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Quote:That's news to my Democrat friends.


A link will help your case.


As for the Duke/Donald thing, former RNC chairman Michael Steele put it best last night.  Paraphrasing, he basically said that Trump played dumb about Duke because he wants the racist vote.  He is so absolutely consumed by winning, that he can't make himself turn down a possible voting bloc by alienating David freakin' Duke.  He's fully aware of who Duke is, and used the "faulty headset" excuse to get out of a sticky situation.

Quote:That's news to my Democrat friends.


A link will help your case.


As for the Duke/Donald thing, former RNC chairman Michael Steele put it best last night.  Paraphrasing, he basically said that Trump played dumb about Duke because he wants the racist vote.  He is so absolutely consumed by winning, that he can't make himself turn down a possible voting bloc by alienating David freakin' Duke.  He's fully aware of who Duke is, and used the "faulty headset" excuse to get out of a sticky situation.

Saying, "I know nothing about white supremacists..." is not accepting the racist vote. Stop trying to make it a thing. It's a crazy idiot saying he likes Trump, and he was probably paid to do so by corrupt right wingers.  It means NOTHING.  Trump is not a racist no matter how many times you say it.

Quote:Saying, "I know nothing about white supremacists..." is not accepting the racist vote. Stop trying to make it a thing. It's a crazy idiot saying he likes Trump, and he was probably paid to do so by corrupt right wingers.  It means NOTHING.  Trump is not a racist no matter how many times you say it.

Nobody cares about the truth. This all-out media offensive to smear Trump is proof of that.
Quote:Saying, "I know nothing about white supremacists..." is not accepting the racist vote. Stop trying to make it a thing. It's a crazy idiot saying he likes Trump, and he was probably paid to do so by corrupt right wingers.  It means NOTHING.  Trump is not a racist no matter how many times you say it.
I didn't say he was a racist.


I said he is chasing the racist vote, because he wants to win.  Plenty sane people like Donald, but lots of crazy idiots do too, because they agree with his bigoted views of foreigners.  I'm not surprised that if he gets the majority of the KKK vote based solely on his "they're murderers, they're rapists" statement of non-documented Mexicans last year.  Like it or not, Donald got caught up in the political game for just a second not because he's racist (I honestly don't believe he is) but because he thought his refusal to denounce Duke would get him more votes.


I'm not trying to make it into anything more than Donald pandering to a voting bloc.  Again, the former RNC chairman put it out there, and I kinda agree with him.
Does it matter? Racist Schmacist..... Think he'll carry any minority vote?

He has done the GOP zero favors. He's taken the tusks off their elephant... Then brags on all the ivory he has.

It's going to get better. He now has Get Shorty Rubio playing his grade school games with childish,two bit insults. The size of his hands? Spray tans?

Yes, things to make Murka great again.
Quote:So dumb. As if it's on him to PROVE he's not a racist just because the liberal agenda constantly accuses everybody who isn't liberal that they're racist.  Such claims should require extraordinary evidence, but they don't have it and people believe it immediately.


A demogogue? That's like every politician to ever exist.  This is the obsession to attack Trump that is so bizarre.  You're accusing him of doing things that all politicians do as if he invented it. Seems ridiculous.

Perhaps, but don't offer his repudiation of the KKK and Duke as any sort of evidence.


Please. Most politicians do not resort to demagoguery to the extent Trump has. Not even close. He is beloved for it, are you kidding me?


I get it, you've bought into his shtick. Good luck.

Quote:Nobody cares about the truth. This all-out media offensive to smear Trump is proof of that.

The media frenzy Trump created. Irony at its best.

But there are others in his own party doing a good smear job...who feed the media.
There was a pretty strong rally in the stock market(s) today, what the markets do tomorrow will be interesting.  Why is this relevant?  Because the stock market is going to look forward to the "leadership" and possibilities for the new President.  There are several outcomes that can happen.


Trump wins a majority of states - The market(s) are going to drop because the idea of Hillary Clinton actually getting the nomination and therefor the Presidency are higher.  Wall Street will project serious bad news.  I would have to agree with Wall Street in this case.  While I agree with some of what Trump says, he is not realistic and will take the country down.  I don't see him winning in the general election and that would mean a win for Hillary.


Cruz wins a majority of states - The market will probably stay somewhat stable, but will probably be down due to uncertainty of a Cruz win for President.  While I agree with Cruz on much of his policy, I don't think that he will be able to pull it off.  Much will ride on who he selects as a running mate.  I would say that the stock market reduces the gains made today.


