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Quote:It seems like no trumpettes want to discuss the king of debt's fiscal prowess, huh?
You weren't joking I looked up his comments he really said we won't ever default because we print the money and called himself the king of debt. Not to mention he Brags about how much he loves debt, [BLEEP] everytime I convince myself I can overlook something and vote for him this idiot opens his mouth with another absurd and unsupportable stance. Now I'm back to never trump.

Anyone that had the attitude of we can just print more money can't be electable especially when he's so bold about it. he doesn't care about inflation, is good with raising income taxes, wants to raise the minimum wage and establish more tarriffs how the hell is he the Republican nomanie?
Quote:You weren't joking I looked up his comments he really said we won't ever default because we print the money and called himself the king of debt. Not to mention he Brags about how much he loves debt, [BAD WORD REMOVED] everytime I convince myself I can overlook something and vote for him this idiot opens his mouth with another absurd and unsupportable stance. Now I'm back to never trump.

Anyone that had the attitude of we can just print more money can't be electable especially when he's so bold about it. he doesn't care about inflation, is good with raising income taxes, wants to raise the minimum wage and establish more tarriffs how the hell is he the Republican nomanie?

So much misinformation in this post. Eric, do you actually comprehend what you read or do you just interpret it like a 3rd grader?


If you have ever, ever run a business, you would know that debt management is a HUGE part of operation. Almost nobody has cash to immediately start, run,  or fund a businesses. Every national and multinational business you have ever dealt with has debt that is managed. Whether it is through banks or investors. The United States takes on huge amounts of debt. Don't you want someone who is good at managing that debt? That is what Trump is talking about. Debt management. He is the king of debt management. Otherwise, he wouldn't be a billionaire. I know you are smarter than you put on, so please try and think a little deeper next time. And he is absolutely right that we don't have to default because we DO print our own money.


"If interest rates go up, we can buyback debt at a discount if we are liquid enough as a country. People say I want to default on debt - these people are crazy. First of all you never have to default because you print the money I hate to tell you, so there is never a default. It was reported in the NYT that I want to default on debt - you know I am the king of debt, I love debt, but debt is tricky and its dangerous. But let me just tell you: if interest rates go up and bonds go down, you can buy debt - that's what I'm talking about. So here is the story, if we have an opportunity where interest rates go up and you can buy back debt at a discount. I always like to be able to do that if you can do that. That's all I was talking about, they have it like I'm going to go back to creditors and I am going to renegotiate or restructure debt. It's ridiculous."


Oh no, someone who actually knows how financing works. As for his tax plan, read this https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/tax-reform (I feel like I have mentioned this before, but libertarians are a fickle bunch). As for tariffs, I will probably never convince you otherwise, but free trade isn't very free when its managed by the WTO and NAFTA. It has to be reigned in otherwise wages will never in our lifetime improve in the United States.


His talk about raising taxes on the highest income bracket is based on his own plan. His plan says he cuts that bracket from 39 to 25. He could raise it from 25 to 30 or 35, but it would still be lower than 39. He is open to negotiation. You would know this if you didn't just read headlines or listen to The_Hillaryman and did your own research.
Jagwarrior, I'd be careful with the insults...

Look, I know that it's en vogue to think that governments should be run like businesses.

But what trump is talking about would destroy the full faith and credit if the USA and cause crippling inflation.

Being the king of debt and knowing how to use bankruptcy is great in business, I guess.

I don't want my country like that. How is this fiscal policy making America great?
Quote:So much misinformation in this post. Eric, do you actually comprehend what you read or do you just interpret it like a 3rd grader?


If you have ever, ever run a business, you would know that debt management is a HUGE part of operation. Almost nobody has cash to immediately start, run,  or fund a businesses. Every national and multinational business you have ever dealt with has debt that is managed. Whether it is through banks or investors. The United States takes on huge amounts of debt. Don't you want someone who is good at managing that debt? That is what Trump is talking about. Debt management. He is the king of debt management. Otherwise, he wouldn't be a billionaire. I know you are smarter than you put on, so please try and think a little deeper next time. And he is absolutely right that we don't have to default because we DO print our own money.


"If interest rates go up, we can buyback debt at a discount if we are liquid enough as a country. People say I want to default on debt - these people are crazy. First of all you never have to default because you print the money I hate to tell you, so there is never a default. It was reported in the NYT that I want to default on debt - you know I am the king of debt, I love debt, but debt is tricky and its dangerous. But let me just tell you: if interest rates go up and bonds go down, you can buy debt - that's what I'm talking about. So here is the story, if we have an opportunity where interest rates go up and you can buy back debt at a discount. I always like to be able to do that if you can do that. That's all I was talking about, they have it like I'm going to go back to creditors and I am going to renegotiate or restructure debt. It's ridiculous."


Oh no, someone who actually knows how financing works. As for his tax plan, read this https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/tax-reform (I feel like I have mentioned this before, but libertarians are a fickle bunch). As for tariffs, I will probably never convince you otherwise, but free trade isn't very free when its managed by the WTO and NAFTA. It has to be reigned in otherwise wages will never in our lifetime improve in the United States.


