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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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Quote:I understand what you are saying, but couldn't that or some of it be because being young? Players don't come out of the womb as future HOF candidates, nor from college do they come out as elite...
Sure, some of it. When Gratz simply had to stick to a receiver and he instead turned inside, opening that wideout up for a touchdown pass, that's just a terrible decision on Gratz's part.


But, then again, whose decision was it to have Gratz on the Bills #1 wideout in the first place, even knowing that Gratz has a long and documented history of doing stupid things like that?

Quote:I believe there are many flaws in this coaching regime...I also believe that a coach or coaches can only show and tell a player what to do and where to be, but it's up to the players to do it...How many times do we see DBs out of position, or OL missing assigned blocks or recievers running the wrong routes? The coaches can show them a hundred times everyday but if they still blow assignments after being shown and walked through in practice a bazillion times, THAT is on the players

it's a fine line, for sure.


But let me say this:  The coaches decided to bench House because they thought he wasn't executing.  They put in a player (Gratz) who we all know is less talented than House.  Gratz gets torched for 2 TDs and several other big plays because of his lack of coverage ability.


The coach decided to let a less talented player play for a more talented player.  The situation with the Albino Rhino is the exact same.  You leave your best RB on the sideline hand give 4 straight plays to a less talented back.


these are things that the coaches are doing.  So yes, there may be some instances where the execution falls on the players.  But there are alot of things that are occurring every Sunday that fall on this coach that you cannot deny.


Just because you can point to drops here or there, or missed tackles, does not mean that the coaches are absolved from their part.   
Quote:Sure, some of it. When Gratz simply had to stick to a receiver and he instead turned inside, opening that wideout up for a touchdown pass, that's just a terrible decision on Gratz's part.


But, then again, whose decision was it to have Gratz on the Bills #1 wideout in the first place, even knowing that Gratz has a long and documented history of doing stupid things like that?

Exactly!  And nobody is mentioning this.  It's another microcosm of Bradley's ineptitude.  The guy is a terrible HC.  He doesn't know how to evaluate talent, he doesn't know how or who to hold accountable, and doesnt' know how to put the best players in the best possible scenario to make plays.


He's holding this team back.
Quote:these are things that the coaches are doing.  So yes, there may be some instances where the execution falls on the players.  But there are alot of things that are occurring every Sunday that fall on this coach that you cannot deny.
Take a shot if Gus says that the handoffs to Gerhart and Alualu were because the team had a "package of plays" drawn up for those two.
If you are sure you will be changing head coaches at the end of the season then I'd rather change now and have hope of finding a good candidate than remove all doubt and keep one we know is not.


Regards................the Chiefjag

Is 4 the magic number? If Gus can win 4 in a row is his job safe?

In my opinion i think it is...
im gonna say 6

Quote:it's a fine line, for sure.


But let me say this:  The coaches decided to bench House because they thought he wasn't executing.  They put in a player (Gratz) who we all know is less talented than House.  Gratz gets torched for 2 TDs and several other big plays because of his lack of coverage ability.


The coach decided to let a less talented player play for a more talented player.  The situation with the Albino Rhino is the exact same.  You leave your best RB on the sideline hand give 4 straight plays to a less talented back.


these are things that the coaches are doing.  So yes, there may be some instances where the execution falls on the players.  But there are alot of things that are occurring every Sunday that fall on this coach that you cannot deny.


Just because you can point to drops here or there, or missed tackles, does not mean that the coaches are absolved from their part.   
People have been calling for accountability and benching people for not executing...now that Gus did that he's stupid...See how that works? People are so hung up on flaming Gus, when he does what people have been criticizing him for not doing he's still stupid...That's the problem with benching people...The next guy is usually not as good as the guy benched and bad [BAD WORD REMOVED] happens...I have been one of the many calling for Gus to start being tougher on the players when they [BAD WORD REMOVED] up to show an example of either produce or you're not gonna see the field...This roster doesn't have deep enough depth to be able to bench people for poor play and yet fans still scream to do it, and when Gus does, he still wrong...This fan base is so anti Gus that no matter what bad happens, it's his fault and anything good has nothing to do with him...I swear if one of our players walked across the street to go to church and got hit by a city bus, it would be Gus's fault 

I'm not criticizing Gus for sitting players or inserting players, even though it's easy to do. But the man has had 2-1/2 years to produce a team worthy of competing with some consistency. That the team remains bottom feeders with terrible results is indicative the man has not done his job.


