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"Politicians will do what's right for the people who gave them the money, not what's right for the country"

Don Trump.
You tell the leader of Vets for Trump (USMC disabled Hispanic) why you aren't voting for Trump, and then come on here and tell us why you were wrong!



The GOP has attacked him on news shows at every chance they had, and raised & spent money between Super Pacs & failed candidates funds blasting Trump on all the media..

how much you might ask


over $250 million dollars!


yep the GOP is so afraid of a man whom wont take bribes, wants to remove illegal immigrants (i.e. GOPs slave labor),

and wants to remove tax shelters with a 35% flat tax on the 1% that they are willing to spend over a quarter of a billion dollars trying to destroy

his popularity and image!
Quote:Hey TAM, haven't heard your drivel in quite a while.


Regarding the first part in bold, I never would have thought that I would see that either, but somehow some way it's happening, and I think that primarily it's because most conservative leaning people (as well as liberal leaning people) are sick and tired of establishment career politicians.  I do believe that it's going to backfire, and we are going into the next 4 years weakened even more.


As far as the second part in bold, I tend to to think of this as "Hope and Change 2.0".  The segment of the population that believes what is coming out of Trump's mouth actually believes that he will/can do what he says.  On the left side of the aisle the same can be said regarding Bernie Sanders.  The socialist agenda believed by a small segment of the democrat party is what is driving him to victories over the criminal (Hillary Clinton).  The demographics (I suspect) that make up Bernie Sanders supporters are probably pretty much the same as those of Trump.


A Trump vs. Sanders general election will be the downfall of this country as we know it.  I'm not sure if there is a "lesser of two evils" there.  The same could be said about a Trump vs. Clinton general election.


At this point, I'm throwing my support to Ted Cruz.  He is the only anti-establishment candidate with enough common sense to run the country.  I think that Marco Rubio made a fatal mistake when he started on the personal shots at Trump.


Presidential elections have turned into a popularity contest rather than vetting a person and qualifications for the job.  More attention is made towards appearance and demeanor rather than what comes out of their mouths.  It's all about "one-liners" and "sound bites" rather than substance.


In my opinion, this country is in big, big trouble.

I hate to say this, i have a tremendous amount of respect for Jagibelieve, that being said i have to use the above as an example of how emotionally unhinged the anti-trump people are becoming.  When you think about it this might be the single most hypocritical movement in the history of electoral politics!


They complain about the process and about one liners and then turn right around in the same post and say "Well i just don't see a difference between him an communism/socialism."  


Then we get to well how can we TRUST Donald Trump to keep his word.  I'm supporting Ted Cruz.  This is the same Ted Cruz who lied about Ben Carson, Created a fraudulent election document to trick people into thinking they had to go vote for him had to have a communications director resign because they lied about Marco Rubio and tried to assert that Donald Trump (literally a gun totating, NY permit holding NRA member) would take away their guns.  


Then we get into, Well he can't do what he says he's going to do through congress so he must be on a course of Executive Fiat just like Obama.  That's why I support Ted Cruz.  1.) The border fence is already a matter of law, the government just never did it.  2.) immigration law already exists, we just don't enforce it.  3.) as far as tax plans, Ted Cruz wants a straight 10% Flat tax.  From what i understand there will be a unicorn at the signing ceremony if he gets it passed in the first 100 days.  That's not going to happen folks.  Donald trump has proposed sun-setting the carried interest provision, lowering rates across the board, increasing the floor for the implementation of the income tax, and allowing a reduced grace period for the repatriation of funds ( An idea so popular that there's talk that they may do it in the CURRENT legislative session and that both sides have agreed on for... well EVER).  That plan is priced to move.  It would get broad bipartisan support tomorrow!  4.) The foundational principle behind the concept of federalism is that the executive is responsible for representing our countries interests in international trade through negotiating trade deals.  This is where our country looses trillions of dollars through massive trade deficits and where Trump has more functional experience by a factor of two over anyone running.  


Rich Lowery is Editor of National Review


"It was Trump the pitchman who felt compelled to devote much of his post-Michigan and -Mississippi news conference to defending his products, whether they still exist or not.

Goaded by Mitt Romney’s roll call of failed Trump ventures, the mogul put out a display of alleged Trump Steaks, which were really Bush Brothers Steaks (Trump Steaks are no longer available for sale). He passed off a boutique publication about his club Mar-a-Lago as Trump Magazine, which ceased publication in 2009.


