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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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Gus has changed the team's routine. They will now have frozen yogurt sundaes, topped with nuts. Take note, crew. Starting today, there will be frozen yogurt socials in the locker room at halftime and postgame.

This morning on the nfl network, between 8 and 830 am, Melissa Stark was talking to Ian Rappaport about the Jags game. At the end of their discussion she she'd talk to him again regarding Gus. Anyone know what the Gus talk is about?
Quote:This morning on the nfl network, between 8 and 830 am, Melissa Stark was talking to Ian Rappaport about the Jags game. At the end of their discussion she she'd talk to him again regarding Gus. Anyone know what the Gus talk is about?

It's about why he's such a loserly


Gus has changed the team's routine. They will now have frozen yogurt sundaes, topped with nuts. Take note, crew. Starting today, there will be frozen yogurt socials in the locker room at halftime and postgame.

Don't forget the pizza parties!!!  Fro Yo and pizza!!!  Nuts and pepperoni are reserved for winners
It's about flavors of delicious frozen treats I assume

Quote:It's about flavors of delicious frozen treats I assume

Your avatar reminds me of Thomas the Train.  My 3 year old loves that show
[Image: 116pfuo.png]

can we not score in the second half?

rich gannon cant even stand watching this trainwreck. 

SAME song....SAME ___....different toilet. how can you sit here and still support this guy? We have an opportunity to get points on the first drive after halftime....and this guy that YOU think should NOT be fired....runs the worse RB in the league 3 times in a row Blame Olsen if you want...GUS can override his calls. Both of them should stay in London....along with Dave. They are embarrassing our city, our team and fans. Anyone who supports any of them is flat out ignorant. 

I've really been patient but it's official. I'm done with this coach.
I hate this team more than my enemies. Please relocate
How do you blow a 27 point game
Wasn't it 4 in a row?
I am moving to casual fan status.
Quote:How do you blow a 27 point game
By starting Gratz and handing it to Amelia Gerhart four times in a row.
I mean yeah, he is bad, probably the worst of all-time without question. He isn't going anywhere though.

Gus is one of, if not, the worst so called wanna be coach in the NFL.. PERIOD..
Talent won this game today, not coaching..