Regards......................the Chiefjag

Quote:People have been calling for accountability and benching people for not executing...now that Gus did that he's stupid...See how that works? People are so hung up on flaming Gus, when he does what people have been criticizing him for he's still stupid...That's the problem with benching people...The next guy is usually not as good as the guy benched and bad [BAD WORD REMOVED] happens...I have been one of the many calling for Gus to start being tougher on the players when they [BAD WORD REMOVED] up to show an example of either produce or you're not gonna see the field...This roster doesn't have deep enough depth to be able to bench people for poor play and yet fans still scream to do it, and when Gus does, he still wrong...This fan base is so anti Gus that no matter what bad happens, it's his fault and anything good has nothing to do with him...I swear if one of our players walked across the street to go to church and got hit by a city bus, it would be Gus's fault 


People see the obvious...Gus is a very nice guy but terrible leader/coach.  The only recurring fact is that "players like playing for him."  I like bosses that don't hold me accountable too.  I like bosses that pat me on the back and tell me good job every time I mess up.  But those type of bosses rarely, if ever, get the best results possible.  If they do, it's because the team is strong enough to overcome their lack of leadership.


Yesterday, the positive plays by the Jags and negative plays by the Bills were just enough to allow the Jags to win.  And in light of that, they nearly loss if it wasn't for a bad PI call near the end to give the Jags life.


Big picture, I personally want a HC that I'm confident can lead this team deep in the playoffs.  In year 3, Bradley still doesn't have this team prepared for the season, or games and horribly messes up in-game management (i.e. bad timeouts, challenges, play calls, etc.).  All indications are that we have some talent on the team and that the HC is not good.




Gus is the only NFL head coach in history to coach 39 games and have 9 wins.  The next closest coach with only 9 wins coached 34 games (Bob Waterfield).



So, let's assume that stars align and Gus goes .500 the rest of the season (which I think everyone here would agree is not realistic).  Let's assume they go 5-4 the rest of the way which puts Gus's record at 14-34 in 48 games.  Below is the company he's in. 


Coaches with 14 or fewer wins in 48 or more games:


Mike Riley (14-34 in 48 games) *0 games in playoffs

Tom Fears (13-34-2 in 49 games) *0 games in playoffs

Jimmy Phelan (13-35-2 in 50 games) *0 games in playoffs

Steve Magnuolo (10-38 in 48 games) *0 games in playoffs

Rod Marinelli (10-38 in 48 games) *0 games in playoffs

Bert Bell (10-46-2 in 58 games) *0 games in playoffs


Not one of these coaches even took a team to the playoffs.


As others have pointed out, Bradley isn't just bad, he's historically all-time bad.


If you believe in Gus long-term, then you are ignoring all relevant facts, ignoring the eye-test, and believing that he is going to go down in history as a coach that turned a franchise around in a way that no other has ever done (assuming we make the playoffs at some point).
Normally, I would be patient with this rebuild. David Caldwell and Gus Bradley did inherit a team that has no playmakers on either side of the ball. To see the results during their first 2 years of the rebuild should have been expected, if not a little disappointing.


And while I would also be patient for a little bit longer, there is a few things that stick out to me.


1. We are playing in the AFC South. Frankly, no team here, with the way everyone in this division is playing, deserves to be in the playoffs. The Colts, Texans, and Titans all have problems and they are more glaring than ours. For us to be in Year 3 of this rebuild and still be in last place of the worst division in football is just utterly disgusting and completely unacceptable.


There's no excuse for that.


