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If it wasn't for Trump....we wouldn't even be TALKING about immigration, believe me.
Quote:Naw, I'good. The point in making remains. The guy resonates with a nationalistic, authoritarian core of GOP voters.

Those voters don't care about your dissertation of what you want to believe regarding some trump policy. The point I'm making, and the voters in talking about don't care about policy in the way you describe policy.

The type of policy they care about is in terms of taking the nation back to an ideology they have in their minds in terms of feeling not facts or specifics.

1.) the analogy of specificity or lack there of to german style autgoritarianism is devoid of even the appearance of reason. When you and others make it your not making a contextual or historical point, you're trying to incute the very mindless passions that you decry.

2.) you allege lack of specificity and then when someone offers to show you a detailed policy breakdown and you cant be bothered? You just want to continue to prejudge? Wow.
Trump supporter sucker punches protester at North Carolina Rally, then freely admits to wanting to kill the protestor. 






Trump-"Make America HATE again"

Quote:Trump supporter sucker punches protester at North Carolina Rally, then freely admits to wanting to kill the protestor. 






Trump-"Make America HATE again"

Campaign Manager's Response:  http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/0...e-passion/




“I think Mr. Trump’s people are very, very passionate and they’re angry because of the way that this country has been taken advantage of from so many other countries,” Corey Lewandowski said. “That’s a frustration level I think a lot of people in this country feel and people express it in different ways.”

I'm sure some people will applaud this stance.  (This is the same campaign manager who's been accused of attacking a Breitbart reporter)
Quote:If it wasn't for Trump....we wouldn't even be TALKING about immigration, believe me.

Trump indeed made the immigration discussion great, again!

The wall got 10 feet taller just while we were discussing it this morning
Quote:1.) the analogy of specificity or lack there of to german style autgoritarianism is devoid of even the appearance of reason. When you and others make it your not making a contextual or historical point, you're trying to incute the very mindless passions that you decry.

2.) you allege lack of specificity and then when someone offers to show you a detailed policy breakdown and you cant be bothered? You just want to continue to prejudge? Wow.

So do you lack reading comprehension based on the fact that you are too busy waiting to write you're next extra long post. Or do you just like to ignore other people's points that don't fit into the subjective narrative you like to create for yourself?

Either way, go back and re-read what I wrote.

My point remains. The discussion you are having with me, is based on the point I made about gop voters and why they find trump as a great candidate.

You trying to stear me to die diatribe about his economic policies has nothing to do with his popularity with gop voters that are attracted to a nationalistic message from an authoritarian style leader

And again, you catching the vapors because the article Marty posted discussed nazi Germany as an example of a nationalistic authoritarian campaign is your way of trying to dismiss the fact that trump does indeed resonate with alot of gop voters, many of which like his nationalistic and authoritarian approach to how he would govern.
You havent articulated a policy that supports the term " the authoritarian way he would govern" please, what policy proposal are you citing?
Quote:You havent articulated a policy that supports the term " the authoritarian way he would govern" please, what policy proposal are you citing?

Dude, again, I'm getting worried that you don't actually read what other people are writing...

This is like the 3rd time I've said this--- the gop voters that trump is resonating with that I'm pointing out to you are not concerned with policy. At least not in the way you and I understand the term. For them, the policy is an ideology, a feeling they get when he speaks his nationalistic rhetoric.

The policy for them is the feeling, it's not the nuts and bolts of legislation and how legislation shapes the society.

It's about making a wall, and then doubling it. It's about going to a rally, and cheering for America and kicking out protesters, and being around a leader that is speaking to your "tribe" about how your "tribe" is getting housed by those guys, but how the leader will fix all that. All you have to do is promise to vote, he'll take care of the rest. Trust him. He'll get it done, and then the tribe will rise again.

That's a very strong message to 30-45 percent of gop voters.
Quote:Campaign Manager's Response:  http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/0...e-passion/



I'm sure some people will applaud this stance.  (This is the same campaign manager who's been accused of attacking a Breitbart reporter)

Oh no, lets vote democrat because somebody punched a guy.
Quote:Dude, again, I'm getting worried that you don't actually read what other people are writing...

