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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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Quote:You don't hire an o-line coach before picking an OC for no reason. Doug Marrone was brought in as a contingency plan if things got bad. You don't let Bradley finish the season without seeing what you have in Marrone at the helm.

You are totally wrong he hired Marrone as the OLine coach and due to the high pay & respect of being a former HC right before they had hired him they made him an ast HC (and they saw problems already with Gus), but GM Dave Caldwell was going to fire Gus & make Marrone the interm he wouldve done it by now... after the last two games to easy teams.
I'm over the whole " but we're gonna mess up our draft position" argument. We've had a top 10 pick for the last decade, and look where we are now.

Good GMs can draft good players regardless of the number of the pick. It's time to atleast try to win, we are not even at mid season and people are already trying to justify going 1-15. God forbid we actually try to win a game or two. A reasonable expectation for this year was 6 wins. That's not even a .500 season.

Also, The whole " it's not going to make a difference " argument is nothing but hypotheical. I would rather look like we are trying to fix this [BLEEP] storm than burn another season because "it'll be different next year".

Jag fans have been saying that for nearly a decade now.
Quote:You are totally wrong he hired Marrone as the OLine coach and due to the high pay & respect of being a former HC right before they had hired him they made him an ast HC (and they saw problems already with Gus), but GM Dave Caldwell was going to fire Gus & make Marrone the interm he wouldve done it by now... after the last two games to easy teams

I don't agree with that considering the missing players due to injuries for those games.
If the bye week comes and goes after being blown out by the Bills I assume Dave Caldwell will keep Gus until at least the end of this season if not longer.. maybe until he is forced or when GM Dave Caldwell himself is fired.

Quote:You are totally wrong he hired Marrone as the OLine coach and due to the high pay & respect of being a former HC right before they had hired him they made him an ast HC (and they saw problems already with Gus), but GM Dave Caldwell was going to fire Gus & make Marrone the interm he wouldve done it by now... after the last two games to easy teams.

It's typical to wait until the start of the BYE week so the new coach has two weeks to make changes. If Gus isn't fired next Monday he'll probably survive the season.

An .500 season was a reasonable expectation. This is Gus the bust last contractual year. So I can see Khan keeping him till seasons end. It don't make a difference, keep him or fire. This organization lost the fan base, and season ticket holders. We are heading for another 2 year build. Next year we will be competitive, not contenders till 2018. But I could be wrong. We could win out lol.
Quote:It's typical to wait until the start of the BYE week so the new coach has two weeks to make changes. If Gus isn't fired next Monday he'll probably survive the season.
I agree
Quote:To be fair, of all the teams that change coaches for the 2013 season only 1 really could be called a for certain good hire (Arians).

Chip Kelly, Andy Reid, & Mike McCoy have been good but their teams have fallen back this year, raising questions.

[Image: 11i23af.jpg]

You know whats really sad? Look at the candidates for the HC job for the Jaguars. We were the only team looking at those guys and eventually went with Bradley who only 2 other teams looked at. What terrible candidates, i hope there are better candidates when the season ends.
Quote:What gets me, and was a warning sign from the very beginning of the Caldwell/Bradley regime, is that they axed half of the team (some good players that are starters elsewhere), but at the same time found Gabbert to be a keeper. I honestly feel like they did not do their homework when they were brought in. It's almost as if they were was some over-confidence in thinking they could build up from ground zero. I believe had they not done that, this team would be better off. Instead of making repairs, they tore the whole thing down. And now they're still working on getting the foundation to settle.

Wasn't big part of the total tear town because of the cap situation as well? I agree that was likely a much better way to do that, but I don't remember how all the guaranteed money and all broke down.
Quote:To be fair, of all the teams that change coaches for the 2013 season only 1 really could be called a for certain good hire (Arians).


Chip Kelly, Andy Reid, & Mike McCoy have been good but their teams have fallen back this year, raising questions. 


[Image: 11i23af.jpg]

Being "fair" doesn't make it OK that our HC is a complete bust.  He is historically one of the worse coaches ever in the NFL.  It's pretty straight forward, DC blew the HC hire.  I just hope he gets it right the 2nd time around.


I don't care if they're offensive or defensive minded.  Give me a leader who can lead men!
Gus is a goner. He hasn't shown any improvement as a Gameday coach.

I tend to defend Caldwell because I think he's done a decent job building up the offense (through the draft), but we have lacked depth and talent on defense, and that hurts our special teams as well. He will get another year or two just because Bortles is showing so much potential, but he really needs to start spending resources(draft picks) to field a competent defense. His free agent signings have been pretty bad, but then again, free agent signings hardly ever work out. This is why Miami and Washington are always so terrible. And especially for us... seems like 1 out of 10 free agent signings work out for us. Poz and Marks are really the only true impact players we have gotten through free agency.
Quote:To be fair, of all the teams that change coaches for the 2013 season only 1 really could be called a for certain good hire (Arians).


Chip Kelly, Andy Reid, & Mike McCoy have been good but their teams have fallen back this year, raising questions. 


[Image: 11i23af.jpg]


Three are already gone. One is most certainly gone. Reid and McCoy are on life support. Kelly probably leaves to go back to college. And I bet if you go back to when these guys were hired that Arians had the least amount of fanfare.
Quote:Three are already gone. One is most certainly gone. Reid and McCoy are on life support. Kelly probably leaves to go back to college. And I bet if you go back to when these guys were hired that Arians had the least amount of fanfare.
Kelly would have been fine, if he wasn't given full control of the roster.
Quote:Wasn't big part of the total tear town because of the cap situation as well? I agree that was likely a much better way to do that, but I don't remember how all the guaranteed money and all broke down.
The Jaguars have had one of the better cap situations in the league going back to when they blew things up at the end of the Coughlin era.  From that point on, they've done a good job of managing the cap through 2 owners and 4 GMs. 


They blew the roster up because, despite there being a few decent players, it was a pretty bad roster.  There were maybe 1 or 2 players they let walk who could have been contributors moving forward, but it was felt they weren't a good fit for what they wanted to do, so guys like Daryl Smith weren't brought back.  I think if you asked Caldwell about mistakes he's made, that would be one he would highlight.  Nobody is perfect.  But, what they did in blowing up the roster was necessary to purge Gene Smith's mismanagement. 


Regarding the Gabbert comment above, and how that's somehow an indictment of questionable judgment by Caldwell, I disagree.  He actually fit the mold for what they were doing with the roster in their first year.  He was young, had a relatively affordable contract, and had at least the POTENTIAL to be a serviceable QB.  They gave him a year to prove himself, and he didn't meet the challenge of winning the job.  They didn't keep him around beyond their first year here, and he was benched within a few games.  That was his audition for this front office.
Is there a "Who is the New Coach thread?"

Its going to be after the season and its going to be Brian Kelly of ND

Quote:Is there a "Who is the New Coach thread?"

Its going to be after the season and its going to be Brian Kelly of ND
Quote:If the bye week comes and goes after being blown out by the Bills I assume Dave Caldwell will keep Gus until at least the end of this season if not longer.. maybe until he is forced or when GM Dave Caldwell himself is fired.

Pretty much
Please explain why this is "gross"?
Quote:Please explain why this is "gross"?
"Brian Kelly of ND"


Is gross.




Because the thought of Brian Kelly of ND becoming our new head coach makes me queezy. It makes me think of turd sandwiches topped with tuna.

Gus isn't going anywhere until the season is over... no matter how much fans complain. Tickets are already sold for this year.