2. We got talent on both sides of the ball. I may be giving the Jaguars defense too much credit but this game shows that we can actually apply pressure to the opposing QB. Why did it take 7 weeks of football to see this? This game shows that we is capable of playing better than we have seen so far.


3. We got the most complete offense in the AFC South. We should be torching our divisional opponents. The Colts is taking their sweet time, the Texans doesn't have a QB and has just lost Foster for the season, and the Titans is constantly dropping balls and can't protect the QB. We got one of the better QBs in the division, our RB is really good (a 1st round talent), and we got the second coming of Thunder and Lightning.


4. The only games that we should have lost is to New England and Carolina. We shouldn't have lost to the Colts, Texans, and Buccaneers. If we had better coaching, those 3 games should have been wins.


5. Our 2 wins was ugly wins against 2 teams that was not playing at their best. Miami lost due to a terrible head coach (that sounds familiar) and Buffalo lost mainly due to a 1st round QB bust. As bad as Rex Ryan has been, I can't put this loss mainly on him. He did the best he can with a QB that simply can't protect the football. 


6. When Gus Bradley said that he wasn't concerned that his team didn't know how to finish a game after a close loss earlier in the season, that concerns me greatly. That IS part of his job as head coach. When I said his team playing prevent defense when constant pressure is making Manual become the 2nd coming of Jameis Winston and allowed him to slowly get back in the game, I was even more concerning. When I see Gerhart on the field for 4 straight rushing plays at the 1 and Yeldon on the sidelines despite the latter has already rushed for 100+ years is just as concerning. Seeing the Jaguars almost lose this game despite leading by as much as 24 points is a coaching nightmare.


None of that should be happening.


Honestly, if we was in any other division, I would be a little more patient. But since we are in a division that is ripe for our taking, if we don't win this division that everyone else is trying to give to us, Gus Bradley should be fired immediately afterwards. We have the most complete team in the division. There is no excuse why we are not on top of this pathetic division this year.


Get us in the playoffs, Bradley, or get canned.

Why did Head Coach Gus Bradley or OC Olson whichever give the ball to Slowby all four times at the 1/ goalline?

Really bad playcalling decision!

Sloby is still in Wembley as we speak trying to get in.

Quote:Normally, I would be patient with this rebuild. David Caldwell and Gus Bradley did inherit a team that has no playmakers on either side of the ball. To see the results during their first 2 years of the rebuild should have been expected, if not a little disappointing.


And while I would also be patient for a little bit longer, there is a few things that stick out to me.


1. We are playing in the AFC South. Frankly, no team here, with the way everyone in this division is playing, deserves to be in the playoffs. The Colts, Texans, and Titans all have problems and they are more glaring than ours. For us to be in Year 3 of this rebuild and still be in last place of the worst division in football is just utterly disgusting and completely unacceptable.


There's no excuse for that.


2. We got talent on both sides of the ball. I may be giving the Jaguars defense too much credit but this game shows that we can actually apply pressure to the opposing QB. Why did it take 7 weeks of football to see this? This game shows that we is capable of playing better than we have seen so far.


3. We got the most complete offense in the AFC South. We should be torching our divisional opponents. The Colts is taking their sweet time, the Texans doesn't have a QB and has just lost Foster for the season, and the Titans is constantly dropping balls and can't protect the QB. We got one of the better QBs in the division, our RB is really good (a 1st round talent), and we got the second coming of Thunder and Lightning.


4. The only games that we should have lost is to New England and Carolina. We shouldn't have lost to the Colts, Texans, and Buccaneers. If we had better coaching, those 3 games should have been wins.


5. Our 2 wins was ugly wins against 2 teams that was not playing at their best. Miami lost due to a terrible head coach (that sounds familiar) and Buffalo lost mainly due to a 1st round QB bust. As bad as Rex Ryan has been, I can't put this loss mainly on him. He did the best he can with a QB that simply can't protect the football. 


