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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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I'm over Gus. How many opportunities the Colts have us to win and we still lose.
Quote:This is the first time during this era that I have finally had enough. No reason to blow this game. None at all. 
Same for me. I mean how many gifts were we given today and couldn't capitalize. Of all games, we got beat by a 40 year old QB who's barely played in the past 3 years, an aging running back, and aging WR. 


I don't get mad often but I mean, we really needed this one. And I'm tired of spending my Sundays pissed off. I'm going to the bar. 
Quote:I like Gus and want him to succeed but it just isnt happening.  Too bad.

Nope. Done. Can't have this. That was infuriating loss. Awful.
Caldwell has brought talent in. You can see it flash. Bradley just can't coach his way out of a paper bag.
Oh, so NOW people are jumping on the fire Gus bandwagon? Bus is about full boys. Take a cab.

DC isn't the problem. Firing him would be stupid. He's provided talent. Gus is just a terrible coach.

But guys we barely beat a Dolphins team that is horrendous. The arrows pointing up; we normally don't win until week 7 at the earliest
I hate this new thread title. GUS needs to go. Caldwell has been fine.

The team doesnt have a lot of talent either. One of the leagues worst rosters
I agree fire the whole team, move them to london i dont care anymore. Am done, selling the rest of my season tickets.
Quote:Caldwell has brought talent in. You can see it flash. Bradley just can't coach his way out of a paper bag.

Seeing Smith get torched by a fat TE multiple times is the most discouraging part of the game.
I said wait until the end of the season to fire Gus. I change my mind. Fire that clown now. I don't want him leading this team anymore, even if a losing season is inevitable.


So sick of it.

But we believe in victory man!
Quote:Falcons this year and KC last year prove you can be an absolute dog-poop tier team one year and a top tier the next. Fire this clown. Fire him. Fire him. Fire him.

Hot seat?  It's over.

Agreed, Dave and Gus both need to go. We dont have to do a full rebuild though. There are some good players on this roster just no where the talent it could have if Dave knew how to draft in the top 3 rounds
Bradley should be gone in the morning.


To me, it's well over ten. There's no more excuses from the mods on this board and the other apologists. Gus Bradley is a nice guy and a good DC, but he flat out cannot coach this team, or any other team to success.

Time to get rid of him. I've had enough now.

Oh yeah. Disgusting. Awful loss.