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I agree that most of all candidates running are liars, but Hilary is the worst liar of them all.

It's like a disease with her, she can't help herself.

Let's take dishonesty off the table and review Hilary a person whom performed so bad at her job as DOS head that she said herself she had to step down, and she caused people's lives in the process.  I would also like to include that she lied several times about the incident even to date despite evidence like her emails showing that she had lied to the American people....


She basically was elected senator only because of her husband being a former President & she had a horrible voting record.  She voted for the Wall Street bailout which she is still receiving bribes (such as hundred thousand dollar speeches that she refuses to release), she voted for the Iraq war among other mistakes.


Donald Trump currently has 391 Delegates, (won 12 states), while Ted Cruz has 303 (6 states), Rubio comes in with 149 (1 state +1 Terr.) and Kasich has 37 (0 states won).


If you click on the link above you can see that Donald Trump is predicted to win both Michigan & Mississippi (proportional or take all based on %) for a possible total of 99 delegates to at least 40 of them.

HI is a Caucasus so hard to tell but most likely Cruz tends to win those type of elections. Idaho is 32 delegates winner takes all and might go to Cruz... (one would think that Rubio will feel even more pressure not winning any of those 4)...

Guam & DC go on the 12th.. (not significant) 28 delegates total... probably for Rubio (who knows)..


but then next Tuesday (March 15th) 367 delegates are up with almost all of them showing up as DT in the polls.. and 5 out of 6 of them are winner take all... so trump will get at least 300 delegates (most likely from those states).. and if he does win Florida I assume Rubio will have too much pressure to leave the race from all sides...


At that point trump is close to 800 delegates maybe Cruz will be in 2nd with around 500 to 600 range and Rubio will be lucky to have 250 range... I assume Kasich will drop out too if he loses Ohio to Trump (as I think he had already said publicly). 


with the race finally down to two people ... if you base it on the polls today Donald Trump is the candidate...
Unless the earth swallows him whole with no way for him to communicate from a secret bunker in the earth's crust he will go to cleveland with the most delegates.
Quote:Unless the earth swallows him whole with no way for him to communicate from a secret bunker in theceartgs crust he will go to cleveland with the most delegates.

May I respectfully suggest that maybe you could proofread your posts for typos?   It only takes a few seconds.  
Can a mod please change this to a more appropriate title like "Trump Can Win"?

Quote:Can a mod please change this to a more appropriate title like "Trump Can Win"?

I wouldn't mind your asking that if you were the one to start the thread and you were the one who wrote the title.   But you're not.   So back the [BLEEP] off. 
Quote:I wouldn't mind your asking that if you were the one to start the thread and you were the one who wrote the title.   But you're not.   So back the [BAD WORD REMOVED] off. 

[Image: 37162448.jpg]
Quote:[Image: 37162448.jpg]

I am going to go out on a limb and guess that Marty in-fact does not have his tickets to board the Trump train.
Quote:Can a mod please change this to a more appropriate title like "Trump Can Win"?

No, but feel free to start a thread with that title if you wish.
Quote:Can a mod please change this to a more appropriate title like "Trump Can Win"?

May I suggest you start a thread with the title, "Maybe Marty Underestimated the Number of Morons In This Country." 
I don't think Trump supporters are Morons.  I think a lot of his supporters are simply Republicans who are growing tired of the Establishment.  Back when I was a Republican, I started growing tired of the party.  I ended up going in an entirely different direction.  I realized that the things that were important to me, and the things that were important to the party weren't the same thing.

Quote:May I suggest you start a thread with the title, "Maybe Marty Underestimated the Number of Morons In This Country." 

This Trump train is really bothering you, huh? To a point where your profile signature is related to politics on a football message board. It will be okay.
Quote:May I respectfully suggest that maybe you could proofread your posts for typos? It only takes a few seconds.

Still waiting on those medicare proposals.
Here is a good, slim article on TPP/TPA and Cruz's role in it.




I didn't watch the Democrat debate, but I am glad to hear there was a good discussion on TPP between Clinton and Sanders. I wish this kind of discussion could be held in Republican debates instead of it all being about how they can smear, slander, and entrap Donald Trump. Also glad to hear Sanders vehemently oppose TPP.

Quote:This Trump train is really bothering you, huh? To a point where your profile signature is related to politics on a football message board. It will be okay.

Quite possibly the weakest retort ever. Your hero Trump would be disappointed.


Quote:Here is a good, slim article on TPP/TPA and Cruz's role in it.




I didn't watch the Democrat debate, but I am glad to hear there was a good discussion on TPP between Clinton and Sanders. I wish this kind of discussion could be held in Republican debates instead of it all being about how they can smear, slander, and entrap Donald Trump. Also glad to hear Sanders vehemently oppose TPP.

You really don't think Trump opened himself up to all this supposed abuse, do you?
Quote:Quite possibly the weakest retort ever. Your hero Trump would be disappointed.



You really don't think Trump opened himself up to all this supposed abuse, do you?

Some of it, sure. The vast majority of it? Nope. If he had deserved it, then the rest of the candidates would also have to be hit for their absurd comments, plans, and supporters (which they aren't). Clinton is never assaulted 24/7 by the MSM on her foreign nation donations to her fund, her defense of child rapists, her ACTIVE support of former KKK members, her special interests/donors, . Cruz and Rubio are never assaulted 24/7 by the MSM about their healthcare plans, impossible tax plans, non-existent trade plans, their special interests/donors, or their support from murder-preaching pastors.
All aboard the TRUMP Train!!!! And all the haters can get on the other side of the wall and help Mexico pay for it because we don't need losers in this country!

Marty- total lightweight

Rollerjag- Low energy, must be all the pot smoke.

Oface - this kid doesn't have a clue. Complete loser, believe me!



"PAULA FARIS: I spoke with the campaign last week I covered him on Super Tuesday this of the big take away. He’s a attracting first time voters the crossover voters. And there’s a lot of Democrats that are voting for him, and I think you guys we have to be reflective of this country there are a lot of people that do support him to make a gross generalization that if you’re voting for him here racist, I don’t necessarily think that that’s fair as well.

SUNNY HOSTIN: That is a generalization I don’t think any of us are saying that every single Trump supporter is racist … but I don’t think we can deny the fact is there are a group of people that his message is resonating with, and that is a message of discrimination and bigotry and misogyny and it’s there.


JOY BEHAR: Demonizing the other. That’s what his message is.


JEDEDIAH BILA: When you’re talking about Hitler though. I mean, that is like equating Donald Trump to someone who wants to exterminate a whole race of people. Or a whole religion. He didn’t say anything like that.


HOSTIN: He wants to build a wall, he wants to send millions and millions of Latinos from this country. He wants to torture people, how is it different?


BILA: You can’t equate border security with the extermination of the Jewish people.


HOSTIN: How is it different? I just did.


BILA: You can’t though. You can’t."


Trump is Hitler because he wants to enforce immigration laws and secure the border.


Simply epic.

Quote:All aboard the TRUMP Train!!!! And all the haters can get on the other side of the wall and help Mexico pay for it because we don't need losers in this country!

Marty- total lightweight

Rollerjag- Low energy, must be all the pot smoke.

Oface - this kid doesn't have a clue. Complete loser, believe me!


Had to reread twice. That was funny.
Quote:All aboard the TRUMP Train!!!! And all the haters can get on the other side of the wall and help Mexico pay for it because we don't need losers in this country!

Marty- total lightweight

Rollerjag- Low energy, must be all the pot smoke.

Oface - this kid doesn't have a clue. Complete loser, believe me!


You missed an important one. Which one of these guys sweats profusely? 
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