6. When Gus Bradley said that he wasn't concerned that his team didn't know how to finish a game after a close loss earlier in the season, that concerns me greatly. That IS part of his job as head coach. When I said his team playing prevent defense when constant pressure is making Manual become the 2nd coming of Jameis Winston and allowed him to slowly get back in the game, I was even more concerning. When I see Gerhart on the field for 4 straight rushing plays at the 1 and Yeldon on the sidelines despite the latter has already rushed for 100+ years is just as concerning. Seeing the Jaguars almost lose this game despite leading by as much as 24 points is a coaching nightmare.


None of that should be happening.


Honestly, if we was in any other division, I would be a little more patient. But since we are in a division that is ripe for our taking, if we don't win this division that everyone else is trying to give to us, Gus Bradley should be fired immediately afterwards. We have the most complete team in the division. There is no excuse why we are not on top of this pathetic division this year.


Get us in the playoffs, Bradley, or get canned.

I just can't picture Gus ever winning a playoff game as a HC if he was ever even able to get there. I've just seen way too many things that point against it.
Quote:I just can't picture Gus ever winning a playoff game as a HC if he was ever even able to get there. I've just seen way too many things that point against it.

I don't expect us to win a playoff game but at least we should get in and get some playoff experience for our players. We should be the division winners this year.

Any coach worth their weight would be able to pull it off in this division and with this roster. To accept anything less is inexcusable.
Quote:Normally, I would be patient with this rebuild. David Caldwell and Gus Bradley did inherit a team that has no playmakers on either side of the ball. To see the results during their first 2 years of the rebuild should have been expected, if not a little disappointing.


And while I would also be patient for a little bit longer, there is a few things that stick out to me.


1. We are playing in the AFC South. Frankly, no team here, with the way everyone in this division is playing, deserves to be in the playoffs. The Colts, Texans, and Titans all have problems and they are more glaring than ours. For us to be in Year 3 of this rebuild and still be in last place of the worst division in football is just utterly disgusting and completely unacceptable.


There's no excuse for that.


2. We got talent on both sides of the ball. I may be giving the Jaguars defense too much credit but this game shows that we can actually apply pressure to the opposing QB. Why did it take 7 weeks of football to see this? This game shows that we is capable of playing better than we have seen so far.


3. We got the most complete offense in the AFC South. We should be torching our divisional opponents. The Colts is taking their sweet time, the Texans doesn't have a QB and has just lost Foster for the season, and the Titans is constantly dropping balls and can't protect the QB. We got one of the better QBs in the division, our RB is really good (a 1st round talent), and we got the second coming of Thunder and Lightning.


4. The only games that we should have lost is to New England and Carolina. We shouldn't have lost to the Colts, Texans, and Buccaneers. If we had better coaching, those 3 games should have been wins.


5. Our 2 wins was ugly wins against 2 teams that was not playing at their best. Miami lost due to a terrible head coach (that sounds familiar) and Buffalo lost mainly due to a 1st round QB bust. As bad as Rex Ryan has been, I can't put this loss mainly on him. He did the best he can with a QB that simply can't protect the football. 


6. When Gus Bradley said that he wasn't concerned that his team didn't know how to finish a game after a close loss earlier in the season, that concerns me greatly. That IS part of his job as head coach. When I said his team playing prevent defense when constant pressure is making Manual become the 2nd coming of Jameis Winston and allowed him to slowly get back in the game, I was even more concerning. When I see Gerhart on the field for 4 straight rushing plays at the 1 and Yeldon on the sidelines despite the latter has already rushed for 100+ years is just as concerning. Seeing the Jaguars almost lose this game despite leading by as much as 24 points is a coaching nightmare.


None of that should be happening.


Honestly, if we was in any other division, I would be a little more patient. But since we are in a division that is ripe for our taking, if we don't win this division that everyone else is trying to give to us, Gus Bradley should be fired immediately afterwards. We have the most complete team in the division. There is no excuse why we are not on top of this pathetic division this year.


Get us in the playoffs, Bradley, or get canned.

Maybe the NFL should convert a division winner playoff slot to a Wild Card slot for that conference if the division doesn't have a team with a winning record?


