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Quote:Luke goes out and the offense falls on its face. Must be a shock for many of you. Maybe some of you can ease up a bit on him. He's not a future hall of famer but he's good enough. Aside from Blake, he's probably the guy we can least afford to lose on offense.


I agree considering Sam Young is basically a scrub in this league. The Panthers lost an elite LB in Kuechly at right about the same time the Jaguars lost Joekel. Up until that point the two teams were playing dead even. After that point, the Panthers clearly had the edge. Despite his faults, the Jaguars need Joekel in there.

Believe it or not, we need Joeckel against Miami. Wake will probably have a field day regardless, but Joeckel might atleast win a few one on ones. Hope he plays sunday
Quote:I agree considering Sam Young is basically a scrub in this league. The Panthers lost an elite LB in Kuechly at right about the same time the Jaguars lost Joekel. Up until that point the two teams were playing dead even. After that point, the Panthers clearly had the edge. Despite his faults, the Jaguars need Joekel in there.

While you're right, it brings up a larger potential issue.


Joekel gets a lot of flak, sure...but isn't he a better run blocker than pass blocker atm? Did his injury coincide with the virtual abandonment of the running game? Heaven forbid if Sam Young is a worse run blocker than he is in pass protection... Sick
his ankle seemed to be hurting him pretty bad.  i doubt he is ready to play Sunday.  if he does play, I doubt he gets through it without re-injuring himself.

Quote:his ankle seemed to be hurting him pretty bad.  i doubt he is ready to play Sunday.  if he does play, I doubt he gets through it without re-injuring himself.

I'm not expecting him back this week, but it wouldn't be unheard of for him to play.  It's not a high ankle sprain, so it's possible they could tape/spat that ankle to give him adequate support to avoid rolling it again so that he can get back on the field.  If it was a high ankle sprain, we'd be talking about some time after the bye week.  We'll see soon enough.  If he doesn't play, look for the TEs to get little attention again this week.
If Sam Young is starting. No way we win this game. That dude was trash

Quote:his ankle seemed to be hurting him pretty bad. i doubt he is ready to play Sunday. if he does play, I doubt he gets through it without re-injuring himself.

Bro Badg, don't underestimate the level of medical attention these guys get. It's a sore bone, not of the high ankle variety, which is a sprain of the ligaments connecting the bones of the ankle. They'll fix him well. Pain tolerance and favoring the sore foot, however, separate issues. He's a lineman, immense pride is their tool. I am hopeful for him.
Didn't see Tim's take, sorry. Thread was in reply mode while I handled mine...
Quote:Bro Badg, don't underestimate the level of medical attention these guys get. It's a sore bone, not of the high ankle variety, which is a sprain of the ligaments connecting the bones of the ankle. They'll fix him well. Pain tolerance and favoring the sore foot, however, separate issues. He's a lineman, immense pride is their tool. I am hopeful for him.

Ankle injuries can linger. I don't think he should be rushed out just for him to further injure it. Since Luke Joeckel is wavering on the fragile side, I say give it some time.
Quote:If Sam Young is starting. No way we win this game. That dude was trash
I follow the logic behind cutting Austin Pasztor and keeping Young. Young can play both sides, whereas Pasztor is pretty much a right tackle only. That said, Young is awful, always has been, and seems to be this regime's version of Guy Whimper: the migraine that no amount of Excedrin can cure.


The thing that really concerns me is that if Joeckel is out, our tackle depth consists of Young, Parnell and, presumably, Bowanko as the backup on both sides. There really aren't any other options on the roster or practice squad, aside from possibly swinging Linder or Beadles (who played LT in college) out in an emergency. In short, an injury to Young puts us in bad shape. An injury to Parnell would completely thrash the line.


If Joeckel is going to miss time, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see a veteran tackle added in the interim.
Quote:I follow the logic behind cutting Austin Pasztor and keeping Young. Young can play both sides, whereas Pasztor is pretty much a right tackle only. That said, Young is awful, always has been, and seems to be this regime's version of Guy Whimper: the migraine that no amount of Excedrin can cure.


The thing that really concerns me is that if Joeckel is out, our tackle depth consists of Young, Parnell and, presumably, Bowanko as the backup on both sides. There really aren't any other options on the roster or practice squad, aside from possibly swinging Linder or Beadles (who played LT in college) out in an emergency. In short, an injury to Young puts us in bad shape. An injury to Parnell would completely thrash the line.


If Joeckel is going to miss time, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see a veteran tackle added in the interim.

If that was the expectation, it probably would have happened today. 

Quote:Ankle injuries can linger. I don't think he should be rushed out just for him to further injure it. Since Luke Joeckel is wavering on the fragile side, I say give it some time.

I hear you mate. As long as the pain and swelling subside, and he regains normal range of motion, he should be okay. But they'll be cautious for sure. Gus is good at that. He doesn't put his guys in harms way. Lewis will be glued to Young if otherwise.
Quote:If that was the expectation, it probably would have happened today. 
Roughly my thoughts as well. If they're not sure that he'll miss time, they might just be waiting until they know one way or another rather than risk exposing someone they like to waivers unnecessarily.
I think the man has an issue with his feet overall.  If you don't trust your feet, you start thinking about them and then you start playing with consistency problems.  He is a serviceable left tackle for sure.  I'm just not sure he is as healed from last year as he should be.


Then again pain and suffering are the price for this game and sports in general.  I just got a chuckle thinking of Al Jabar's rant in airplane.

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<div><a class="" href='https://twitter.com/ryanohalloran'>Ryan O'Halloran</a> <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/ryanohalloran'>@ryanohalloran</a>
Joeckel still in walking boot. Said "we'll see" on practicing Thursday. #jaguars
From piecing together the different blurbs we get on Joeckel, he isn't playing this week. Welp.

Honestly, I hope they are experimenting with Bowanko at LT. Id rather see that then Sam Young.
I expect whoever plays at LT to get a lot of help from TEs and RBs in chip blocks and what nots.

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