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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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Intelligent response.  Well thought out.  Thanks for your input.

Quote:Intelligent response.  Well thought out.  Thanks for your input.
Thanks. Appreciate it. You're welcome.
Blow out loss to the Bills may be the tipping point.  A win however would have the opposite effect for the die hard fire Gus Bradley Crew.  So which is it fire Gus Bradley Crew, want a win or a loss?

Quote:Gus isn't going anywhere until the season is over... no matter how much fans complain. Tickets are already sold for this year.

What does that have to do with anything? lol
Quote:No wonder, Bradley must've been hitting the six-pack every night since the Marrone hiring, hence the gut

Steve Sarkisian diet.


Fight On !!


Quote:Blow out loss to the Bills may be the tipping point.  A win however would have the opposite effect for the die hard fire Gus Bradley Crew.  So which is it fire Gus Bradley Crew, want a win or a loss?

My money is on them wanting a loss. The best thing for the team and franchise plays second fiddle to having their bloodlust satisfied.
Quote:Is there a "Who is the New Coach thread?"

Its going to be after the season and its going to be Brian Kelly of ND
No college coaches please.
Quote:My money is on them wanting a loss. The best thing for the team and franchise plays second fiddle to having their bloodlust satisfied.

I think Gus should be gone, but I will be rooting for the Jags....as always.  That said, I can't fault those for wanting the Jags to lose so Gus will be fired either.  The best thing for the franchise would be a new coach.  This would bring that about.  I don't think that the ends (Gus fired) justify the means (Jags losing), but I'm not going to fault those who do.
I am pretty sure he will get fired early next week.

Quote:You don't hire an o-line coach before picking an OC for no reason. Doug Marrone was brought in as a contingency plan if things got bad. You don't let Bradley finish the season without seeing what you have in Marrone at the helm.
Gus hired Marrone.  I'm skeptical he'd do so as a contingency in the event he gets fired.  A little logic goes a long way.
I don't understand why people are assuming we are going to get destroyed by the Bills.  The team is more talented but not good enough.  This isn't like last year at all.  I'm not satisfied with the team but I do see improvement.  Last year there wasn't a single thing I could point to as being improved.


The methods for building this team are questionable and the results in the win column are very disappointing but this team is improved.

Quote:Blow out loss to the Bills may be the tipping point.  A win however would have the opposite effect for the die hard fire Gus Bradley Crew.  So which is it fire Gus Bradley Crew, want a win or a loss?

I'm firmly on the fire Gus side here. It really doesn't make much difference in the grand scheme of things whether Gus is fired next Monday or after the season, the only real question is whether or not Marrone gets a chance to show what he can do. If winning vs. losing makes a difference in the decision as to whether or not to fire him Monday, after seeing the mistakes of the last three weeks, then the front office of the Jags is clueless. That decision should have already been made.


In any case, I'll be rooting for the Jags to win, as I always do.

Quote:I'm firmly on the fire Gus side here. It really doesn't make much difference in the grand scheme of things whether Gus is fired next Monday or after the season, the only real question is whether or not Marrone gets a chance to show what he can do. If winning vs. losing makes a difference in the decision as to whether or not to fire him Monday, after seeing the mistakes of the last three weeks, then the front office of the Jags is clueless. That decision should have already been made.


In any case, I'll be rooting for the Jags to win, as I always do.

Totally agree.  A win in London is not going to happen.  It's not like we have any history of winning over there.  But let's face it, the Bills offense is going to score at least 28 points. 


To me, the team had 3 must win games they just botched.  I don't see how they win this one.  And even if they do, it's too little two late...  A hypothetical win in London would make them 1-4 in games they should have won to keep the hope of earning a division title in grasp.


After these last 3 losses, the decision should already been made.  Now...  Again, if somehow we wind up 7-9 by the end of the season, that means something miraculous happened, and it might be a moment to consider maybe not firing Gus.


But who really believes we're gonna wind up 7-9?  Not with this coach, not with this coaching staff.  


They are the walking dead at this point...  I wouldn't mind seeing what Marrone can do for the last half of the season...  But whatever.
This team is truly fascinating. They are pioneers in finding new and interesting ways to SCREW UP every week. One week if the defense is good then the offense will be [BLEEP]. If the offense is good then the defense will [BLEEP]. If the offense and defense is good then special teams will do something stupid and deflate the whole team then both offense and defense will be [BLEEP] afterwards. If we get a touchdown and a good punt the defense will allow a team to march the length of the field and score a touchdown. If we need a score a pick will be thrown. If we need to run out the clock someone will fumble. If we're moving the ball well a false start penalty will be called. If a false start penalty is not called an idiotic formation penalty will be called. If we need a field goal it will be missed. If a play should be challenged it won't be, but the most obvious play you are not going to win will be.


