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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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The team has talent, Caldwell has done a fine job. Bradley just doesn't know what to do with the talent or how to be a coach
Quote:this team....the lack-thereof.......TALENT....is ALL DAVE! he needs to go as well. and yeah...just him hiring Gus alone is enough for me
I am the furthest from an apologist. I love my Jags, but Dave has fielded a lot of talent, you can't help if your Tackle didn't translate. You have some studs out there, no one is utilizing them or working towards their strengths. You see BB5 run the hurry up and how often do you see it? At the half and when the game is already out of reach. Its the incompetence of the coaching staff that is killing this team. The talent is there. 
the hair cut... he was a real inspiration to us balding guys. 


Quote:this team....the lack-thereof.......TALENT....is ALL DAVE! he needs to go as well. and yeah...just him hiring Gus alone is enough for me


If you think this team lacks talent then you're pretty darn blind. Why do you think people are calling for Gus to be fired? Because with actual talent the guy coaches worse than when Mularcky didn't have any. Heck I would take Mularcky over Gus any day at this point.

His beer gut.

When your gm is learning while on the job, it doesn't bode well for the future.

Learning on the job?  Do you watch the games?  The team has talent.  The HC sucks..


It happens, he took a chance on Gus...  He was actually a very sought after coach 3 years ago.


But whatever, be stupid if you want...


But know this:  To say that the GM is bad because the HC can't deliver on what he promised does not mean we should fire the GM...  Unless that GM cannot recognize how bad the coach is...


Gus needs to be fired.  If he's not, then I'll jump on the anti-Caldwell wagon.  But you guys that are freaking out about Caldwell right now are being silly...

I still support Dave, Gus no longer. 

Nothing. Not a damn thing.

I actually do like his attitude, he's easy to root for imo, he's just a terrible coach. 




every coach

Nearly every player

If not for him bringing in Jedd Fisch we probably wouldn't have Hurns, so that.  Otherwise nothing.




The sprinkles.
Caldwell is building a pretty solid team of young players. Gus, on the other hand, proved today with his debacle of a mismanagement of the clock, that he is in over his head as a head coach. I supported Gus when the naysayers came out, but good coaches do the little things like handle the clock and maximize the number of chances to put points on the board. His has not done that.
I am definitely a Caldwell supporter. If you can't see that their is talent on this team then you are blind or an idiot. Bradley needs to go.
Caldwell? You people are crazy. It ain't his time, yet. You people need to go.

Quote:If you think this team lacks talent then you're pretty darn blind. Why do you think people are calling for Gus to be fired? Because with actual talent the guy coaches worse than Mularcky. Heck I would take Mularcky over Gus any day at this point.
This is the most talented roster we've had since Gerrards final season. The talent is putting us in position to win games and dumb calls are losing games.

That Grant play today, the lack of run blitz until they've burnt off 5 minutes of the clock. and letting Tampa run down the clock. Last week the Gerhart play.


ARob is the best WR we've had in a decade, Hurns is the second best receiver we've had in a decade. Julius is the best TE we've had in a long time if ever, Yeldon is solid, the line is average but better than last year, the defense has talented players but the schemes are just so bad.


Hell, Bryan Walters would have been the #1 WR on this team a few years ago.
