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I don't know. I thought it was a pretty keen observation...

And I'm obviously excluding present company.

I won't derail this thread, and in too lazy to start a new one...

I'll just end with this, republican politicians take these moral and principaled stances on birth control and abortion, and then when the consequences of these stances come to fruition, they blame the individual, and not the policy.

To me it's ridiculous. At least with trump he doesn't give a flip about pandering to the anti choice group.

He's willing to defend planned parenthood, and has thought so little about the stupid anti choice position that he said the ugly truth about that position.

Women are murderers if the Cuban Canadian got his way. Trump actually shines a spot light on that dog, and what it would look like if it actually were to catch the car.
Quote:I'll just end with this, republican politicians take these moral and principaled stances on birth control and abortion, and then when the consequences of these stances come to fruition, they blame the individual, and not the policy.

You really blame the policy for people getting pregnant? Seriously? They have no culpability in the matter?
Quote:I don't know. I thought it was a pretty keen observation...

And I'm obviously excluding present company.

I won't derail this thread, and in too lazy to start a new one...

I'll just end with this, republican politicians take these moral and principaled stances on birth control and abortion, and then when the consequences of these stances come to fruition, they blame the individual, and not the policy.

To me it's ridiculous. At least with trump he doesn't give a flip about pandering to the anti choice group.

He's willing to defend planned parenthood, and has thought so little about the stupid anti choice position that he said the ugly truth about that position.

Women are murderers if the Cuban Canadian got his way. Trump actually shines a spot light on that dog, and what it would look like if it actually were to catch the car.

You make it sound like all women are pro-choice. lol
Quote:You really blame the policy for people getting pregnant? Seriously? They have no culpability in the matter?

You really believe that cutting off support to women who need help getting birth control, education in birth control, espousing abstinence only, and cutting funding to planned parenthood is going to slow the number of unwanted pregnancies? I mean, really?
Quote:You make it sound like all women are pro-choice. lol

No. Of course not. I'm typing on a phone, and sometimes I forget to write a word or two.

I meant that any woman that has an abortion would be considered a murderer in el rato's theocratic utopia.
Quote:You really believe that cutting off support to women who need help getting birth control, education in birth control, espousing abstinence only, and cutting funding to planned parenthood is going to slow the number of unwanted pregnancies? I mean, really?


Quote:It matters a great deal to me, but It won't prevent anything if they don't use it and it's already so cheap now that not using it is RARELY a matter of cost. It's a matter of behavior and more "education" isn't going to change that. The logical option? If the government is going to pay for it then make it the injectible or make it permanent. 

Well, flspt, I'll give you this, at least you're trying to come up with some solutions, instead of regurgitating the stale worn out republican talking point.

It goes to prove my blanket statement about republican politicians was not implied to the present company of this board.
Quote:It matters a great deal to me, but It won't prevent anything if they don't use it and it's already so cheap now that not using it is RARELY a matter of cost. It's a matter of behavior and more "education" isn't going to change that. The logical option? If the government is going to pay for it then make it the injectible or make it permanent

I think roughly 98% of women in the country use birth control. Where is this draconian shortage that you speak of?
Quote:Well, flspt, I'll give you this, at least you're trying to come up with some solutions, instead of regurgitating the stale worn out republican talking point.

It goes to prove my blanket statement about republican politicians was not implied to the present company of this board.

I would challenge you to show me a republican candidate that espouses this anti-birth control position that you are debating against.  


Incidentally, it was said repeatedly when the tapes came out that de-funding planned parenthood is not the same as de-funding womens health.  The idea was to re appropriate that money to health providers not engaged in morally repugnant behavior.  

Sure, why not? (said with a shrug, eye roll, whatever) 


If they want to abrogate their responsibilities to the government then why not make it fool proof? And if they want to argue about then they can choose to buy their own contraception. But I'm in the "give up your voter registration card if you want an EBT card" camp. If you can't fend for yourself then you turn over all your decision making to the government, not just the hard parts, and you have no business contributing to decisions that impact those of us who are paying the bills.

T-Dog just got crushed in WI


I mean Cruz will get massacred in NY though

All the white collared job areas around and in Milwaukee, Wisconsin voted for Cruz to give him his win.  All the farm areas with blue collar workers Trump won, which is significant considering the Anti-Trump pac spent millions in WI & the Governor supported Cruz.  It was a big loss for Trump but it won't stop him from winning the nomination.


It simply reinforces the thought that Wall Street people support Cruz (he had tons of bribes I meant contributions from Wall Street Pro people & companies where Trump refuses to take their money).

I am not sure why Hilary lost, because I would've thought those same Milwaukee people would've backed her.  I guess her recent FBI stuff was too damning?


Heidi Cruz would make an awful first lady. Looks as fake as her hubby.


Any of the two has to be better than another 8 years of Obama's clone in Hilary Clinton


Heidi Cruz would make an awful first lady. Looks as fake as her hubby.

Typical Trumpette response.  No substance, just another personal attack.


Care to explain how Heidi Cruz would make "an awful first lady"?
Jag... I like u.... U got one more time to call me a trumpette
Quote:Jag... I like u.... U got one more time to call me a trumpette

Trumpette....   Tongue


So now what happens?
Total lightweight, jag doesn't have a clue believe me. He couldn't get elected dogcatcher! Have u seen my wife?
Quote:Jag... I like u.... U got one more time to call me a trumpette

this legitimately made me lol
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