"It was a passingly strange way to celebrate a victory — but what do you think Mays would do if someone questioned whether Kaboom was really the best tile cleaner? At least Mays is said to have believed in his products. Trump’s insistence on the vitality of his defunct ventures led to instant debunking. Not that he cares. The Trump method, honed over decades, is to spread a thick lather of bravado over a foundation of mendacity.


"There is, of course, overlap between the work of a pitchman and politician, but Trump makes the two indistinguishable. He isn’t a rejection of politics so much as a grotesque parody of it. He’s like any other politician, only more dishonest, insincere and unscrupulous, and less principled, informed and civil. He is a way for angry people to send a message to the political class: <i>We have such low regard for you, we think you are no better or different than Donald Trump</i>."




Your politico links are nothing pennies on the tracks of the #TrumpTrain.




Rich Lowery is Editor of National Review


"It was Trump the pitchman who felt compelled to devote much of his post-Michigan and -Mississippi news conference to defending his products, whether they still exist or not.

Goaded by Mitt Romney’s roll call of failed Trump ventures, the mogul put out a display of alleged Trump Steaks, which were really Bush Brothers Steaks (Trump Steaks are no longer available for sale). He passed off a boutique publication about his club Mar-a-Lago as Trump Magazine, which ceased publication in 2009.


"It was a passingly strange way to celebrate a victory — but what do you think Mays would do if someone questioned whether Kaboom was really the best tile cleaner? At least Mays is said to have believed in his products. Trump’s insistence on the vitality of his defunct ventures led to instant debunking. Not that he cares. The Trump method, honed over decades, is to spread a thick lather of bravado over a foundation of mendacity.

<div style="color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:rgb(255,255,255);"> 

"There is, of course, overlap between the work of a pitchman and politician, but Trump makes the two indistinguishable. He isn’t a rejection of politics so much as a grotesque parody of it. He’s like any other politician, only more dishonest, insincere and unscrupulous, and less principled, informed and civil. He is a way for angry people to send a message to the political class: <i>We have such low regard for you, we think you are no better or different than Donald Trump</i>."






And yet he's completely wrong. The people voting for Trump actually like him, they believe in what he's doing, and they prefer a member of the citizenry to any of the "leadership" class. They're mad as hell and they simply aren't going to take it anymore. It's the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements forming the Voltron of political change.
Quote:And yet he's completely wrong. The people voting for Trump actually like him, they believe in what he's doing, and they prefer a member of the citizenry to any of the "leadership" class.

And we also recognize that a citizen candidate might be a little more rough around the edges than the freeze dried establishment types.
If you support Trump you're 100% racist.


Quote:If you support Trump you're 100% racist.
I don't lean Trump, but this statement is complete ignorance.
Trump has changed the political arena. He's a great salesman. He says what many want to hear

However, he will face an uphill climb in world politics. He has to deal with Muslims, including our allies. He has to deal with women. He has to deal with other nations that he's lambasted. Then he has to deal with Congress and others on the hill. While he gets rave reviews from his support team, he has pissed off many that he will have to work with. He has burnt bridges, and his svelte, crawfishin, non athletic supporter Christie Creme can't help in that department.

The GOP on the other hand has been deplorable. If anyone couldn't figure out why govt wasn't working the last few years, it should be obvious that a party that will turn on one its own and eat their own young,would certainly do whatever to get their way.

IF by chance Trump doesn't get the nomination, he has every right to run independently. They snookered him into a corner, and now send the attack dogs on him.

Politics is a dirty game, but the Republicans have demonstrated lately that cohesiveness, loyalty and teamwork is secondary to individual agendas.
Quote:And we also recognize that a citizen candidate might be a little more rough around the edges than the freeze dried establishment types.

Not necessarily a good thing, yet it seems to ingratiate him with his followers. When you yearn for honesty, is arrogance, demagoguery, hucksterism, bigotry and egomania what you hope to see?


Nice endorsement from one liar to another. 

Quote:Trump has changed the political arena. He's a great salesman. He says what many want to hear

However, he will face an uphill climb in world politics. He has to deal with Muslims, including our allies. He has to deal with women. He has to deal with other nations that he's lambasted. Then he has to deal with Congress and others on the hill. While he gets rave reviews from his support team, he has [BAD WORD REMOVED] off many that he will have to work with. He has burnt bridges, and his svelte, crawfishin, non athletic supporter Christie Creme can't help in that department.

