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Quote:I hate unions too!  Bunch of commie pigs.


Hey, who's ready for this weekend after working for 40 hours?  I know I am!  Ammmirite!?

Dont be silly, you know that public sector unions are labor and management colluding against ownership. Very different animals than private sector unions.
So you are in support of private unions?
Quote:So you are in support of private unions?

Why wouldn't I? People should be free to do what they want. Flip side: people should also be free to reject them.
Quote:The left ruined him?   Are you implying that conservatives think it's okay to cover up crimes like child molesting?   I'm not sure if you've insulted liberals or conservatives with that post. 

Well just ask Mike Huckabee and Josh Duggar.
Trump's word for Hilary, CROOKED...


Quote:Trump's word for Hilary, CROOKED...


Pretty fair assessment TBH. 


On a random note, what happened to all this talk about Trump University and his tax returns?
Donald Trump only needs 390 delegates more to secure the GOP nomination and in every single poll he shows winning out the remaining East Coast states & California.  If that holds to be true he goes over the delegates needed and the other states won't really matter until the General Election.

The thread should be changed to Trump can't lose.

Quote:Pretty fair assessment TBH. 


On a random note, what happened to all this talk about Trump University and his tax returns?

Another hearing is set for May 6th but most likely we won't really know until June / August of this year  (Keep in mind it wasn't like Donald Trump was personally managing these seminars, but never the less he was the CEO, so he's responsible).  I think it wouldnt even make a headline, if he wasnt running for President.


As far as his Tax returns he is being targeted by a very corrupt obama administration that has been using the IRS as its attack dog towards GOP politicians including Ben Carson (whom said he was never audited until he decided to run for President).

And criticize POTUS at the prayer breakfast.
Looking at the map of states won and Donald Trump vs Ted Cruz looks like an East coast West Coast battle Royal...

bring on the political comedy raps..

Trump 1292

Cruz  664

Kasich 203

Rubio  166

I'm looking forward to the Glenn beck radio show today. He's gonna be apocalyptic! Should make for a good laugh
gross, i will not listen to that show

Quote:gross, i will not listen to that show

Dude, it's a laugh riot!! But it's not for everyone, that is for sure
OH boy, Donald Trump saying leave the laws the way it is in regards to the bathrooms in response to NC...


Ted Cruz said its disgusting that the left want a man to use women bathrooms...


This will give Ted Cruz huge momentum as it makes Trump look more like a democrat..

I don't think so. In a pureblood bible thumped.... While I hate the over reaction by the left, I've never heard of a real problem under our current system.
I actually heard what Donald had said later on and it wasnt that bad really... MSNBC just tried to make it sound like Donald was supporting LGBT rights over NC... and rather he was saying what was wrong with the way it was ... your going to cost America Business's a lot of money over something that doesn't need to occur (as far as separate bathrooms and what not) still ...
Quote:I don't think so. In a pureblood bible thumped.... While I hate the over reaction by the left, I've never heard of a real problem under our current system.

You got thumped by a book? Even Daniel-san could take on a book. You need more karate classes.
Lol, the rationalization of the trump supporter is priceless.

He said there were no problems with how the status quo was working. His position is that a trans should be allowed to use the little girls room.

Trump is for letting them use the bathroom of their choice.
From the Emperor himself:  


"Leave it the way it is. North Carolina, what they're going through with all the business that's leaving, all of the strife -- and this is on both sides. Leave it the way it is," he said, referring to companies that have canceled plans to move or expand businesses in the state as a result of the law, which bans transgender individuals from using a bathroom that does not match their gender at birth.


There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go. They use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate," Trump said. "There has been so little trouble. And the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife and the economic -- I mean, the economic punishment that they're taking."


This is so anti-Republican it's crazy.  This Trump sure does keep you on your toes.  Remember, he also said that Bush and Cheney lied us into Iraq and that it was a total disaster.


Pretty good stuff

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