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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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Quote:This whole "He's 11 of 32" crap is just that... crap. What part of our roster was completely gutted led you to think we would be competitive these last two years as we put together a new team? As far as I'm concerned, Gus gets a pass. I can see the improvement from last year to this one and can also see that we're headed in the right direction. Rome wasn't built in a day... Give it time.

Whoo Hoo! Improvement!


He's 4 and 7. A 36% winning percentage mostly against teams in shambles starting backup QBs. Much better, right? Sign him to a 5-year extension quick, before some other team grabs him.

Quote:He's called out House and Bortles at times. Branch and Clemons are untouchable.



Who do they have? McLellan? I know they were trading away lots of pieces earlier in the year.

They have Chris Prosinski! No wonder the Jags can't match their defense.

Quote:Ok if branch and Clemons suck so bad, where are Davis and Smith?

I have 3 issues with Gus.

1) I do not believe for a second he is a good judge of talent, especially on the defensive side of the ball

2)'I do not believe he actually gets the best out of what players he has

And 3) he is not able to change tactically to prevent what the other team is doing
Well... at least you have some well thought out opinion.


1. He may not be a great judge of talent.

2. I may have to disagree on point 2.

3. Some of this I believe has to do with his coaching style, allow the coordinators to do their jobs without stepping in. While we may want him to step in and say "blitz more, run more, period" I can't knock the dude on letting the guys whose job it is to do it. Some of this also has to do with personnel. If you can't get to the QB... you can't get to him, there is no tactical changing.
Last time we had a figurehead speaking change, we all went to hell in a hand basket
Quote:Yea. Thats my point. They are playing solid defense with less pieces.

Is there personnel better than ours? I highly doubt they have a Telvin Smith or a Poz or a Colvin or a House.

Their defensive line is pretty talented and Kyle Fuller is their House.
Quote:wait a tick.....


was this loss really on Gus?


Is it really Bradley's fault that Clem and Branch collectively suck really bad?

On defense, the lack off a pass rush, and STUPID offsides penalties really hurt us.

And on offense, well...

Bortles has to shoulder this one. And I'm a big pro-Bortles guy. But twice throwing from beyond the LOS.... smh, can't do that dude.

And the INTs right before half gifting the opponents points....


All-in-all, however, this season is going about how I expected it. And while a win (surely possible) would have been nice... 

I think it's nicer to let all the AFCS division title/playoffs go on that back burner.... (that is off)

we're not there. We're good in spots. Good in spurts, love what I see between the 20's (mostly)


I don't know what changes will take place... but next year is gonna a good year for us. Bortles, Yeldon, the Allens....

couple spots on D are shining stars too, just surrounded by too much inept talent.


I would be OK with drafting 6 D-linemen and a FS this offseason.

What did it matter if he threw beyond the line of scrimmage or not?  He wasn't getting either the td in the first case or the first down/td in the second case.  People want to complain, but he was just trying to make something happen.  He made some dumb mistakes, but he's the biggest playmaker we have.  If we didn't have him we weren't in the position we were in throughout the game.


We have a defensive minded coach and an absolutely horrible defense.  We have corners and safeties that are beaten by tight ends by 3-5 yards consistently.  Our defensive line can't generate a pass rush to save their life.  Go talk to a Seahawks fan...the defense got better after Bradley left.  He wasn't what made that team good.
Quote:If they feel Gus is not getting the most out of this team, then they'll move on and this may ultimately be what the problem is...... What I fear though is we get a new coach, new offense and the same results because really, the problem is the team just needs more experience on offense and more play makers on defense and then UH OH we need another new coach. Round and round we go..... Then you know what we are then????



The Browns.
BINGO! I agree 100%...The team will get better with experience...I have said multiple times that offenses with mostly 2nd/3rd year players don't win many games but you can see the potential for greatness in players...Time and experience will produce wins
Quote:Time and experience will produce wins

Time and experience with this coach will only produce frustration and mediocrity.
Quote:Their defensive line is pretty talented and Kyle Fuller is their House.
I'll help you. Their defense isn't as talented as ours. They just know how to actually utilize the players they have.
Quote:I'll help you. Their defense isn't as talented as ours. They just know how to actually utilize the players they have.

Winner winner chicken dinner.
Quote:The Bears held Rivers to 19 points...... On the road...Is their defense better than ours?

Well they have John Fox and Vic Fangio. We have Bradley and the guy the Bears demoted from DC to LB coach. 
Quote:This whole "He's 11 of 32" crap is just that... crap. What part of our roster was completely gutted led you to think we would be competitive these last two years as we put together a new team? As far as I'm concerned, Gus gets a pass. I can see the improvement from last year to this one and can also see that we're headed in the right direction. Rome wasn't built in a day... Give it time.

"He's 11 of 32" lol. Gus is 11 of 43, as in 11 wins in 43 games.


Gus' HC record is 11 wins and 32 losses. Not good, not good at all, as a matter of fact, that's historically bad.
Gus is at fault, but Bortles makes the most bizzare decisions and throws sometimes. For example, the LOS was at the 7, and he ran into the 5 yardline to throw it. No wonder AR15 was open, they ran in. And dont get me started on that INT at the end of the half.

I like the kid, but damn..i know atleast once a game hes going to screw the team.
Quote:Gus is at fault, but Bortles makes the most bizzare decisions and throws sometimes. For example, the LOS was at the 7, and he ran into the 5 yardline to throw it. No wonder AR15 was open, they ran in. And dont get me started on that INT at the end of the half.

I like the kid, but damn..i know atleast once a game hes going to screw the team.

I like him too, but when you factor in the mental mistakes, it's hard to rate him much above average.  It's a little concerning that his decision making shows no signs of improvement this deep into his second season. True "franchise" QB's don't make bone-headed plays week after week.
Quote:Bradley's message is getting old. We are always finding new ways to lose and when we do win (rarely) they are the ugliest. We need a more experienced head coach that would definitely get this team playing at a high level.

Gus has been making bone headed decisions all year. He is in over his head. For example: Branch played the most snaps among the DL yesterday, yes BRANCH. These moves are baffling and there's many more. With a good head coach, i think this team can be at least 500 at this point.


How is what he says any different than what Mularkey said and they canned him?


It's also not just about the record (which is historically bad), it's about the eye test.


Bradley is clearly a very nice guy but an inept leader.  This team needs a leader of men, period!
Quote:This whole "He's 11 of 32" crap is just that... crap. What part of our roster was completely gutted led you to think we would be competitive these last two years as we put together a new team? As far as I'm concerned, Gus gets a pass. I can see the improvement from last year to this one and can also see that we're headed in the right direction. Rome wasn't built in a day... Give it time.

If you think that Belichick doesn't have this team at 7-4 or better than I can't help you.
Quote:I like him too, but when you factor in the mental mistakes, it's hard to rate him much above average. It's a little concerning that his decision making shows no signs of improvement this deep into his second season. True "franchise" QB's don't make bone-headed plays week after week.

Quote:If you think that Belichick doesn't have this team at 7-4 or better than I can't help you.

Seriously...an elite or even decent coach has us winninh the AFC south right now. I mean its not that hard, its the worst division in the league.
Quote:you can't see anything good in Gus because all you look for is a reason to complain about him...I don't think you have made a post in your last 100 posts that isn't finding something to [BAD WORD REMOVED] about against Gus. One can't find anything positive when all you look for is negative... The players are behind him and that means a lot when your team has been losing for nearly a decade, even if you don't want to believe it

So you look for good things and overlook the bad? Do you buy a car with a blown engine because the chassis is solid? A few positives among several negatives is not what you want in a head coach.