Rubio wins a majority of states - This pretty much makes him a "shoe-in" for the nomination.  He has the ties inside of the "Washington Elite" and will get big money from donors backing him.  I do believe that he can beat Hillary in a Presidential Campaign Shootout" and I think that it would be a landslide.  I also think that markets would respond accordingly and move higher.  I believe that a ticket of Rubio with possibilities of Carly Fiorina or Nikki Haley as his running mate would beat Hillary and whoever she chooses as a running-mate.

Quote:There was a pretty strong rally in the stock market(s) today, what the markets do tomorrow will be interesting.  Why is this relevant?  Because the stock market is going to look forward to the "leadership" and possibilities for the new President.  There are several outcomes that can happen.


Trump wins a majority of states - The market(s) are going to drop because the idea of Hillary Clinton actually getting the nomination and therefor the Presidency are higher.  Wall Street will project serious bad news.  I would have to agree with Wall Street in this case.  While I agree with some of what Trump says, he is not realistic and will take the country down.  I don't see him winning in the general election and that would mean a win for Hillary.


Cruz wins a majority of states - The market will probably stay somewhat stable, but will probably be down due to uncertainty of a Cruz win for President.  While I agree with Cruz on much of his policy, I don't think that he will be able to pull it off.  Much will ride on who he selects as a running mate.  I would say that the stock market reduces the gains made today.


Rubio wins a majority of states - This pretty much makes him a "shoe-in" for the nomination.  He has the ties inside of the "Washington Elite" and will get big money from donors backing him.  I do believe that he can beat Hillary in a Presidential Campaign Shootout" and I think that it would be a landslide.  I also think that markets would respond accordingly and move higher.  I believe that a ticket of Rubio with possibilities of Carly Fiorina or Nikki Haley as his running mate would beat Hillary and whoever she chooses as a running-mate.

Interesting theory, but I believe the only candidate that scares the NYSE is Bernie.  An Obama presidency scared the market so much it doubled while he was in office.
Quote:Interesting theory, but I believe the only candidate that scares the NYSE is Bernie. An Obama presidency scared the market so much it doubled while he was in office.

Bernie scares more than just Wall Street. The votes just aren't there for him even though its obvious this thing has been set up for Hillary.
Is the Republican Party willing to lose the general election simply to ensure that Donald Trump doesn't win?

I have never seen a party attack its leading primary candidate like I've seen this election year towards DT.


If DT was Jeb Bush the party would be running to back him and demanding that Rubio drop out of the race, but not in this instance.


The real runner up to DT is Ted Cruz whom is also against the establishment, but the lobbyist and establishment desperately want Rubio to succeed instead...
Quote:It doesn't matter that Trump has disavowed David Duke over 3 times now, even just a day before Jake Tapwaters interview.. This is all part of the political establishment oligarchy colluding with mass media in a coordinated effort to take down Donald Trump. This strategy is known as the "Full Mississippi" and has been used to smear campaigns in the past.
This is what happens when the GOP is screwed, it knows that it's screwed, and it's trying desperately to un-screw itself before it has a miscarriage.
One thing for sure,  Donald Trump is attracting different type of racists.  In addition to David Duke and those like him highly praising Trump,  racist Louis Farrakhan did the same:



Quote:One thing for sure,  Donald Trump is attracting different type of racists.  In addition to David Duke and those like him highly praising Trump,  racist Louis Farrakhan did the same:



You can't control who likes you, nor should you have to apologize for something out of your control.
Quote:You can't control who likes you, nor should you have to apologize for something out of your control.

But you're also known by the company you keep, so those endorsements do have an effect.
Quote:You can't control who likes you, nor should you have to apologize for something out of your control.


 Regardless,  it's a red flag for me when a candidate is appealing to individuals like David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. 
For all we know, these filthy Super PAC's paid these guys off to endorse Trump. Nothing is too extreme to assume at this point.

Quote:But you're also known by the company you keep, so those endorsements do have an effect.



  Between their support for Donald Trump and at least from my perspective the worst choice in the entire 17 Republican Candidate field Chris Christie now supporting Trump  (  I think Trump would seriously considering making Christie Attorney General  ) ,   unless Trump chooses a Ted Cruz like Conservative as his running mate,  I'm planning on writing in Cruz in November. 
Quote:  Exactly.  


  Between their support for Donald Trump and at least from my perspective the worst choice in the entire 17 Republican Candidate field Chris Christie now supporting Trump  (  I think Trump would seriously considering making Christie Attorney General  ) ,   unless Trump chooses a Ted Cruz like Conservative as his running mate,  I'm planning on writing in Cruz in November. 

The question you have to ask yourself is "Who does Hillary support?"
Quote:For all we know, these filthy Super PAC's paid these guys off to endorse Trump. Nothing is too extreme to assume at this point.

   I don't think that's the case this time around,  as based on the long time agendas of David Duke and Louis Farrakhan,  it was predictable to me they would support Donald Trump.
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