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Quote:I agree.   What I think it proves is that he is not a "financial guru" as some of his supporters claim.   There were many experts at the time telling us that housing was in a bubble and when it popped, the result would be a financial disaster.   Trump ignored those warnings.   He started Trump Mortgage, he said housing was going to strong for a long time, and within a few months, the housing market started its collapse, taking Trump Mortgage with it.  


That's why I'm saying, it's wrong to call him a financial guru. 

I don't think he's infallible.  At the same time he's obviously more of an expert on the economy than most politicians because he's actually participated in it.  


I feel like it's a bit of revisionist history going on.  You have "financial experts" and others telling everybody EVERY DAY that the economy is going to fall apart VERY SOON.  So when it eventually does have a down turn they can say "Look I predicted this, buy my stuff!"  If you listened to the "warnings" all the time, you would get no where.  You would just be scared to do anything.

I think that a lot of people are going to vote for Trump just for the sake of calling the GOP's bluff to see if they will actually do what they are implying they might do at the convention.

What I find hilarious is that every week there is a new angle to attack Trump and the angle from the former week is completely forgotten and not talked about.


Last week it was rally violence, now it's 3rd party challenger/Open convention. What will next week be? Eventually they will start recycling things.


Do these moron news outlets not realize they are just fueling the Trump machine and making it stronger?


[Image: Varvel_11_TrumpTeflonDon.jpg]

Quote:What I find hilarious is that every week there is a new angle to attack Trump and the angle from the former week is completely forgotten and not talked about.


Last week it was rally violence, now it's 3rd party challenger/Open convention. What will next week be? Eventually they will start recycling things.


Do these moron news outlets not realize they are just fueling the Trump machine and making it stronger?


[Image: Varvel_11_TrumpTeflonDon.jpg]
That title has been used before.....


[Image: amd-gotti-jpg.jpg]
Rubio took on Trump, and today I watched a video of Rubio telling the press that he is going to serve out his 10 months left in the Senate & then  quit politics all together....


Trump made Rubio quit politics.

I think he'll do the same to Hilary.

The GOP is now saying that Paul Ryan might be the candidate at the brokered Convention, yikes..


If that happens I hope Trump runs as an independent & wins.

Quote:Rubio took on Trump, and today I watched a video of Rubio telling the press that he is going to serve out his 10 months left in the Senate & then  quit politics all together....


Trump made Rubio quit politics.

I think he'll do the same to Hilary.

I'm thoroughly convinced Trump was planted as an infiltrator by the Dems and he is taking down the GOP 1 by 1.


[Image: rowe1.jpg]
I feel like I've entered an alternative universe whenever I see Trump for president stuff.

Just like the devils greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist,Trumps greatest trick has been convincing people he is actually electable.
Quote:I agree. What I think it proves is that he is not a "financial guru" as some of his supporters claim. There were many experts at the time telling us that housing was in a bubble and when it popped, the result would be a financial disaster. Trump ignored those warnings. He started Trump Mortgage, he said housing was going to strong for a long time, and within a few months, the housing market started its collapse, taking Trump Mortgage with it.

That's why I'm saying, it's wrong to call him a financial guru.

No its not. If you go through an intersection and the light is green then how is it ur fault id the light was malfunctioning.

U had the fed chair and the head of fannie and freddie testifying under oath that loan persistency wasnt an issue and the secondary market was so flooded with capital looking for paper that u almost had to get a piece of that action.

And there was still relatively little risk in starting a mortgage company to oroginate loans. Most of the paper would be off your books woth the way the market was sucking them up and the problem woth ltv made it harder to write loans once the secondary market collapsed but that just meant that the new business entity might not generate profit.

The real loosers were the hedge fund guys stuck with worthless mortgage backed securities or worse facing infinite exposure to insurance contracts they had written on mbs. Something like that would have wiped out trumps entire empire and thats not what happened.

There are tons of financial companies that rolled back loan origination post the collapse because the business model just isnt as profitable. Thats a wholly different deal than risking your entire market capitalization with mbs and derivatives.
Quote:I feel like I've entered an alternative universe whenever I see Trump for president stuff.

Just like the devils greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist,Trumps greatest trick has been convincing people he is actually electable.

And yet his opponent is even worse.
Quote:And yet his opponent is even worse.

Yeah the craziest part is that even Donald Trump is more electable than Hilary/Bernie. Damage limitation really,who will [BLEEP] your country up the least?
Quote:Yeah the craziest part is that even Donald Trump is more electable than Hilary/Bernie. Damage limitation really,who will [BAD WORD REMOVED] your country up the least?

What makes you think he's more "electable?"    As of right now, the polls are showing either Clinton or Sanders winning handily against Trump.  
Quote:What makes you think he's more "electable?" As of right now, the polls are showing either Clinton or Sanders winning handily against Trump.

Watching Hillary! slither her way through politics for twenty years.
Quote:What makes you think he's more "electable?" As of right now, the polls are showing either Clinton or Sanders winning handily against Trump.

Electable to Americans, I wouldn't vote for him. Really? I thought from all the stuff on here that he was dominating all around him.
Quote:Electable to Americans, I wouldn't vote for him. Really? I thought from all the stuff on here that he was dominating all around him.

There's a large segmant of the population that is anti-hillary and then trump came around and now everyone is [BLEEP] what do we do now?

There's a large segmant of the population that is anti-trump and then Hillary ran away with the Democrats nomniaton and now everyone is [BLEEP] what do we do now?
Quote:There's a large segmant of the population that is anti-hillary and then trump came around and now everyone is [BAD WORD REMOVED] what do we do now?

There's a large segmant of the population that is anti-trump and then Hillary ran away with the Democrats nomniaton and now everyone is [BAD WORD REMOVED] what do we do now?

I'm in both segments.
The loudest people do not always represent the majority.
Quote:The loudest people do not always represent the majority.

Rarely in fact, because the majority doesn't really care enough to be passionate about it.
Quote:The loudest people do not always represent the majority.
Says the forum's resident "Trump dominates the moon" loudmouth.
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