How interesting would that be?
Gus should be fired for giving the ball to Trashby Slowhart 4 times in a row. Dave should at least get a stern talking to for signing him.

As for Gertrash, he should be run out of town on a rail and all copies of his jersey should be burnt.
Quote:Gus should be fired for giving the ball to Trashby Slowhart 4 times in a row. Dave should at least get a stern talking to for signing him.

As for Gertrash, he should be run out of town on a rail and all copies of his jersey should be burnt.
I'm still in disbelief that they ran him 4 straight times.


Easily one of the worst playcalls I've ever seen.
Quote:People have been calling for accountability and benching people for not executing...now that Gus did that he's stupid...See how that works? People are so hung up on flaming Gus, when he does what people have been criticizing him for not doing he's still stupid...That's the problem with benching people...The next guy is usually not as good as the guy benched and bad [BAD WORD REMOVED] happens...I have been one of the many calling for Gus to start being tougher on the players when they [BAD WORD REMOVED] up to show an example of either produce or you're not gonna see the field...This roster doesn't have deep enough depth to be able to bench people for poor play and yet fans still scream to do it, and when Gus does, he still wrong...This fan base is so anti Gus that no matter what bad happens, it's his fault and anything good has nothing to do with him...I swear if one of our players walked across the street to go to church and got hit by a city bus, it would be Gus's fault 

I don't want to get into a whole thing with you, but do you honestly not see why benching House for Gratz was stupid?


Just because people want accountability doesn't mean you find any scapegoat you can at random!  House actually played a very good game against Hopkins.  He had 1 mistake when he looked back in the endzone on Hopkin's first TD.  On his second TD, a PI  on Hopkins should have been called.  Also, Evans was caught staring away from Hopkins and never made it help House over the top.  


But for some reason, Bradley though he'd make an example out of our best or 2nd best CB for no particularly good reason.  1 mistake get House benched, while other players on the D continue to start?  It was a terrible decision and shows that Gus has no clue as to what he's doing.


Benching House for Gratz was the equivalent of saying, "OK, I need to show everyone that they are to be held accountable.  I'm gonna throw this dart at that target, and whoever's name it lands on will be benched".


That's how random that benching was.  And for Gratz.  Gratz sucks!  He hasn't gotten any better, and yet, for some reason, he's Bradley's darling.  I don't know what Gratz did to deserve his status as Gus' pet, but it's not warranted by his actual play.  


If Gratz stars again after they bye over House, it'll just prove that there is no such thing as accountability.  Gratz made 3 terrible plays that I saw, and is just really bad in coverage.  House is light years ahead of Gratz in terms of how to be a legit CB.
Quote:People have been calling for accountability and benching people for not executing...now that Gus did that he's stupid...See how that works? People are so hung up on flaming Gus, when he does what people have been criticizing him for not doing he's still stupid...That's the problem with benching people...The next guy is usually not as good as the guy benched and bad [BAD WORD REMOVED] happens...I have been one of the many calling for Gus to start being tougher on the players when they [BAD WORD REMOVED] up to show an example of either produce or you're not gonna see the field...This roster doesn't have deep enough depth to be able to bench people for poor play and yet fans still scream to do it, and when Gus does, he still wrong...This fan base is so anti Gus that no matter what bad happens, it's his fault and anything good has nothing to do with him...I swear if one of our players walked across the street to go to church and got hit by a city bus, it would be Gus's fault 
Sorry dude, that's what happens when you are the HC. Because everything that happens to this team is on him.


He benched House who has been our best CB for a guy that got torched by a player with 2 career catches. He is still allowing Myers to be the kicker of this team which is laughable at this point. We are the only team that waits until a player hits rock bottom to get rid of them. Myers has already missed 3 XPs and multiple game winners. We have been the worst 2nd half team in the league. I mean we let EJ MANUEL AND ROBERT WOODS erase a 24 point lead. EJ FRIGGIN MANUEL DUDE.


I'm stoked we got the win but let's be honest, if it wasn't for defensive TDs (which you can never count on) we would have lost this game.