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Quote:If you think that Belichick doesn't have this team at 7-4 or better than I can't help you.
I'm not saying that Gus is perfect or that he doesn't have things HE needs to improve upon.... And if you actually READ my post, my point of contention was everybody dumping on him for the last two years when our roster was in rebuild mode... But go ahead... push your agenda...
Anyone looking to ditch Gus has to consider replacements.


The problem is, unlike most years, there seems to be a lot of openings coming with viable QB situations.


In the AFC South, if three coaches are fired (Pagano, Mularkey, and Gus), a new coach has the choice between Luck, Bortles and Mariota.


If the Bolts let McCoy go, his replacement will have a still spry Phillip Rivers.


If Campbell cannot keep the job permanently in Miami, Tannehill may be his guy short term.


If Caldwell cannot continue this rally and he is let go, Detroit's new coach will have Stafford.


There are at least two good offensive coaches that are available and have prior successful head coaching experience in Payton and Marrone.


If you got your wish and fired Gus, who would you replace him with, considering there are lots of good landing spots for a coach looking for a good QB situation?

Quote:Seriously...an elite or even decent coach has us winninh the AFC south right now. I mean its not that hard, its the worst division in the league.
Ok.... you're all right... It's Gus' fault Meyers missed those two kicks against the clots.. It's Gus' fault that Clemons and Branch have been more of a liability than anything else..It's Gus' fault that Hurns was concussed, the polar caps are melting and the cost of a dozen eggs is more than a six pack... You win... I've seen the light...I'll have my eggs poached in Bud Light.... with a side of crow....
Quote:Ok.... you're all right... It's Gus' fault Meyers missed those two kicks against the clots.. It's Gus' fault that Clemons and Branch have been more of a liability than anything else..It's Gus' fault that Hurns was concussed, the polar caps are melting and the cost of a dozen eggs is more than a six pack... You win... I've seen the light...I'll have my eggs poached in Bud Light.... with a side of crow....

Branch and Clemons continue to play the most snaps, who's fault is that? If they suck, why does he still trot them out there?
Quote:Ok.... you're all right... It's Gus' fault Meyers missed those two kicks against the clots.. It's Gus' fault that Clemons and Branch have been more of a liability than anything else..It's Gus' fault that Hurns was concussed, the polar caps are melting and the cost of a dozen eggs is more than a six pack... You win... I've seen the light...I'll have my eggs poached in Bud Light.... with a side of crow....

The opposing QBs have all day to throw. Sure, it would be great if the Jags had Reggie White and Richard Dent in their prime, but the coach has to do the best he can with the players he has. It's Gus' fault that the Jags are usually rushing only four, especially when we're playing backup QBs and/or patchwork OLs. Go back and watch the three plays by the Jags defense against Houston starting with 6:15 left in the 3rd quarter. Two blitzes on the first two downs held Hoyer in check, and on third down the Jags went back to a vanilla defense and allowed Hoyer all day to find an open receiver. Those three plays exemplify the failure of Gus Bradley.

Quote: The players are behind him and that means a lot when your team has been losing for nearly a decade, even if you don't want to believe it

You have a choice between two bosses:


One is in your face after every mistake.  Doesn't matter to him if the cameras are rolling; you screw up in a game and he's waiting for you on the sideline and everyone in the upper deck can hear it.  In practice he makes you do it over and over again, demanding perfection, until you get it right. 


The other boss is just the nicest guy.  Doesn't matter how poor your work performance is or if it's the same mistake you've already made a bunch of times, everyone still gets a big pat on the back and then he takes you out for ice cream.


Which boss would you rather work for?
Quote:You have a choice between two bosses:

One is in your face after every mistake. Doesn't matter to him if the cameras are rolling; you screw up in a game and he's waiting for you on the sideline and everyone in the upper deck can hear it. In practice he makes you do it over and over again, demanding perfection, until you get it right.

The other boss is just the nicest guy. Doesn't matter how poor your work performance is or if it's the same mistake you've already made a bunch of times, everyone still gets a big pat on the back and then he takes you out for ice cream.

Which boss would you rather work for?
Why do people think this? JDR was a players' coach. Until you went against the grain then you got thrown under the bus. No, Gus doesn't throw anyone under the bus. But he holds people accountable. Like House. A move that has been universally panned on this board but has lead to him turning his game around. But everyone on here was all hurrr durr he thinks Gratz is better. Not true.

When Gus says someone played "just solid" that's GusSpeak for they aren't that good. What's so hard to understand? Stop trying to judge a coach on how he talks to the media. That's [BLEEP].

Regardless, the guys play hard for him. I don't know if y'all expect him to go out there and rush the passer himself?? Stop Blake from going through a perfectly natural sophomore slump?

HONESTLY: What should he being doing different?
Quote:Branch and Clemons continue to play the most snaps, who's fault is that? If they suck, why does he still trot them out there?

And just who do we have on the roster that's better than they are?

Quote:And just who do we have on the roster that's better than they are?

