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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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Quote:He hasn't shown one good quality as a HC. I honestly think the talent on this roster is fine. He's an awful HC.

You know, I definitely wonder what the Jags would look like with the same talent they have now, but a really really good, or even great, coach at the helm.


Even if they did lose, I would bet they wouldn't look as bad as they do out there.


And I mean a really really good to great head coach, not just any other coach.
Quote:You know, I definitely wonder what the Jags would look like with the same talent they have now, but a really really good, or even great, coach at the helm.


Even if they did lose, I would bet they wouldn't look as bad as they do out there.


And I mean a really really good to great head coach, not just any other coach.
At no point in his 3 years has anyone said "man, sure glad we have Gus. We would be lost without him."

I actually like Blake and this team that Dave has built but boy I don't like Gus.
Quote:He hasn't shown one good quality as a HC. I honestly think the talent on this roster is fine. He's an awful HC.


This, what's so hard to understand about this?


How in the WORLD do you get a delay of game penalty on a damn punt... and THEN you go for it down what 30? on a 4th and 10 where the pats are obviously not gonna sell out and go for the block


the guys an idiot and I just dont understand the hate for caldwell. Sure he hired gus, but who in hindsight would have thought the hire sucked? Gus was part of that ferocious tampa and even more ferocious seattle defense.. it really did look like a good hire you know


caldwell had imo the best draft of the draft this year.. this guy can put together a team, the team itself isn't getting any better tho and that's ice creams fault not caldwells
Sloppy tackling and bad (poor) aim equivilates to terrible coaching.
it's always something for your team huh gus?

Quote:it's always something for your team huh gus?


He's right. Watch the Patriots. They make very few mistakes. They go in with a game plan and execute what they are best at. Nobody has proven they can stop what they do. We know they will throw underneath, hit Gronk deep down the seems, or occassionally throw a deep pass to a WR. Nobody seems to be able to consistently stop them because they run their plays and 95% of time they are executed.


Precision means being able to do things repeatedly and achieve near or close to the same result.

Coach your players to be more precise then Gus

Quote:I'm not sure. The scary thing is that in some aspects the offense has improved dramatically since last year. The offensive line is head and shoulders better in pass protection than it was last year, but Bortles is still throwing wild on a lot of attempts and holding the team overall back.

Parnell and Wiz make the OL a lot better, not coaching.

Quote:Parnell and Wiz make the OL a lot better, not coaching.

I wasn't even attempting to assign credit for the offensive line's improvement, just noting that it's a stark and notable improvement in a critical aspect of NFL success, but that the offense overall is still largely bad mostly because Bortles, seems to throw some of his passes way off target.
The team is injured he barely had any starters on Defense to play the most explosive offense in the NFL, but no more excuses this was a measure of how good the team is & it failed miserably.


Gus is discouraged because he realizes its probably his last year as a Head Coach.  I don't think many other teams would be looking at him as a great option after these several years of failure.  This was his year to turn things around, and he still has time but its not looking great after this game.

Quote:You do realize Doug Marrone had a pretty big hand in the offensive game play this week right?
And you know this how? Reference?
I dont understand why people keep trying to blame the OLine coach for the offense?  If anything Marrone has been the saving grace giving Bortles more time this year to throw.

[Image: duh.jpg?w=500&h=350&crop=1]

With a supposedly defensive guru and multiple expensive free agents, we couldn't force them to punt even once. I know the patriots are great so I wasn't expecting turnovers, but I figured they would have to at least punt once in the game.

Gus just isn't the guy.  He doesn't have the work ethic or intellect to beat someone like Belichek.  Maybe in a few years, we can be an 8-8 team.  





How about we try to win the game and prepare ahead of time so that we don't get our [BAD WORD REMOVED] kicked? seriously. Where's the outrage and frustration over giving up a franchise record of 51 points on defense? Gus has no backbone.

Would you prefer that GM Dave Caldwell make Marrone the interm HC until the end of the season, or let Gus finish this year it is only week 3. 

As bad of a loss as this was let us not over react just yet.
Quote:Would you prefer that GM Dave Caldwell make Marrone the interm HC until the end of the season, or let Gus finish this year it is only week 3. 

As bad of a loss as this was let us not over react just yet.

I'll take Marrone and the message it sends that weak [BLEEP] leadership isn't acceptable.
I really feel Gus doesn't hold people accountable because he wants to stay positive and be a player's coach. Accountability for play should be priority 1
People act like blowing the whole thing up is supposed to be a bad thing. Is it ideal? No. But is riding with this for another year or 2 gonna be any better? I mean have you really seen much in the way of progress?