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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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I don't really see much of a difference between Mularkey and Bradley, other than the players on the field. 

We have the talent. Burns, ARob, Yeldon, OLine

Our defense will be better with Fowler next year.

However Gus is done. He will probably follow Philbin.
It is interesting the guy who took over for Gus in Seattle  and actually got to Super Bowl twice and almost won twice ( did once) and now his considered a coaching genius in Atlanta ( Dan Quinn)...    Maybe Pete Carroll urged Gus to get another job...

Quote:Mods and Admins....can we give them a special badge or identifier (some of YOU included as well) for being so supportive of Gus and Dave and making excuses for them EVERY Week? That way, the folks who DO know football can just ignore them or know they are trolling due to their insufficient football knowledge. Just a suggestion. I called it since the Luke pick....Dave....is NOT who you think he is. Our performance proves that EVERY week. Gus....same thing.




Really, what does it matter? I mean is your life so meaningless and mediocre that you have to have a dramafest on a message board with people you don't know just so you can get some entertainment and excitement in your life? 


People have a difference of opinion, some choose to stand behind the team and its direction longer than others. Others do not. It's okay for that, it's what makes us humans, and not robots. Relax brother. 
What the Hell is a "cick"??

I don't see how Caldwell should be thrown under the bus with Gus. Yeah he picked him as HC but as far as I see it, that's strike 1. Gus has like 50 strikes against him.

Caldwell is doing fine.  The Gus Bus needs to head out of town.

That garbage time TD may have saved Gus


Fire them all!!!!!!!! We suck
Gus has a big load of juice for all of you don't worry
Coughlin would have cut half his team and instilled the fear of God in the survivors by this point.

He'd also be 3-2 at worst.
Quote:I don't see how Caldwell should be thrown under the bus with Gus. Yeah he picked him as HC but as far as I see it, that's strike 1. Gus has like 50 strikes against him.
this team....the lack-thereof.......TALENT....is ALL DAVE! he needs to go as well. and yeah...just him hiring Gus alone is enough for me
Remember he is the one who chose gus as his head coach and it's his lousy players making the stupid mistakes on the field. He should be shown the door right along with gus
lol it's over, I doubt Bradley makes it past the Bye

GMs usually get 2 cracks at the coach. In general if Bortles continues to look solid he will keep his job.

I saw some positive things out of the Jags today. They competed their tails off.
I'll miss getting to do "OTHER REALLY AWE. SOME THINGZ" with the "Jag-wires."

Khan will first ask Caldwell to be the one to let Gus knows he's fired.


Then Khan will fire Caldwell

Quote:Remember he is the one who chose gus as his head coach and it's his lousy players making the stupid mistakes on the field. He should be shown the door right along with gus

If Caldwell keeps Gus beyond this season than you can gripe.


Until then, shut up.
He'll get an opportunity to lose in London, then he'll be fired.