His talk about raising taxes on the highest income bracket is based on his own plan. His plan says he cuts that bracket from 39 to 25. He could raise it from 25 to 30 or 35, but it would still be lower than 39. He is open to negotiation. You would know this if you didn't just read headlines or listen to The_Hillaryman and did your own research.

Managing the national deficit is not the same as managing any business or start up business no mater how many vague analogy's you try and paint. The reality that we can print money doesn't change the effects of printing the money. That's been the ENTIRE argument from the right for the last 3 decades, that printing money instead of cutting spending leads to inflation and taxation. Now your all the sudden ok with actions like QE because that's exactly what Trump is talking about, continuing and possibly even stepping up QE. I'm pretty sure you've been on here rightfully arguing against these kinds of actions that Obama has taken while in charge, why the hell would it be ok for Trump to do it?


As for his "negotiating"  comments I seem to remember a conversation where you proudly displayed his tax cuts in his plan. It was a shinning example of his true conservative core agenda. Yet he's already back peddling, and he isn't firm on the top rate being less than 39% he's saying its ALL negotiable. 


Take a step back and look at the big picture, forget WHO is floating these ideas. He is on multiple fronts putting together possible the worse fiscal policy ever proposed by a presidential candidate. It's almost as if he is trying to find NEW ways to increase the cost of goods across the board, hmmmmm

"If interest rates go up, we can buyback debt at a discount if we are liquid enough as a country. People say I want to default on debt - these people are crazy. First of all you never have to default because you print the money I hate to tell you, so there is never a default. It was reported in the NYT that I want to default on debt - you know I am the king of debt, I love debt, but debt is tricky and its dangerous. But let me just tell you: if interest rates go up and bonds go down, you can buy debt - that's what I'm talking about. So here is the story, if we have an opportunity where interest rates go up and you can buy back debt at a discount. I always like to be able to do that if you can do that. That's all I was talking about, they have it like I'm going to go back to creditors and I am going to renegotiate or restructure debt. It's ridiculous."



Let's break down this quote:   So here is the story, if we have an opportunity where interest rates go up and you can buy back debt at a discount. 


That is a HUGE "IF".  Our debt is secured in treasury bonds.  We are not trading in bonds.  We are using the bonds to finance the government.  So a bond buy back does us no good.  It's still debt that we have to pay back.  The raised interest rates doesn't affect the fact that even if we get the discounted rate of the bond that it's still our debt we owe.  Any discount would be negligible if beneficial at all.  And again, the "IF factor...


The "IF" factor is that we are not liquid.  We run budgets at a deficit.  So we'd have to borrow more money to buy back the debt... OR as trump says...  We can print money to buy back the debt.


And again, that get's us into HUGE INFLATION!!!  LOL  I mean, dude, it's ridiculous.  He's the king of debt and bankruptcy and then getting rich again.  I'm not down with bankrupting the USA in order to figure out that he can then make us great again after he bankrupted the country.  


I'm not a huge finance guy, more of an accountant.  But I think I have this correct.  If anyone has expertise in finance, please chime in.
I spent $30 dollars on 2 value meals at McDonalds in Dublin in 2009. The value of the dollar has been an issue for awhile.
Quote:I spent $30 dollars on 2 value meals at McDonalds in Dublin in 2009. The value of the dollar has been an issue for awhile.

Naw, man... I don't think you get it. The value of the dollar overseas fluctuates based on trade policies, for the most part. Your purchasing power overseas can go up or down.

Trump's proposed fiscal policy would jack up the dollar here in the USA.

Having a weak dollar while you travel overseas is one thing...

Imagine if all of a sudden that happy meal at the MacDonald's down the street jumped to 30 bucks a pop.

That's what his fiscal plan would create. It would be a catastrophe. He doesn't know what he's talking about in terms of macro economic governmental policy.
Quote:Naw, man... I don't think you get it. The value of the dollar overseas fluctuates based on trade policies, for the most part. Your purchasing power overseas can go up or down.

Trump's proposed fiscal policy would jack up the dollar here in the USA.

Having a weak dollar while you travel overseas is one thing...

Imagine if all of a sudden that happy meal at the MacDonald's down the street jumped to 30 bucks a pop.

That's what his fiscal plan would create. It would be a catastrophe. He doesn't know what he's talking about in terms of macro economic governmental policy.

Yeah, like when you suddenly have to pay double your costs for labor. Man, that would be awful.
Quote:Yeah, like when you suddenly have to pay double your costs for labor. Man, that would be awful.

Cry me a river
Japan has been printing money at twice the rate of the US and has double the national debt-to-GDP ratio, yet they are experiencing deflation and have the worlds lowest interest rates. Printing more money != inflation. However, deflation isn't necessarily a good thing either. Regardless, if we had to solve the nations debt crisis, is restructuring the debt and paying say, .85c to $1 at the cost of a temporary credit hit not worth it if it meant reducing the debt? If you want to pay it off, sometimes you have to make critical decisions. Would it mess with the global markets? Absolutely. Is it worth it in the end? Depends on how much you value on being a debt-free (or even debt-managed) nation.