Is this a serious question? Ryan Davis and Chris Smith. Smith has done more in his 100 or so snaps than Clemons has all year. 
Quote:You have a choice between two bosses:

One is in your face after every mistake. Doesn't matter to him if the cameras are rolling; you screw up in a game and he's waiting for you on the sideline and everyone in the upper deck can hear it. In practice he makes you do it over and over again, demanding perfection, until you get it right.

The other boss is just the nicest guy. Doesn't matter how poor your work performance is or if it's the same mistake you've already made a bunch of times, everyone still gets a big pat on the back and then he takes you out for ice cream.

Which boss would you rather work for?

Or you can be a boss who utilizes aspects of both approaches.
Just so I understand correctly, the coaches and assistant coaches that are there to work with these guys on a daily basis are wrong and you're right as to who needs to be on the field... ok... got it.

Maybe this is a simplistic way of looking at it, but I'm pretty sure we would have more wins if we had any of a multitude of different head coaches. 


I really want Gus to succeed for the sake of the team, but its getting harder and harder to listen to his post game excuses.

He has to find a way to win these winnable games.
Quote:I'm not saying that Gus is perfect or that he doesn't have things HE needs to improve upon.... And if you actually READ my post, my point of contention was everybody dumping on him for the last two years when our roster was in rebuild mode... But go ahead... push your agenda...

I have no agenda here (other than desiring for my Jags to win, and by win I mean eventually in the playoffs/Super Bowl).


My point is still valid, Belichick (or probably any of the top 16 coaches in the NFL) have us at 7-4 or better right now.  We are in the worst division (by far) in the NFL.  We have played some of the worst teams (and lost) in the NFL.


It's a fact that Gus is a very nice guy.  It's also true that he's not a good NFL HC.  This is supported by his record (which is historically bad) and the eye test where we see him make poor management decisions in games almost weekly as well as the team not prepared for games in most weeks.


Whether you like him or not as a person is irrelevant.  We are nearing the end of his 3rd season as HC and he has not shown us that he can get this team to over-perform much less perform to their average potential.  This team has clearly under-performed for the talent that is currently on the roster.


Let's assume that the Jags go 3-2 (although unlikely) in the last 5 games of this season.  That puts Bradley at 14-34 in 48 games.


In the history of the NFL, the other only coaches to coach 48 or more games and have 14 or less wins are...


Steve Spagnuolo (10-38) and only coaches 48 games

Mike Riley (14-34) and only coaches 48 games

Rod Marinelli (10-38) and only coached 48 games

Tom Fears (13-34-2) and only coaches 49 games

Jimmy Phelan (13-35-2) and coached 50 games

Bert Bell (10-46-2 and coached 58 games


Let's now assume the Jags keep him around through next year and the Jags go 9-7 (which I think is an unrealistic expectation under Bradley).  That would make Bradley 23-41 in 64 games at that point in his HC career.  The only other coaches in the history of the NFL with 64 or more games and 23 or less wins are...


Bill McPeak (21-46-3) and coached 70 games

David Shula (19-52) and coached 72 games

Harland Svare (21-48-5) and coached 74 games


The logical conclusion is that Bradley is not going to pan out.  He should be fired after this season.  If anyone (including Khan and Caldwell) believes that he deserves another season then that means that believe he will make history by starting as one of the worst coaches ever in the NFL and actually turning around his coaching career/team.


The reason I don't believe that is possible is because after observing him and the performance of his team for almost 3 years it does not look like his has the leadership necessary of an NFL HC.


Other than "continuity" and "players like playing for him" I'd welcome any logical arguments supporting him staying.
Quote:We never blame the player and always blame the coach (at least in Jacksonville). I mean, heaven forbid these millionaires actually doing what they are paid to do.
you mean "millionaires" like the coach and gm?
Quote:Maybe this is a simplistic way of looking at it, but I'm pretty sure we would have more wins if we had any of a multitude of different head coaches. 
You may be right.


But at this point, who would be your choices to replace him, and how could you guarantee they wouldn't go to any number of teams that already have QB settled?
Quote:And just who do we have on the roster that's better than they are?

Sign my 8 year old nephew, I'm sure he can do just as good.
Quote:Maybe this is a simplistic way of looking at it, but I'm pretty sure we would have more wins if we had any of a multitude of different head coaches. 
I'm just not sure I can buy into this...


Look at the Lions...

They were better with Jim Schwartz it seems...

But where is he now? 


If something is a complete dumpster fire, then yeah, coaches can be blamed.

If a roster is full of talent and is losing, yeah, blame the coaches....

If a roster is up and down, looking good one game and awful the next and OK and then bad and then.....

but you see improvement... I mean.. give it a chance eh?


Replace Gus with.... Kyle Shanahan? Hue Jackson? Sean Payton?

which guarantees nothing....

change schemes... get new guys.... grasp for more straws....


I'm not ecstatic about losing, I just don't think changing the coaches is going to change much until young guys grow up on O and TALENT fills voids on D

...and to be quite honest... I'd be the first one to say the Wins HAVE to come next season... a winning season HAS to come.

Quote:Is this a serious question? Ryan Davis and Chris Smith. Smith has done more in his 100 or so snaps than Clemons has all year. 

I'll give you Davis.  Smith is just as bad.