The GOP on the other hand has been deplorable. If anyone couldn't figure out why govt wasn't working the last few years, it should be obvious that a party that will turn on one its own and eat their own young,would certainly do whatever to get their way.

IF by chance Trump doesn't get the nomination, he has every right to run independently. They snookered him into a corner, and now send the attack dogs on him.

Politics is a dirty game, but the Republicans have demonstrated lately that cohesiveness, loyalty and teamwork is secondary to individual agendas.

This is the arrogant hypocrisy of the left. Donald trump cant tell the truth about immigration because you might upset people here in this country ilegally. You cant tell the truth about a pseudo political ideology that has motivated young men to go around in hoards raping young women accross europe because one day you might need the allies who havent lifted a finger to stop said ideology to do all the heavy lifting for us. You cant tell the truth about chinas currency manipulation, administrative barriers to imports, their tariff wall, or their direct subsidizing of their domestic producers (basically everything out of the far protectionist play book) for fear that they wont be around to rip us off anymore. So basically ameroca cant assert its moral authority when we are being wronged or attacked for fear of offending someone,

But barrack obama can ram down a far left entitlement with zero bipartisan support, call his opponents fanatics, and exercise extra constitutional authority through executive actions including trying to implement cap and trade through the epa and the gop was nust supposed to bend over with no vaseline?

Give me a break.
Quote:This is the arrogant hypocrisy of the left. Donald trump cant tell the truth about immigration because you might upset people here in this country ilegally. You cant tell the truth about a pseudo political ideology that has motivated young men to go around in hoards raping young women accross europe because one day you might need the allies who havent lifted a finger to stop said ideology to do all the heavy lifting for us. You cant tell the truth about chinas currency manipulation, administrative barriers to imports, their tariff wall, or their direct subsidizing of their domestic producers (basically everything out of the far protectionist play book) for fear that they wont be around to rip us off anymore. So basically ameroca cant assert its moral authority when we are being wronged or attacked for fear of offending someone,

But barrack obama can ram down a far left entitlement with zero bipartisan support, call his opponents fanatics, and exercise extra constitutional authority through executive actions including trying to implement cap and trade through the epa and the gop was nust supposed to bend over with no vaseline?

Give me a break.

Why is your argument always "Yeah, but what about [Liberals, Hillary, Obama]?"


Most of us here will agree there are problems caused on both sides, and criticism of Trump does not automatically mean approval of liberals.
Quote:This is the arrogant hypocrisy of the left. Donald trump cant tell the truth about immigration because you might upset people here in this country ilegally. You cant tell the truth about a pseudo political ideology that has motivated young men to go around in hoards raping young women accross europe because one day you might need the allies who havent lifted a finger to stop said ideology to do all the heavy lifting for us. You cant tell the truth about chinas currency manipulation, administrative barriers to imports, their tariff wall, or their direct subsidizing of their domestic producers (basically everything out of the far protectionist play book) for fear that they wont be around to rip us off anymore. So basically ameroca cant assert its moral authority when we are being wronged or attacked for fear of offending someone,

But barrack obama can ram down a far left entitlement with zero bipartisan support, call his opponents fanatics, and exercise extra constitutional authority through executive actions including trying to implement cap and trade through the epa and the gop was nust supposed to bend over with no vaseline?

Give me a break.
You just read off a Trump stump speech. Anything original?

Your own party is out to destroy him..I'm assuming it's your party since you like throwing in Obamas name into the mix...which , by the way, wasn't mentioned by me. He's out next year. It's irrelevant. Find a fix. You fix is being attacked by your own party. Give you a break? You do need one.
Quote:Why is your argument always "Yeah, but what about [Liberals, Hillary, Obama]?"

Most of us here will agree there are problems caused on both sides, and criticism of Trump does not automatically mean approval of liberals.

Had you taken the time to read my post you would see that my argument is centered around "the truth is the pure defense"
Quote:You just read off a Trump stump speech. Anything original?

Translation: i i .... I dont have anything to say but im just too darn proud to say im sorry.
It's so weird how the MSM has trained everybody to hold Trump to a higher standard than the career politicians he's running against.


They say, "Trump just says what they want to hear!"


I mean, what? That's how the game is played.


"He flip flopped"




"He's an ego maniac"


I'm sorry, have you seen our current president?


"These people are only endorsing him because they want something in return"



[Image: trump4.jpg]

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