This is like the 3rd time I've said this--- the gop voters that trump is resonating with that I'm pointing out to you are not concerned with policy. At least not in the way you and I understand the term. For them, the policy is an ideology, a feeling they get when he speaks his nationalistic rhetoric.

The policy for them is the feeling, it's not the nuts and bolts of legislation and how legislation shapes the society.

It's about making a wall, and then doubling it. It's about going to a rally, and cheering for America and kicking out protesters, and being around a leader that is speaking to your "tribe" about how your "tribe" is getting housed by those guys, but how the leader will fix all that. All you have to do is promise to vote, he'll take care of the rest. Trust him. He'll get it done, and then the tribe will rise again.

That's a very strong message to 30-45 percent of gop voters.

It's a stupid point to make because most voters period for any candidate don't even know who the VP is let alone have a good idea about policy.


Voting based on emotion is not unique to Trump supporters. 

And you once again prove that wheb you read through your oppinion ots not based on fact or an analysis of trumps policy proposals governing style etc. Its purely based on your own ignorant biggoted prejudice towards people you dont understand.

Then when a member of said group tries to patiently explain to you why a lot of people like trump you complain that "ideas are too big and boring"
Quote:And you once again prove that wheb you read through your oppinion ots not based on fact or an analysis of trumps policy proposals governing style etc. Its purely based on your own ignorant biggoted prejudice towards people you dont understand.

Then when a member of said group tries to patiently explain to you why a lot of people like trump you complain that "ideas are too big and boring"

Quote:And you once again prove that wheb you read through your oppinion ots not based on fact or an analysis of trumps policy proposals governing style etc. Its purely based on your own ignorant biggoted prejudice towards people you dont understand.

Then when a member of said group tries to patiently explain to you why a lot of people like trump you complain that "ideas are too big and boring"

That's your opinion.

However, my analysis is not based on bigotry, but rather history and quite a bit of social science that you wish to ignore, or write off, because it flies against your subjective world view.

I'm sure your insight on trump policies is the basis for your support of him. But to think that the reason 30-45 percent of his base is so fired up is because of his "policies" as you and I define the word is will-full ignorance.

But if you like the view of those shadows from inside your cave, who am I to try and show you the light.
Quote:It's a stupid point to make because most voters period for any candidate don't even know who the VP is let alone have a good idea about policy.

Voting based on emotion is not unique to Trump supporters.

Well, I won't argue against that. Most candidates have at least a small portion of a personality cult within them.

However, what we are seeing with trump and his rallies takes that cult of personality and raises it to a level that really resonates with a specific section of the gop population.

That's all I'm saying. My point has been studied by political scientists, socialists, and psychologists for decades. I'm not saying anything new here.

It's truly a fascinating thing to witness, if not a bit unnerving if you are not a huge fan of a nationalistic authoritarian potentially being elected president.
Quote:Well, I won't argue against that. Most candidates have at least a small portion of a personality cult within them.

However, what we are seeing with trump and his rallies takes that cult of personality and raises it to a level that really resonates with a specific section of the gop population.

That's all I'm saying. My point has been studied by political scientists, socialists, and psychologists for decades. I'm not saying anything new here.

It's truly a fascinating thing to witness, if not a bit unnerving if you are not a huge fan of a nationalistic authoritarian potentially being elected president.

As opposed to a non-nationalistic authoritarian that has been elected the past four terms? (Bush and Obama)


And, no, it's not a small portion. Most people in this country don't even know where Mount Rushmore is. Most Bernie Sanders supporters have more knowledge of Kanye West than they do of real policies.


No matter what candidate you look at, AT LEAST half of their supporters are voting based on emotion.


btw you're not shedding light. you're just presenting another subjective view on the matter that you read somewhere.

Quote:That's your opinion.

However, my analysis is not based on bigotry, but rather history and quite a bit of social science that you wish to ignore, or write off, because it flies against your subjective world view.

