of Democracy in the United States.

I just got home from work to see the rally and protest in Chicago. This is crazy this kind of divide is unsustainable. It maybe coming to the time where one nation becomes so fractured its unrepiarable.
Quote:Media pushing the Trump is Hitler, KKK, Mussolini, anti-Latino, anti-women are at fault here. Media sensationalism and yellow journalism is tearing this country apart. This has been happening well before Trump started.

Agreed. I don't like the pompous piss hole, but what his own party is doing to him is pathetic...the media as well, however, he has also manipulated the media in a brilliant way, getting free air time. Pretty slick. But the media is a double edged sword.

All one can say about him in one word would be polarizing. Maybe entertaining..
Quote:Because my goals and end game are the opposite of socialist.

Because if you just give up what want then they hey get what they want and then you win, or something.
I'm frankly a little shocked. 


Just as an aside, for all the talk about brown shirts and the Nuremberg rallies, when was the last time you saw a rabid group of Trump supporters hell bent on shutting down another candidates rally?


Is anyone going to take the time to give the cute little rabble rowsers a historical quiz on the track record of socialist economies to determine if they have been sufficiently intellectually persuaded to feel the bern.  

Are these other turds Cruz and Mr. Sweaty blaming Trump for these ghetto hoodlums showing up yet?
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