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[Image: ar2K4gg.jpg]

Quote:No it's not. Joeckel playing 1 full season in the NFL is a fact. 3 years ago Joeckel was preparing to play his last season for Texas A&M.

yes, it's a fact.

it's also a fact that he's entering his 3rd year in the NFL.  He's about to finish his 3rd training camp as a professional athlete.  Fact.  What's the point?  Point is, he needs to play a lot better this year and there will be no excuses about him still "adjusting" to something.
Guys come on. Obviously the drill calls for Joeckel to get walked back into the QB dummy and then tossed on the ground. I mean seriously, how often does Luke end up on his keister during a real game?!
Quote:I've played the position.

And you?

You don't have the stones.
Since you played the position, which technique is Luke working on in the first video where Davis beats him on the speed rush? Is it the one where you lean forward at the waist and lunge at the defender? I thought that was a big no - no for OLineman but I wasn't a superstar like you so I figured I'd ask.
Quote:yes, it's a fact.

it's also a fact that he's entering his 3rd year in the NFL.  He's about to finish his 3rd training camp as a professional athlete.  Fact.  What's the point?  Point is, he needs to play a lot better this year and there will be no excuses about him still "adjusting" to something.
No one has said he doesn't need to play better, but that doesn't change the fact that he has started one full season and has just completed his first full offseason as a pro that didn't entail a significant amount of rehabilitation.


People need to keep a certain amount of perspective before jumping on the "Garbage" bandwagon. We don't know if he will pan out, but let's not pretend he hasn't dealt with a significant amount of adversity up and to this point.
Quote:No one has said he doesn't need to play better, but that doesn't change the fact that he has started one full season and has just completed his first full offseason as a pro that didn't entail a significant amount of rehabilitation.


People need to keep a certain amount of perspective before jumping on the "Garbage" bandwagon. We don't know if he will pan out, but let's not pretend he hasn't dealt with a significant amount of adversity up and to this point.

I think it's a matter of perspective.  He's had adversity, yes, but I don't think it was anything so extraordinary that he shouldn't be able to fully turn it around this year.


Like I said - now is the time.  He can't use the injury excuse forever.  That "excuse" was used up last year.
Joeckel needs to be better than average.  He is a top 5 pick.  You don't hit on them all, but we haven't hit a home run on a 1st round pick since John Henderson in 2002.  Think about that.  13 years.  We are only on chapter two for Bortles, but Joeckel's time is running out and Fowler is out for the year. 

Here is the drill for today oline. You are going to be going against the dline and let them destroy you.

That is totally what Marrone is looking for.


In one of my earliest responses to you, I indicated playing LT in college, while instructive, is not the same as playing LT in the NFL.  Not entirely sure why you are harping on that particular point. 


For that matter, I don't entirely buy your experience argument, either.  While players can develop with experience, there are plenty of examples of tackles who came in with a similar level of experience at LT at the NFL level and vastly outperformed Joeckel, including our very own Khalif Barnes, to say nothing of studs like Boselli, Clay, Thomas, etc.


Interestingly, as I think about it more, a more persuasive argument in favor of Joeckel was raised by Predator_NFLFans: coaching.


I think an argument can be raised that Joeckel has suffered from a lack of quality coaching during his short time here.  When he first came into the league, he was switched to LT, and he had to learn techniques for RT.  He switched back to LT after four games and was promptly injured and missed the rest of the season after a quarter at LT.


Then, Yarno, his pro NFL OL coach, unfortunately was diagnosed with cancer (BTW I hope he is doing great).  Luke Butkus took over the role of OL coach.  To my knowledge, he was not a particularly experienced OL coach, while Yarno had the benefit of playing OL in the NFL for many years and coaching OL for many more.  While I was certainly not privy to the coaching that Butkus provided, and it is not my intent to disparage Mr. Butkus in any way, I don't think it is a stretch that Yarno, being vastly more experienced as a player and a coach, was better equipped to teach the tricks of the trade to Joeckel than Butkus.  I think it is entirely possible Joeckel's performance was adversely impacted by Yarno's absence.  I think the team felt that too, which is why they hired Marrone, an experienced OL coach, to coach the OL.


The question now is, how has Joeckel taken to the presumably improved coaching?  Has his performance improved accordingly?


While he has not had much time with Marrone due to the new CBA, and while game action would be far more revealing than practice, there are plenty of indicia that Joeckel has not yet improved discernibly under Marrone.


Can he improve substantially?  We all hope like heck he can and will.


But he hasn't done it yet.


I didn't think about it in those terms.


I suppose you could make that argument that he is the second best LT in that draft class.


But that speaks volumes to the lack of LT talent in that particular draft.


Excellent point though, and excellent research!



I agree with you and others who assert now is the time for Joeckel.


He now has experience playing LT.


He is healthy.


Barring something unforeseen happening to Marrone, he will have coaching.


There seems to be nothing in the way that will mitigate his development.


If he stays healthy, it all seems to be on him.

If Joeckel has any self pride, then he will figure this stuff out. Right now he is in the midst of figuring it all out in padded practices. Next comes games. I think it is too early to throw the baby out with the bath water. Give him his time and see if he takes the coaching and makes the improvements. I feel confident that the coaching staff is much improved and that Joeckel will get the help that he needs.


In the end, it would not surprise me one bit if the Jags line up Marcedes Lewis next to him much of the time to act like training wheels. I don't think it will be all that long before the training wheels are taken off and Joeckel starts commanding the respect that we all wish to provide him and which he is not currently receiving.

Not garbage.  (Hate how that term is tossed around so loosely here.)  


He's just not playing up to his draft position.   


Early first rounder playing like a fourth rounder.  Hopefully we see him grow into his shoes this year.  Not giving up hope just yet. 

Quote:Since you played the position, which technique is Luke working on in the first video where Davis beats him on the speed rush? Is it the one where you lean forward at the waist and lunge at the defender? I thought that was a big no - no for OLineman but I wasn't a superstar like you so I figured I'd ask.

How dare you insult a message boarder who has played the position? His pop warner coach said he had serious potential.
This is an insult to garbage. What has it ever done to get compared to Joeckel?
Man, looking at the first round of that draft, a lot of those guys are on milk cartons already. I can't really look at that first round and say, dang, if we would have picked him....


Its not like looking at the 2011 draft saying, dang, we could have had Watt instead of Gabbert.


Having said that, to be the #2 pick in ANY draft no matter how bad it may be, he has been nothing less than a steaming pile of dog poo.

Quote:Lol wow.

If you put that clip up of Taylor Lewan, people on here would be dying laughing of how bad he got beat.

But since his name is Luke Joeckel, they must be doing some kind of (fake) pass rushing drill where the o-lineman is SUPPOSED to look like an idiot.


Some of the guys on this message board need to put down the teal colored bong, ya know?
Quote:yes, it's a fact.

it's also a fact that he's entering his 3rd year in the NFL.  He's about to finish his 3rd training camp as a professional athlete.  Fact.  What's the point?  Point is, he needs to play a lot better this year and there will be no excuses about him still "adjusting" to something.

There is always an excuse.  Until that point when the team cuts ties, then suddenly you will notice the script flip.
Quote:Hard to read his progress bc he also does this:



Then again, I'm not exactly sold on Andre Branch either. Let's face it... Joekel taking on Branch in practice isn't exactly like Boselli taking on Brackens.

Quote:[Image: ar2K4gg.jpg]

INSTANT CLASSIC !!    gotta admit, our younger generation is creative ...