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Quote:Yeah, that too.

Yeah, you're also not American so please stay out of this.  Nobody here knows or cares about the politics of Holland or wherever you're from. But for some reason you're following so closely American politics. Very strange.
Quote:Yeah, you're also not American so please stay out of this. Nobody here knows or cares about the politics of Holland or wherever you're from. But for some reason you're following so closely American politics. Very strange.

In fairness so goes America so goes the world. It's pretty common for foreigners to follow American politics sense it so heavily influences the rest of the world.
Quote:He's not a journalist, he's a social and political satirist, one who exposes your boy Trump for what he is. That you think he's a journalist goes a long way towards explaining why you've been duped by Trump.

This point of being "duped" by Trump speaks to the ridiculousness of this entire thread: "TRUMP CANT WIN"


as if we haven't had crooks for President for like the past 5 decades nor been duped by either Bush or Obama.


Trump also is a non-politician running against career politicians who likely, based on recent history, are just like their predecessors. Continuing to go to the same cloth for answers seems illogical. 

Quote:Why should I respect someone because they are on TV?
Like Donald Trump?
Quote:Like Donald Trump?

this is like... a real post? you're serious?
Quote:Let's analyse shall we?


First article is from wnd.com, I'm not familiar with the site but it's about describes as such: "For 18 years, WND has been the world’s best-kept secret in Christian content and marketing." Let's all cut to the chase; Christian means conservative, not exactly unbiased there. Then again, the counterpoint here is John Oliver and I'm not going to pretend he's unbiased so let's say that cancels each other out. The about page all spend an awful lot of space talking about all the books and films and "resources" they sell.


On the article itself though; direct references to scientific research: zero. There is a reference to a report noting a jump in incidents from 148 in 2018 to 322 in 2015. The article also says there were 163,000 applications in 2015. Even is you assuming there were no applications still waiting to be processed that a rate of 197.5 incidents per application. Violent crime across the US in 2013 was at 242.3 per 100,000 and it's never made clear what an "incident" is, could be as minor as scuffle or a verbal argument.


Second article is from the Daily Caller, which is openly conservative so not exactly unbiased here either but for the same reasons mentioned above; I'll ignore that for now. Amazingly, in the article itself I count 1 reference in the first 8 paragraphs. That reference is a report that says "It noted that Muslim immigrants from North Africa were 23 times more likely to commit rape than Swedish men." while I don't doubt the report the 8 paragraphs have numerous unsubstantiated claims. Then it attempts to Sweden to Japan, with this notable sentence ''Thus, the Japanese make no bones about it: they are Islamophobic." basic knowledge of Japanese culture should tell anyone it's an inherently xenophobic culture. They distrust anyone not Japanese, not just Muslims. Just ask the Japanese citizens with Korean or Chinese heritage.


As for rape statistics: Sweden is at 63.5/100,000; US is at 27.3/100,000 but the US uses a much stricter definition of rape as indicated by the official term "forcible rape", Sweden's definition of rape is much wider and it also counts each instance separately thus inflating figures. But let's look at little deeper; If we look purely at the numbers we see the highest developed nation outside of Sweden is Australia (28.6) followed by Belgium (27.9) and the US (27.3), if we continue other notables are Norway (19.2), France (16.2), and my own country the Netherlands (7.6). EU average is 10.19.


Now let's look at the Muslim populations of those countries: Australia: 2.2%, Belgium 6%, US: 0.9%, Norway: 2.4%, France; ~8%, Netherlands: 5%. Amazingly, the two countries with the lowest percentage of Muslims have the highest percentage of rapes. Of the two countries with the highest percentage of Muslims, one has one of the higher rates and the other has a significantly lower rate. The other two don't appear to have a correlation either; Norway's Muslim population is half that of the Netherlands but it's reported rapes are three times as high. It's almost as if there are zero conclusions we can draw from rape statistics.


But here something that has proven true time and time again; crime rate of all sorts drop as socioeconomic status rises. In every country, in every population, in every religion, it's the same story: poverty breeds crime. And immigrants, especially refugees, are poor. 
Well we all know goats cant report rape....
Quote:this is like... a real post? you're serious?
Umm... Trump..Miss America, The Apprentice and the latest media over saturation of agent orange tells me he is mainly known from his TV shows..and what? Most Americans, until now, knew little of his other exploits..good or bad? 
Quote:Umm... Trump..Miss America, The Apprentice and the latest media over saturation of agent orange tells me he is mainly known from his TV shows..and what? Most Americans, until now, knew little of his other exploits..good or bad? 

He's been a well-known figure because of his business long before reality tv even existed. Stop.
Quote:Yeah, you're also not American so please stay out of this.  Nobody here knows or cares about the politics of Holland or wherever you're from. But for some reason you're following so closely American politics. Very strange.

Translation: I can't refute your argument, so please don't argue this topic.
Quote:Yeah, you're also not American so please stay out of this.  Nobody here knows or cares about the politics of Holland or wherever you're from. But for some reason you're following so closely American politics. Very strange.


Quote:Translation: I can't refute your argument, so please don't argue this topic.
And/Or...Keep out dadgum firiner...then repeat USA USA 50 times
Quote:Translation: I can't refute your argument, so please don't argue this topic.

if at this point you're still in denial about the problems the "open-door" migration in Europe has caused, then nothing will change your opinion.
Quote:And/Or...Keep out dadgum firiner...then repeat USA USA 50 times

you probably have to google where Netherlands is, so... just stop
Quote:Why should I respect someone because they made a lot of money?

Quote:you probably have to google where Netherlands is, so... just stop
I've been there. Amsterdam is pretty cool actually. Try leaving Duval one time, its really an eye opener
Quote:this is like... a real post? you're serious?


Quote:Umm... Trump..Miss America, The Apprentice and the latest media over saturation of agent orange tells me he is mainly known from his TV shows..and what? Most Americans, until now, knew little of his other exploits..good or bad? 
Many think its real, therefore he is as well..but its TV..And that is where many of his supporters know him from..in fact I bet the majority

Quote:Yeah, you're also not American so please stay out of this.  Nobody here knows or cares about the politics of Holland or wherever you're from. But for some reason you're following so closely American politics. Very strange.


Quote:you probably have to google where Netherlands is, so... just stop
Someone googled
Quote:Why should I respect someone because they are on TV?

Maybe you should respect him because he got into Cambridge university on academic merit and doesn't tell everyone how great he is because of this...
Rubio's campaign has really turned nasty. His donors must have threatened his future or something.

Quote:This point of being "duped" by Trump speaks to the ridiculousness of this entire thread: "TRUMP CANT WIN"


as if we haven't had crooks for President for like the past 5 decades nor been duped by either Bush or Obama.


Trump also is a non-politician running against career politicians who likely, based on recent history, are just like their predecessors. Continuing to go to the same cloth for answers seems illogical. 

The lamest argument yet, we should choose an outsider no matter who he is.


The Emperor-to-be has no clothes.
Quote:The lamest argument yet, we should choose an outsider no matter who he is.


The Emperor-to-be has no clothes.
It really speaks to the strength of the Republican field that Trump is a viable candidate for the GOP.
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