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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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Quote:Rocdee has the credibility of a coupon.
An expired one, at that.




every coach

Nearly every player

I agree.  This team is a wreck.  There are maybe 5 players on the team that really have talent
Quote:i'm pretty sure in the past couple weeks there weren't a lot of people disagreeing with you about Bradley.

There are even less after today's debacle against the Bucs.
it's a poorly coached roster?

Thing is, usually the coach goes first and the GM gets a pass. Reason is, you don't know yet if it's the coaching, player talent, or both. I think we have some player talent, so hopefully that lands us a pretty good coach. 


Thanks for checking in Shad

Our depth is trash. That's a huge problem as well. Someone goes down and we're completely screwed...

Quote:Dave's acquisition of Bradley seems to be his downfall.

I wouldn't call it a downfall.  Bad decision, yes, but so were some of his first year moves.  I think DC has learned a lot and will make a better 2nd decision on a HC.
Quote:I can see FBT grabbing dinner, getting into his JAGUARS robe, getting his cigar and glass of wine, sitting down at the laptop and taking one big deep breath before signing on to defend the team.

Quote:We have the talent. Burns, ARob, Yeldon, OLine

Our defense will be better with Fowler next year.

However Gus is done. He will probably follow Philbin.
IMO, I hope you're right.



every coach

Nearly every player


Disagree...GB goes then find a HC and you go from there.


Insert one of the decent HC's currently in the NFL with the Jags and they'd be 3-2 or 4-1.  DC just needs to find a good HC now.

With the original logo on it.
Quote:Dave's acquisition of Bradley seems to be his downfall.
This is true, but at the same time I don't believe there were many available GOOD coaches who were lining up to take over this team 3 seasons ago. Any coach coming in knew at least year 1 and year 2 would be dismal at best. Which would be on their coaching resume, and likely if things didn't turn around nobody would hire that coach again. My point is, it was a very big risk to take on the team at the time. You think now anyone is going to hire Bradley after this 8-29 record he has? Now that we have talent, hopefully there are more options for coaching. 
Quote:If you can't beat a Qb that's 40 years old with the flu, and a rookie QB who throws interceptions for breakfast your team has major problems.

The no interceptions really bothers me. Pathetic.
Quote:I don't play for the team so your post doesn't make sense
Guess that means you don't get to take part in decisions.
If only we'd hired  Chip Kelly...

We'd all be crying that Bortles is lighting things up in St. Louis while we watch Sam Bradford.

Quote:The no interceptions really bothers me. Pathetic.

It's tough to force them when the QB has all day to throw.
Quote:If only we'd hired  Chip Kelly...

We'd all be crying that Bortles is lighting things up in St. Louis while we watch Sam Bradford.

OH...so much this!


 I called it since the Luke pick...


Wow you are the smartest person of the known and unknown universe since everyone else said Luke and Fisher were going to be very good so I guess that means you were right about Fisher too.

Not saying that Luke or Fisher are good just that everyone else predicted early 1st round long term NFL O line starters and therefore safe picks early.

Quote:I laughed but if you coached this team you would have to drink

Hahahaha yep.