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Why dont you mods ever quote HIGH SCORE when he posts his Joeckel hatred?  Are you afraid you all wont be buddies anymore or what?

So is this where the troll begins to play victim?


Careful, the princess is getting upset.


[Image: il_fullxfull.329961940.jpg]

the "princess" thing was mildly humerous the first 10000 times FBT said it about The Mad Dog.... you should come up with your own material.
Quote:I'm not saying you brought up Monroe.  i was simply making a point while responding to your post.  Don't get your panties in a twist.


Quote:Keep on trollin'

FBT, I know this is awkward, but Pirkster is a real big fan of yours.  Can you send him an autographed mouse-pad or something?  That would mean the world to him.  Thanks. God bless.
Quote:Now watch those all important PFF rankings become pointless now that it doesn't prove anyone's point.

Pirk has been more than clear that he thinks PFF is irrelevant, so why he included that I can't speak to.

Other posters were inquiring about the numbers so I posted them.
If the people that get paid to professionally coach the game say he's progressing well, then you haters need to trust in that.
Quote:If the people that get paid to professionally coach the game say he's progressing well, then you haters need to trust in that.

What coaches say and do are two different things.  They will tell you X player is really wonderful until the day he is cut or traded.  Then suddenly we are a better team without him.
Quote:Pirk has been more than clear that he thinks PFF is irrelevant, so why he included that I can't speak to.

Other posters were inquiring about the numbers so I posted them.

It's pretty common for people to use PFF only when it supports what they are trying to say.
I for one am done talking about Joeckel. I've already gave my opinions and many others. I will say that there are people on this message board that can't accept the facts that some players aren't good. They try their hardest to deny the truth and really hope everything works out, but they're completely blinded by the hope. If Bradley is saying anything about a player, it will never be negative. He is super positive and you should all know that by now. There is no way he'd actually say Joeckel is playing bad and he needs to step it up. Even when we get smacked 42-3 he'd still be saying "I thought we had some nice flashes and things to grow on, it was a great learning experience." It's just how the man coaches, and you can't trust everything he says. His style is to keep the players morale up and make them feel like they're improving, not completely trash them.


Will Joeckel improve? Probably. Will he become that dominant LT that we hoped for? No, there is a good chance he wont. Could he just be an average LT? Yes. The problem with being average is that he's going to be facing elite pass-rushers and they beat up on average players. Caldwell will draft another LT or get one in FA in the off-season. Parnell is a good example of someone that can deal with JJ Watt for the majority of the game if he stays healthy. Joeckel can't at this point in time. If Joeckel doesn't make significant improvements this season, there is no way Caldwell doesn't address the issue, especially since we play the Texans twice a year. Their defensive line could be the reason why we don't make the play-offs in the next few years. So we need to have a stacked OL.


Quote:I for one am done talking about Joeckel. I've already gave my opinions and many others. I will say that there are people on this message board that can't accept the facts that some players aren't good. They try their hardest to deny the truth and really hope everything works out, but they're completely blinded by the hope. If Bradley is saying anything about a player, it will never be negative. He is super positive and you should all know that by now. There is no way he'd actually say Joeckel is playing bad and he needs to step it up. Even when we get smacked 42-3 he'd still be saying "I thought we had some nice flashes and things to grow on, it was a great learning experience." It's just how the man coaches, and you can't trust everything he says. His style is to keep the players morale up and make them feel like they're improving, not completely trash them.


Will Joeckel improve? Probably. Will he become that dominant LT that we hoped for? No, there is a good chance he wont. Could he just be an average LT? Yes. The problem with being average is that he's going to be facing elite pass-rushers and they beat up on average players. Caldwell will draft another LT or get one in FA in the off-season. Parnell is a good example of someone that can deal with JJ Watt for the majority of the game if he stays healthy. Joeckel can't at this point in time. If Joeckel doesn't make significant improvements this season, there is no way Caldwell doesn't address the issue, especially since we play the Texans twice a year. Their defensive line could be the reason why we don't make the play-offs in the next few years. So we need to have a stacked OL.

