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Quote:but its getting harder and harder to listen to his post game excuses.

Yep. Same crap, new week...
Quote:I'll give you Davis.  Smith is just as bad.
but Smith is just some 5th round pick. You aren't supposed to expect those guys to be starting LEO/edge rusher guys are you?
Quote:but Smith is just some 5th round pick. You aren't supposed to expect those guys to be starting LEO/edge rusher guys are you?

I don't understand the question unless I'm being whooshed.


I was simply stating that Smith is no better than Branch or Clemons.  Period.
Belicheck would have this team 7-4? .... He would have them at 9-2. WE HAVE PLAYED NO BODY.

Loss to the Pats and then a loss to the Panthers. After that, who have we played? No body.
We don't know if Gus is truly getting the most out of this talent. Will another coach get more wins out of this group?

That's the main issue.

I feel like with a better coach, this team would have more wins.
Quote:You may be right.


But at this point, who would be your choices to replace him, and how could you guarantee they wouldn't go to any number of teams that already have QB settled?

You can never guarantee a specific coach will take the job. That doesn't mean you shouldn't replace the one who's 11-32, and can't even post a winning record this year against second rate teams without a QB or OL. It will be decades before the Jags are again handed a gift as easy as this year's schedule and division.


As far as your original question I'll give the same answer I always give: my first choice would be Jon Gruden.


Even not counting guys like Gruden who have been out of the business for a few years, since Mularkey was fired there were former NFL head coaches with a winning record available every year. Any would have been far better than Bradley. This year Payton and Pagano will probably be available, and there may be others. Whoever the Jags hire should come from the pool of successful NFL head coaches. Overpay if necessary.

Quote:HONESTLY: What should he being doing different?

Specifically, when the Jags are on defense he should be blitzing more than half the time. That difference alone would have won the games against the Texans and Colts and put the Jags in a 3-way tie for the division lead with the tiebreaker advantage.

Quote:you can't see anything good in Gus because all you look for is a reason to complain about him...I don't think you have made a post in your last 100 posts that isn't finding something to [BAD WORD REMOVED] about against Gus. One can't find anything positive when all you look for is negative... The players are behind him and that means a lot when your team has been losing for nearly a decade, even if you don't want to believe it
I can't say what anchormans motivation is for stating his opinion (and neither can you 'wrong_box') but I will state the obvious; Gus Bradley has one of if not the most dramatically poor records as a head coach in the history of the NFL! We have the talent on the team to be at least decent, yet we continue to lose games we could've won. That's all any of us really needs to know or say. Everything else such as 'the players are behind him' is utterly irrelevant. Wins are what matter, period. Now into his third season here, and with arguably the softest schedule this season of any team in the NFL, we only have four wins and those against teams who are/were in trouble with injuries or other internal team matters... and we just scraped by with those wins!


Given this scenario, consider if at the end of this season we (that is, Dave Caldwell) becomes aware of another HC candidate who has the credentials that suggest he is a better HC than Gus. Do you still want to 'hang with Gus' and what we know he has produced here (perennial bottom dweller ratings) or take a chance at someone else who might actually be a better HC... or might not. Given that we're already at the bottom of the food chain I don't see that we have anything to risk at this point if we do change head coaches... and many would say that we should've done so sooner.


Quote:wait a tick.....


was this loss really on Gus?


Is it really Bradley's fault that Clem and Branch collectively suck really bad?

On defense, the lack off a pass rush, and STUPID offsides penalties really hurt us.

And on offense, well...

Bortles has to shoulder this one. And I'm a big pro-Bortles guy. But twice throwing from beyond the LOS.... smh, can't do that dude.

And the INTs right before half gifting the opponents points....


All-in-all, however, this season is going about how I expected it. And while a win (surely possible) would have been nice... 

I think it's nicer to let all the AFCS division title/playoffs go on that back burner.... (that is off)

we're not there. We're good in spots. Good in spurts, love what I see between the 20's (mostly)


I don't know what changes will take place... but next year is gonna a good year for us. Bortles, Yeldon, the Allens....

couple spots on D are shining stars too, just surrounded by too much inept talent.


I would be OK with drafting 6 D-linemen and a FS this offseason.
The head coach, much like the commanding officer of a naval unit, is responsible for what his team does. Like the old 'the buck stops here' sign that president Truman supposedly had on his desk, so it is with the HC. 
Richt > Bradley

Quote:I don't understand the question unless I'm being whooshed.


I was simply stating that Smith is no better than Branch or Clemons.  Period.
Rhetorical question....


like... WHY are we relying on Smith for production from that position.

and WHY do fans seem to think some 5th round pick will do better. By removing Clem or Branch, replacing them with another ineffective player doesn't fix the situation.

And just begs for a "ANOTHER CALDWELL BUST" type thread... when our 5th round pick doesn't do any better.
Quote:Richt > Bradley


Your troll game is strong
Quote:The head coach, much like the commanding officer of a naval unit, is responsible for what his team does. Like the old 'the buck stops here' sign that president Truman supposedly had on his desk, so it is with the HC. 
did you just compare the HC of an NFL team to the POTUS?






Jaguar fans man..... what a crazy bunch....

Quote:The head coach, much like the commanding officer of a naval unit, is responsible for what his team does. Like the old 'the buck stops here' sign that president Truman supposedly had on his desk, so it is with the HC. 


It's Leadership 101
Quote:So you look for good things and overlook the bad? Do you buy a car with a blown engine because the chassis is solid? A few positives among several negatives is not what you want in a head coach.
when have I overlooked the bad? I have criticized Gus plenty...


It's nearly hilarious that people think any team with mostly 2nd and 3rd year players and a handful of FA are going to win many games. Even winning half of them would be difficult...


