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He's not getting fired and it would be a huge mistake team is missing 2 dline starters and needs more talent


Here, I fixed it..
i'm pretty sure in the past couple weeks there weren't a lot of people disagreeing with you about Bradley.

He would be a great asset to the Jags marketing department

Quote:The sprinkles.
I agree.  
Quote:says the franchise ticket sales manager...

Why do you keep saying this kind sir, I want to help you out here so that you don't dig yourself into a hole, but this is borderline idiotic drivel, just stop okay? 

It's blantely obvious this team is in for another long losing year. Ultimately it's Khan's decision who the GM and coach of his team is.

Yes Khan upgraded the stadium and built the screens but the team is so boring to watch you need distractions to keep from snoozing.

It's easy to say but proof is in the pudding.

8-29 with this current regime
Quote:Khan needs to fire him immediately. 8-29 record.

an 8-29 record is laughably pathetic. I'm not sure how many college teams would want a prior NFL head coach with that kind of record...nevertheless, I think Gus needs to drop off his resume at a few schools and see if anyone is interested. On the other hand, he might be able to get a gig as one of them motivational/positive thinking speakers with a corporation somewhere. 
Quote:He's not getting fired and it would be a huge mistake team is missing 2 dline starters and needs more talent

Quote:Mods and Admins....can we give them a special badge or identifier (some of YOU included as well) for being so supportive of Gus and Dave and making excuses for them EVERY Week? That way, the folks who DO know football can just ignore them or know they are trolling due to their insufficient football knowledge. Just a suggestion. I called it since the Luke pick....Dave....is NOT who you think he is. Our performance proves that EVERY week. Gus....same thing.




Bradly should not have stayed after last year, but Caldwell has put talent on the field. So maybe we should give a special badge to the whiners who have no football knowledge? Let me know where you would like it sent.
Caldwell is not the problem.

My friend who knows a lot about NFL swears Gus will be here til the end of the year based on the words Khan has spoked and how it will damage his credibility if he goes back on them, but seriously how do you continue to let this go on? You're losing peoples patience by the minute on top of the lack of patience due to the past decade almost. Enough is enough. 

Quote:this team....the lack-thereof.......TALENT....is ALL DAVE! he needs to go as well. and yeah...just him hiring Gus alone is enough for me

Man...  You don't know what you are even looking at...


Speaking specifically about the offense...  All the mistakes that killed us happened because of coaching decisions...


The fumble for the TD in the 3rd Quarter was when they decided to give it to Grant and took Yeldon out...


The INT was when the decided to give Gerhart a chance at blocking when everyone knows what a crap blocker he is...


The lack of calling time outs late in the game made us try an onsides kick after we scored a late TD...


I mean the list goes on  and on.  The coaching staff is killing this team... Gus came in thinking that this "rebuild" was perpetual, and that all he had to do was show improvement....  He never figured out he had to put pressure on the players to actually try and win games.  The guy has instilled a losers mentality onto this team.


Gus needs to be fired.  The sooner, the better.  He's a poor manager of a football team.
Quote:He's not getting fired and it would be a huge mistake team is missing 2 dline starters and needs more talent

Yer trolling.
you have one more chance - are you ready to listen to me now?
Quote:What the Hell is a "cick"??

Well, that could be a couple of things. Some you can say on here and some you can't.
This team always finds a way to lose.
Quote:His beer gut.

I laughed but if you coached this team you would have to drink
Khan will check out what Tony's excel macros say and then make a decision.