As it stands, Hillary Clinton has not proposed anything to manage the debt. She talks about a trillion dollar tax increase, but nothing about cutting spending or reducing debt. Donald Trump at least has talked about managing and reducing debt through reduced spending, lower taxes, trade deals, limiting regulation, and buying back debt if the economy is healthy.



Quote:Cry me a river of sweet sweet Chik Fil A Sauce

Fret not dear friend, the price of replacement tech will be much less than the inflated cost of labor. Damn shame about all those employees though.

Quote:Fret not dear friend, the price of replacement tech will be much less than the inflated cost of labor. Damn shame about all those employees though.

I'm sure someone is going to need to maintain everything. These people will be compensated fairly.

As for the ever changing demands of the labor market, maybe we should have affordable public universities and free community/vocational colleges to train the work force to stay competitive...

Novel ideas, I'm sure. Ideas an Eisenhower republican could really get behind.
Printing money absolutely = inflation.

There is no mental gymnastics to get around that law of fiat currency, you can argue how much it causes and if it's really harmful but you can't debate the cause and effect. More of a Fiat curreny means that currency loses purchasing power at some level.
Quote:So much misinformation in this post. Eric, do you actually comprehend what you read or do you just interpret it like a 3rd grader?


If you have ever, ever run a business, you would know that debt management is a HUGE part of operation. Almost nobody has cash to immediately start, run,  or fund a businesses. Every national and multinational business you have ever dealt with has debt that is managed. Whether it is through banks or investors. The United States takes on huge amounts of debt. Don't you want someone who is good at managing that debt? That is what Trump is talking about. Debt management. He is the king of debt management. Otherwise, he wouldn't be a billionaire. I know you are smarter than you put on, so please try and think a little deeper next time. And he is absolutely right that we don't have to default because we DO print our own money.


"If interest rates go up, we can buyback debt at a discount if we are liquid enough as a country. People say I want to default on debt - these people are crazy. First of all you never have to default because you print the money I hate to tell you, so there is never a default. It was reported in the NYT that I want to default on debt - you know I am the king of debt, I love debt, but debt is tricky and its dangerous. But let me just tell you: if interest rates go up and bonds go down, you can buy debt - that's what I'm talking about. So here is the story, if we have an opportunity where interest rates go up and you can buy back debt at a discount. I always like to be able to do that if you can do that. That's all I was talking about, they have it like I'm going to go back to creditors and I am going to renegotiate or restructure debt. It's ridiculous."


Oh no, someone who actually knows how financing works. As for his tax plan, read this https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/tax-reform (I feel like I have mentioned this before, but libertarians are a fickle bunch). As for tariffs, I will probably never convince you otherwise, but free trade isn't very free when its managed by the WTO and NAFTA. It has to be reigned in otherwise wages will never in our lifetime improve in the United States.


His talk about raising taxes on the highest income bracket is based on his own plan. His plan says he cuts that bracket from 39 to 25. He could raise it from 25 to 30 or 35, but it would still be lower than 39. He is open to negotiation. You would know this if you didn't just read headlines or listen to The_Hillaryman and did your own research.

Read the part in bold and show how much he wants interest rates to increase.  While I would like to see an increase, rates can't go up high enough to "buy back" debt at a reasonable price.  There is a fine line when it comes to interest rates.  If rates go up and bonds go down in a slow economy like we are in, say hello to more inflation and fewer jobs.  Bond prices are very important when it comes to retirees or people nearing retirement.



Quote:I'm sure someone is going to need to maintain everything. These people will be compensated fairly.

As for the ever changing demands of the labor market, maybe we should have affordable public universities and free community/vocational colleges to train the work force to stay competitive...

Novel ideas, I'm sure. Ideas an Eisenhower republican could really get behind.

I agree... but it's not going to be people that currently ask "do you want fries with that?".
Quote:I'm sure someone is going to need to maintain everything. These people will be compensated fairly.

As for the ever changing demands of the labor market, maybe we should have affordable public universities and free community/vocational colleges to train the work force to stay competitive...

Novel ideas, I'm sure. Ideas an Eisenhower republican could really get behind.

[Image: Welcome-to-Mcdonalds-meme.jpg]
Quote:Read the part in bold and show how much he wants interest rates to increase. While I would like to see an increase, rates can't go up high enough to "buy back" debt at a reasonable price. There is a fine line when it comes to interest rates. If rates go up and bonds go down in a slow economy like we are in, say hello to more inflation and fewer jobs. Bond prices are very important when it comes to retirees or people nearing retirement.

I agree... but it's not going to be people that currently ask "do you want fries with that?".

Oh man... I think we may have found common ground.... someone take a screen shot of this!!
Quote:Oh man... I think we may have found common ground.... someone take a screen shot of this!!

Well when it comes to you liberals... you know the old saying about a blind squirrel.  
Quote:Well when it comes to you liberals... you know the old saying about a blind squirrel.  

Yeah, they find a nut every now and again.  Anchorman found you.   Tongue
Quote:Yeah, they find a nut every now and again.  Anchorman found you.   Tongue

Yup.  And is a squirrel finding a nut a good thing?    Banana
Back to the topic, in an ever changing economy, the barrier to education should not be monetary...
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