BUT...when you look back to the beginning of the Caldwell/Gus regime, are we not better today? Has Bortles gotten better? How about the receivers? The running game? How much more effective is the running game compared to last year and the year before? The online is better, we can move the ball a hell of a lot better than 2 years ago, (until we get to the red zone)...Last year we had a good defense....This year the DL disappeared...We have more takeaways than we did last year and the year before, more defensive TDs, the passing game has improved dramatically, we have been in position in nearly every game at the end of the 4th quarter to be able to win which is a far cry from where we were the last 2 years even if it is against bottom feeders, and yet all some people can see is we still suck...


Some can't even acknowledge that any aspect of the team has improved...Gus gets all the credit for everything bad and not a single mention for anything good...


I'm on the fence with Gus...The rebuild is a process and I'm reluctant to abandon the process when I can see that the team is better than when Dave and Gus first got here...


They play as well as any team would that is slap full of 2nd and 3rd year players and a handful or so of FA...No first time HC is perfect...Look at BB when he started and look at him now...Jimmy Johnson wasn't lighting the league on fire his first few years, and neither has very many other first time HC... Not to mention this roster was gutted to the bone, it has been said that no rebuild has ever been this extensive...


This roster had less talent on it than an expansion team roster and some think we should be lighting the league on fire...That's not realistic folks...
Quote:The head coach, much like the commanding officer of a naval unit, is responsible for what his team does. Like the old 'the buck stops here' sign that president Truman supposedly had on his desk, so it is with the HC. 
well yeah, but the CO doesn't get handed a bunch of E-5's and below with a few butter bars sprinkled in for his crew either

Quote:I can't say what anchormans motivation is for stating his opinion (and neither can you 'wrong_box') but I will state the obvious; Gus Bradley has one of if not the most dramatically poor records as a head coach in the history of the NFL! We have the talent on the team to be at least decent, yet we continue to lose games we could've won. That's all any of us really needs to know or say. Everything else such as 'the players are behind him' is utterly irrelevant. Wins are what matter, period. Now into his third season here, and with arguably the softest schedule this season of any team in the NFL, we only have four wins and those against teams who are/were in trouble with injuries or other internal team matters... and we just scraped by with those wins!


Given this scenario, consider if at the end of this season we (that is, Dave Caldwell) becomes aware of another HC candidate who has the credentials that suggest he is a better HC than Gus. Do you still want to 'hang with Gus' and what we know he has produced here (perennial bottom dweller ratings) or take a chance at someone else who might actually be a better HC... or might not. Given that we're already at the bottom of the food chain I don't see that we have anything to risk at this point if we do change head coaches... and many would say that we should've done so sooner.


Or maybe.....people are expecting way too much for a team that was gutted to the bone and is now playing with players who have very little experience when compared to the 31 other teams...who would you expect to win...teams with nearly every position  filled with seasoned vets of 4/5/6 years or more, or a team filled with 2nd/3rd year players and a handful of FA? More Experience > less experience....

Quote:did you just compare the HC of an NFL team to the POTUS?






Jaguar fans man..... what a crazy bunch....

remove your head from the dark smelly regions between your legs for a minute and come up for a breath of fresh air. Oxygen deprivation is clearing affecting your eye sight. Now, look at my post again... do you see any reference made by me to the POTUS? No. I compared a HC to a naval commanding officer in the sense that they are both accountable for the results of their units.


...I apologize for implying that you've got your head up your butt. Perhaps, you simply suffer from poor reading comprehension. Or perhaps you just made a weak attempt at character assassination because of some imagined ill visited upon you by me or some other Jags fan. I don't know, but I hope I've cleared up any confusion you suffered from my original post. 
Quote:The head coach, much like the commanding officer of a naval unit, is responsible for what his team does. Like the old 'the buck stops here' sign that president Truman supposedly had on his desk, so it is with the HC. 



remove your head from the dark smelly regions between your legs for a minute and come up for a breath of fresh air. Oxygen deprivation is clearing affecting your eye sight. Now, look at my post again... do you see any reference made by me to the POTUS? No. I compared a HC to a naval commanding officer in the sense that they are both accountable for the results of their units.


...I apologize for implying that you've got your head up your butt. Perhaps, you simply suffer from poor reading comprehension. Or perhaps you just made a weak attempt at character assassination because of some imagined ill visited upon you by me or some other Jags fan. I don't know, but I hope I've cleared up any confusion you suffered from my original post. 
Do you know who the leader of the free world's military is?

just curious... 


I mean.. I suppose if you wanna step up on your soap box once more, you could say you specifically said Naval commanding officer.... whereas the POTUS is the commander in chief of all military...

Split straws on your argument if you'd like...


My point is strong. You have invested way too much emotion in the fallacies of a head coach of a football team. So much so that you think our head coach should be more like a naval officer. Laughable.

So maybe, just maybe, it is you that should come up for fresh air.
Quote:You have a choice between two bosses:


One is in your face after every mistake.  Doesn't matter to him if the cameras are rolling; you screw up in a game and he's waiting for you on the sideline and everyone in the upper deck can hear it.  In practice he makes you do it over and over again, demanding perfection, until you get it right. 


The other boss is just the nicest guy.  Doesn't matter how poor your work performance is or if it's the same mistake you've already made a bunch of times, everyone still gets a big pat on the back and then he takes you out for ice cream.


Which boss would you rather work for?
well here's the thing(s)...You have no idea what is said in the locker room, and also a boss in your face isn't always a good thing...a boss who can constructively criticize you or can positively correct you is a much better choice than all...Maybe we have a bunch of Reggie Nelson's on the roster