The problem is Joeckel's ceiling is lower than the guy we traded away.  Therefore making the GM's move a bad one.  That is what homers are going to refuse to admit until the bitter end.
Quote:The problem is Joeckel's ceiling is lower than the guy we traded away.  Therefore making the GM's move a bad one.  That is what homers are going to refuse to admit until the bitter end.
Yeah, I agree. People are using the excuse " Well Monroe is struggling now with the Ravens! So it was the right move! " The problem is that he was playing very well for us before the trade, and there was absolutely no reason to get rid of him. Unless you thought you could 100% land a stud like Boselli, why would you even risk it? And it looks like that was one of the few Caldwell mistakes so far.

Quote:Yeah, I agree. People are using the excuse " Well Monroe is struggling now with the Ravens! So it was the right move! " The problem is that he was playing very well for us before the trade, and there was absolutely no reason to get rid of him.
I know it's been pointed out here already, but I'd like to remind everyone once again that on October 1, 2013, Eugene Monroe was an average tackle that hadn't lived up to his draft slot, and was generally a disappointment. On October 2, 2013, when the trade was first reported, he was a good tackle, and we'd better have gotten a first-round pick for him. On October 3, 2013, when we found out the terms, he was the best thing since Tony Boselli, and only getting fourth and fifth-round picks for him was a complete waste of a great offensive lineman.
Quote:I know it's been pointed out here already, but I'd like to remind everyone once again that on October 1, 2013, Eugene Monroe was an average tackle that hadn't lived up to his draft slot, and was generally a disappointment. On October 2, 2013, when the trade was first reported, he was a good tackle, and we'd better have gotten a first-round pick for him. On October 3, 2013, when we found out the terms, he was the best thing since Tony Boselli, and only getting fourth and fifth-round picks for him was a complete waste of a great offensive lineman.

Monroe was definitely playing well.  Although he had a rocky start, he was generally considered a good player among fans.  That year we were all amazed how he stonewalled Jared Allen.  Clay Matthews got the better of him, but you could also see him on the sidelines in "wired" or whatever they call that show talk about how Monroe was "supposed to be the best" meaning he had built a reputation for being really good at his job.

Quote:I know it's been pointed out here already, but I'd like to remind everyone once again that on October 1, 2013, Eugene Monroe was an average tackle that hadn't lived up to his draft slot, and was generally a disappointment. On October 2, 2013, when the trade was first reported, he was a good tackle, and we'd better have gotten a first-round pick for him. On October 3, 2013, when we found out the terms, he was the best thing since Tony Boselli, and only getting fourth and fifth-round picks for him was a complete waste of a great offensive lineman.

not true in the slightest
Quote:Monroe was definitely playing well. Although he had a rocky start, he was generally considered a good player among fans. That year we were all amazed how he stonewalled Jared Allen. Clay Matthews got the better of him, but you could also see him on the sidelines in "wired" or whatever they call that show talk about how Monroe was "supposed to be the best" meaning he had built a reputation for being really good at his job.

To be fair, you are describing the year before he was traded and yes he was really good that year. In 2013, he struggled a bit starting with the opening day disaster in Kansas City.

I'm not sure where the apologists are getting all of this garbage about people complaining about Monroe before he was traded. If anything, if people were trashing Monroe, these same Joeckel apologists surely would have been defending his play. When he was traded, suddenly he was a below average player since he wasn't a Jag anymore.

The Joeckel fan boys love to howl about how anybody critical of any player on the roster flip - flops their opinion when they do the same exact thing. Everybody on the Jags is a great player or a jar on the shelf, until they get traded or cut, then they were below average all along. Ive seen this with Leftwich, Garrard, Gene Smith, Del Rio, Gabbert among many others. The current regime always knows best and are completely infallible. If you disagree, then you are a troll or a bibber. The hypocrisy is astounding.
Quote:If the people that get paid to professionally coach the game say he's progressing well, then you haters need to trust in that.


Agreed, and I do feel he is progressing well. But Lags never really said that Joekel is any good. To take a line from FBT, there are plenty of Pop Warner players who are progressing well.

Quote:Parnell is a good example of someone that can deal with JJ Watt for the majority of the game if he stays healthy.


While Parnell has done a stand up job so far, I'm not ready to say he can deal with JJ one-on-one. We'll probably have to shift extra help to his side meaning Joekel will have to deal with Clowney one-on-one. Are we ready for that?

Pasztor is the one who sprang Corey Grant on that 40 yard TD run. Did a nice job assisting and then getting to the second level where he stymied the LB.

I couldn't quite get a good enough look at Pasztor and Young to judge them, but I do like how Morris had plenty of time to throw with him only taking one sack early on.

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