I'm sure your insight on trump policies is the basis for your support of him. But to think that the reason 30-45 percent of his base is so fired up is because of his "policies" as you and I define the word is will-full ignorance.

But if you like the view of those shadows from inside your cave, who am I to try and show you the light.

The polling data is clear, Trump wins a CLEAR MAJORITY on the polling question of "who will best serve the economy."

That manifests itself in acrecurring plurality when you take into account that most but NOT ALL voters see the economy as their top issue. The support for ted cruz is based on his greater purity as an ideological conservative, rubios main draw is electability.

Why does donald trump have such credibility on economic issues? Theres about ten billion very logical reasons for it.

Haa Donald Trump emotionally connected with his voters? Yes. But that connection is underwritten by his proven track record in international commerce.

Blindly accusing masses of people of being suceptable to authoritarian germanic rule just because they empathize with a candidate is both lazy and wrong and frankly you can do better.
Quote:It's truly a fascinating thing to witness, if not a bit unnerving if you are not a huge fan of a nationalistic authoritarian potentially being elected president.

There you go again. If you want to call him an authoritarian you're going to have to justify it with the definition of authoritarianism and show us where u think the guy is going to bypass the political process and curtail our freedoms. Until then you're just spouting off to get an emotional response.
Quote:As opposed to a non-nationalistic authoritarian that has been elected the past four terms? (Bush and Obama)

And, no, it's not a small portion. Most people in this country don't even know where Mount Rushmore is. Most Bernie Sanders supporters have more knowledge of Kanye West than they do of real policies.

No matter what candidate you look at, AT LEAST half of their supporters are voting based on emotion.

btw you're not shedding light. you're just presenting another subjective view on the matter that you read somewhere.

The candidacy Bush ran in 2000 was in no way similar to trump. You are really ignoring history by saying that, and making yourself look dishonest. Bush was embracing Hispanics. Viva Bush!!! Remember that? Bush was not saying that we are losing and our leaders were destroying America. Bush was talking about being a compassionate conservative, is any of this ringing a bell? Whether it is it isn't, Bush's campaign was not inciting the imaginations of nationalistic, authoritarian gop voters. To think otherwise is flat out incorrect. Now after Bush got elected, he veered directly into the nationalistic and authoritarian style of government to maintain power, but that was after his candidacy. He did not run in that manner.

I know I'm not shedding any new light. That's my whole point. How trump is conducting his rallies and his candidacy is in a manner which has been studied within the social sciences for a long time. That part is not an opinion. That's just a straight up fact.

You may choose to disagree, or not like it, that's your choice. But one cannot deny that there is a clear undertone in what trump is doing that is being used to inspire a certain group of gop voters.
You're 100% correct, you're not shedding any light at all.
Quote:The candidacy Bush ran in 2000 was in no way similar to trump. You are really ignoring history by saying that, and making yourself look dishonest. Bush was embracing Hispanics. Viva Bush!!! Remember that? Bush was not saying that we are losing and our leaders were destroying America. Bush was talking about being a compassionate conservative, is any of this ringing a bell? Whether it is it isn't, Bush's campaign was not inciting the imaginations of nationalistic, authoritarian gop voters. To think otherwise is flat out incorrect. Now after Bush got elected, he veered directly into the nationalistic and authoritarian style of government to maintain power, but that was after his candidacy. He did not run in that manner.

I know I'm not shedding any new light. That's my whole point. How trump is conducting his rallies and his candidacy is in a manner which has been studied within the social sciences for a long time. That part is not an opinion. That's just a straight up fact.

You may choose to disagree, or not like it, that's your choice. But one cannot deny that there is a clear undertone in what trump is doing that is being used to inspire a certain group of gop voters.

You simply talked about how a nationalistic authoritarian in office is scary.  We've had authoritarian types with Bush and Obama.  I dont see how its more scary to add in the nationalist perspective to that mix.


I know Bush is different from Trump. That's a reason to support Trump...

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