And if the migraine inducing shenanigans on the field was not enough, now we have this latest gem. There are a load of bums on this team who should all be benched in favor of other players for not putting together "complete" games; Clemons, Branch, Beadles, Marcedes. But rather than make an example out of these bums who don't show up all game, you bench the guy who "only played well for 3 quarters" because he didn't overcome your piss poor coaching adjustments. Meanwhile the other guys get veteran days off. We have the opportunity to send a message that this crap will not be tolerated and we can't even get that right. 


I've never seen a team be so dysfunctionally bad and people apologize for it. We are truly blazing new territory for the NFL here in Jacksonville.

Feel better?
Quote:This team is truly fascinating. They are pioneers in finding new and interesting ways to SCREW UP every week. One week if the defense is good then the offense will be [BAD WORD REMOVED]. If the offense is good then the defense will [BAD WORD REMOVED]. If the offense and defense is good then special teams will do something stupid and deflate the whole team then both offense and defense will be [BAD WORD REMOVED] afterwards. If we get a touchdown and a good punt the defense will allow a team to march the length of the field and score a touchdown. If we need a score a pick will be thrown. If we need to run out the clock someone will fumble. If we're moving the ball well a false start penalty will be called. If a false start penalty is not called an idiotic formation penalty will be called. If we need a field goal it will be missed. If a play should be challenged it won't be, but the most obvious play you are not going to win will be.


And if the migraine inducing shenanigans on the field was not enough, now we have this latest gem. There are a load of bums on this team who should all be benched in favor of other players for not putting together "complete" games; Clemons, Branch, Beadles, Marcedes. But rather than make an example out of these bums who don't show up all game, you bench the guy who "only played well for 3 quarters" because he didn't overcome your [BAD WORD REMOVED] poor coaching adjustments. Meanwhile the other guys get veteran days off. We have the opportunity to send a message that this crap will not be tolerated and we can't even get that right. 


I've never seen a team be so dysfunctionally bad and people apologize for it. We are truly blazing new territory for the NFL here in Jacksonville.
All of these Pesimistic Threads are killing My MoJo...   :whistling:


Quote:This team is truly fascinating. They are pioneers in finding new and interesting ways to SCREW UP every week. One week if the defense is good then the offense will be [BAD WORD REMOVED]. If the offense is good then the defense will [BAD WORD REMOVED]. If the offense and defense is good then special teams will do something stupid and deflate the whole team then both offense and defense will be [BAD WORD REMOVED] afterwards. If we get a touchdown and a good punt the defense will allow a team to march the length of the field and score a touchdown. If we need a score a pick will be thrown. If we need to run out the clock someone will fumble. If we're moving the ball well a false start penalty will be called. If a false start penalty is not called an idiotic formation penalty will be called. If we need a field goal it will be missed. If a play should be challenged it won't be, but the most obvious play you are not going to win will be.


And if the migraine inducing shenanigans on the field was not enough, now we have this latest gem. There are a load of bums on this team who should all be benched in favor of other players for not putting together "complete" games; Clemons, Branch, Beadles, Marcedes. But rather than make an example out of these bums who don't show up all game, you bench the guy who "only played well for 3 quarters" because he didn't overcome your [BAD WORD REMOVED] poor coaching adjustments. Meanwhile the other guys get veteran days off. We have the opportunity to send a message that this crap will not be tolerated and we can't even get that right. 


I've never seen a team be so dysfunctionally bad and people apologize for it. We are truly blazing new territory for the NFL here in Jacksonville.

Hey, cool. Another "No one sees things as clearly as me - some of you guys are so stupid" post.


Thanks for that. So eye-opening. Nothing like that has been said before. 
Quote:Hey, cool. Another "No one sees things as clearly as me - some of you guys are so stupid" post.

Thanks for that. So eye-opening. Nothing like that has been said before.

I liked his post. Did you decide to comment on what he was referencing, or just complain?
Quote:I liked his post. Did you decide to comment on what he was referencing, or just complain?

I'm not sure what there is to comment on.  There is nothing insightful or new said.  It is full of generalizations and laziness.  Does this Crew really eat these types of threads up?  Hey, when you have a set position, idea or belief it is easy to agree with people who you think agree with you.  


I think I can do one of these.  The mother curse word Jags are terrible. Did you see that defense?  Complete horse curse word.  Can you tell I'm mad by my curse words yet?  When we score, they score and when we don't score they score and when they don't score they still score and I'm curse word mad as curse word.  If we try to pass they try to stop us, if we complete a pass they tackle us, if we run they tackle us, are you curse word kidding me?  Special teams?  What is so special about our special teams?  Who coined that word for our team of special people?.... How am I doing so far?

He didn't really say anything that's untrue, just stuff that's already been said to the point of being boring. Nevertheless, this is a forum and I guess that's pretty much all Jags fans have now; the right to complain bitterly and long. Real long.