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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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Dude... Patience, man.


Murphy hit us today, but we'll get better.

At this point, im immune to it. Its been going on for a while
Simple. John Oehser has 10 accounts on here.
Oh look another "look at me" thread. Haven't had one of those in a good minute...
Haha merged!!!!
Quote:Oh look another "look at me" thread. Haven't had one of those in a good minute...

John, go to bed. We expect an extra long column tomorrow.
Quote:John, go to bed. We expect an extra long column tomorrow.
Thanks Nancy for your concern.
Dump Gus. Seriously, the time for waiting for him to grow with the team is over.

We're now up to 18 people who would gladly trade their social security numbers for a once in a lifetime investment opportunity
Un-freaking believeable
Quote:We're now up to 18 people who would gladly trade their social security numbers for a once in a lifetime investment opportunity
I'll sell mine for a good coach.
Quote:What does firing Gus midseason do? If we're firing him before the season is over it means the season is a wash anyway. Might as well see how he finishes.

Nothing.  It would be a move to appease the fan base.  The only reason you fire him midseason is if he's lost the players, he hasn't.  I think he needs to go (have thought that for awhile) but it can wait until the end of the season.
They shouldn't even let gus on the team plane, give him a greyhound pass back to North Dakota. We don't need him spending another minute with the players filling their heads with his "get better" nonsense. Hire Marrone to light a fire under this team and let them know the ice cream parties stop right now and it's time to win some football games.
Gus just isn't improving as a coach. 2 seasons and 4 games in, and still don't see improvement from him. I'd expect his seat to be hot by week 8, if we don't have a couple wins under our belt.

I feel like the team has talent. We need an experienced coach to come in and start developing true core players.
Finish the season, then go shopping. Gus is NOT the answer.

Gus has to go. It's eight wins now in two years and a month of football. That has to stop. I think Caldwell should be retained. I think we have the talent to be successful but Gus doesn't have the talent to properly get this team motivated and disciplined to win games they should be winning. Too many penalties yesterday, lack of blitz plays and just too many odd or questionable offensive plays called. I am done for this year though as a fan. I've had enough of Gus.


Mark my words too. This team is fixing to lose to Winston and the Buccaneers. And they're not that great of a football team and they turn the ball over left and right. When this team loses to Tampa this weekend and we fall to 1 - 4. I fully expect to read or hear somewhere in the news that Bradley/Caldwell have a meeting and heart-to-heart or come to Jesus moment with Shad Khan like we just heard about with Joe Philibin and Ross down in Miami.


This is ridiculous. I am tired of the losing. The mediocre coaching and play calls. We've made the play-offs just two times now over the last fifteen years. That is too long. This city deserves better. This fan base, especially the long time ticket holders who have been backing this franchise up since 1994/1995 deserve better. Khan needs to pony up on the organization now. The stadium looks great, the marketing is great, and you've made the fan experience better. But, if you ask 90% of what the true diehard fans want. We'd all gladly trade in all that gold of how awesome our stadium looks for a competitive football team even if it meant sitting in 100+ degree weather or a monsoon.


Bring us a winner Khan.

Sorry coaching doesn't have much to do with joeckel being a bust. Wasted draft pick that's on Caldwell.

How about not being able to compile a decent secondary, even though we've drafted what 6 different defensive backs and spent money on 3 different veterans? That's on Caldwell

Great you recognized schobee is declining but failed to find a suitable replacement. That's on Caldwell

Our best WR even though we've drafted plenty of them high is an UDFA that's on Caldwell

This team is so average to below average across the board you could pick any head coach an we're likely to get out played any given Sunday. There is no one unit above average on this team, I can't even name a position we could argue is above average on the team. That's all on Caldwell.
Quote:Sorry coaching doesn't have much to do with joeckel being a bust. Wasted draft pick that's on Caldwell.

How about not being able to compile a decent secondary, even though we've drafted what 6 different defensive backs and spent money on 3 different veterans? That's on Caldwell

Great you recognized schobee is declining but failed to find a suitable replacement. That's on Caldwell

Our best WR even though we've drafted plenty of them high is an UDFA that's on Caldwell

This team is so average to below average across the board you could pick any head coach an we're likely to get out played any given Sunday. There is no one unit above average on this team, I can't even name a position we could argue is above average on the team. That's all on Caldwell.

Agree 100%.  Bradley may not be able to coach his way out of a cardboard box, but seriously....there isn't much talent on the Jaguars roster.  I get that we like to say that we have talent because some players have some flashes of being decent during some games, but seriously....do we have any stars on this team where teams have to gameplan around a player?  Of course we don't...and that's on Caldwell. 
Quote:Sorry coaching doesn't have much to do with joeckel being a bust. Wasted draft pick that's on Caldwell.

How about not being able to compile a decent secondary, even though we've drafted what 6 different defensive backs and spent money on 3 different veterans? That's on Caldwell

Great you recognized schobee is declining but failed to find a suitable replacement. That's on Caldwell

Our best WR even though we've drafted plenty of them high is an UDFA that's on Caldwell

This team is so average to below average across the board you could pick any head coach an we're likely to get out played any given Sunday. There is no one unit above average on this team, I can't even name a position we could argue is above average on the team. That's all on Caldwell.



how come none of our players ever get better? Why did mccray go from looking all world last year to a damn backup? why do we get penalties on PUNTS? Why do we go for a fake punt down 30 in the back of our own endzone? Where is the player development? Where is the defense at? Why is the defense always playing prevent?


this team epitomizes it's head coach left right and center, they have zero killer instinct.


"we learned a lot out there"


the only thing gus learns is how to get his [BLEEP] kicked each weak over and over. You give a real coach this team and we will be 100% better just that fast


how come none of our players ever get better? Why did mccray go from looking all world last year to a damn backup? why do we get penalties on PUNTS? Why do we go for a fake punt down 30 in the back of our own endzone? Where is the player development? Where is the defense at? Why is the defense always playing prevent?


this team epitomizes it's head coach left right and center, they have zero killer instinct.


"we learned a lot out there"


the only thing gus learns is how to get his [BAD WORD REMOVED] kicked each weak over and over. You give a real coach this team and we will be 100% better just that fast

It's a deadly combination of bad coaching and bad roster.  DC decided to blow the whole thing up and the roster is only marginally better than it was 3 years ago.