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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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Quote:They're everywhere.  If you point it out, you're going to be labeled a homer or a defender of the team no matter what when that's absolute garbage.  Nobody is happy with the current situation.  But, if you're not out there howling that someone be fired today, you're a homer.  The idiots only know one way. 

It's ignorant that you label people idiots because they have an opinion on an internet discussion board.  On top of that, most of these "idiots" bring plenty of facts and observations to back up their opinions.  If your opinion is that a coach who is 8-28 is acceptable or that you think he should be allowed to coach out the season then state as much.  However, it's naive and ignorant to label people as idiots because they have a different opinion than you.


If you'd like a place where there is no discussion and people have to read what you write without response then feel free to start such a place or apply for a job at jaguars.com.


Otherwise, how about bringing some respect to the discussions here.  Or feel free to not come here and complain at all.

If the criteria set forth at the beginning of the season by Khan that Gus had to make the playoffs, or achieve a 8 win season, or whatever the number might be, then he is good for this year. However, if no criteria were set and it's obvious he won't be retained after the season then by all means let him go now. Let an interim HC fill in and perhaps you discover at the end of this year who his replacement will be.


Regards...................the Chiefjag

Quote:It's ignorant that you label peopel idiots because they have an opinion on an internet discussion board.  On top of that, most of these "idiots" bring plenty of facts and observations to back up their opinions.  If your opinion is that a coach who is 8-28 is acceptable or that you think he should be allowed to coach out the season then state as much.  However, it's naive and ignorant to label people as idiots because they have a different opinion than you.


If you'd like a place where there is no discussion and people have to read what you write without response then feel free to start such a place or apply for a job at jaguars.com.


Otherwise, how about bringing some respect to the discussions here.  Or feel free to not come here and complain at all.

Can I get an AMEN!
Ya know... watching this presser from today....


I think this is a good opportunity for Gus to change people's minds about his ability as coach.

I can sense in his voice and the way he is wording things he understands the situation. And he knows that accountability is on the forefront now.


He knows what is being done now isn't enough....

will it change? That is yet to be seen.....


He doesn't sound beaten down. He isn't defeated....


don't give up on ol Gus yet

Quote:It's ignorant that you label peopel idiots because they have an opinion on an internet discussion board.  On top of that, most of these "idiots" bring plenty of facts and observations to back up their opinions.  If your opinion is that a coach who is 8-28 is acceptable or that you think he should be allowed to coach out the season then state as much.  However, it's naive and ignorant to label people as idiots because they have a different opinion than you.


If you'd like a place where there is no discussion and people have to read what you write without response then feel free to start such a place or apply for a job at jaguars.com.


Otherwise, how about bringing some respect to the discussions here.  Or feel free to not come here and complain at all.
The problem here is that every poster is treated like they are the ultimate "homer" or the ultimate "Bibber".


There are a fair amount of people who are a little bit of both.
Quote:Missed kicks and stupid penalties. There's your two reasons this team is not 2-2. Gus didn't do either of them.

we should have beat that terrible team by 2 or 3 tds minimal


back up qb people

defense that is giving up on average what 33 ppg?

we scored...1..............3............p...o...i...n...t...s
Firing the coach after the team played prob its best all around game would be dumb


Even tho we loss, there was huge progress yesterday in the running game, passing game, not turning over the ball, forcing turn overs, we did get 3 sacks and gave up only 1


We just have to learn how to score TDs, at the end of the day its still a young offense


Gus should get to the end of the year and see where we are at
Quote:don't give up on ol Gus yet
I gave up on him this week. Before this game, I was willing to ride it out and see if he could rebound. Even after being thrashed by the Patriots, I felt like he deserved a chance.


This week, he went out and handed the game on a golden platter to a team that is, in many ways, inferior to the Jaguars talent-wise. He had opportunity after opportunity to win it. The Colts really didn't want to win this game. They were wrapping it up in a nice little bow and handing it to us, but Bradley just didn't want it and passed it back over to them, along with an ice cream sundae for Hasselbeck.


I've lost all faith in Bradley after this game, and imo, the sooner we cut bait and see what we have in Marrone, the better.
Quote:Firing the coach after the team played prob its best all around game would be dumb


Even tho we loss, there was huge progress yesterday in the running game, passing game, not turning over the ball, forcing turn overs, we did get 3 sacks and gave up only 1


We just have to learn how to score TDs, at the end of the day its still a young offense


Gus should get to the end of the year and see where we are at

The talent is showing up in spite of Bradley's ineptitude.  The reasons you give have been true for the last 4 years.  Bradley is showing no improvement as a HC.  Time to move on.

I've lost all faith in Bradley after this game, and imo, the sooner we cut bait and see what we have in Marrone, the better.
That makes 0 sense.
Quote:Firing the coach after the team played prob its best all around game would be dumb


Even tho we loss, there was huge progress yesterday in the running game, passing game, not turning over the ball, forcing turn overs, we did get 3 sacks and gave up only 1


We just have to learn how to score TDs, at the end of the day its still a young offense


Gus should get to the end of the year and see where we are at
Mariota hung up 33 on them.
Quote:That makes 0 sense.

Bradley is only enabling a weak culture.  No one is held accountable.  He is not going to lead this team to a SB so the sooner he's gone the better off we are and can start moving forward.


I truly believe a new (good) coach can come in during the off-season and have this team at .500 or better next season with this roster.
Quote:Missed kicks and stupid penalties. There's your two reasons this team is not 2-2. Gus didn't do either of them.

Dude, we're 31st in scoring in the NFL.  There is just a bit more wrong than this.
Quote:Bradley is only enabling a weak culture.  No one is held accountable.  He is not going to lead this team to a SB so the sooner he's gone the better off we are and can start moving forward.


I truly believe a new (good) coach can come in during the off-season and have this team at .500 or better next season with this roster.

How do you know that? 
Quote:Missed kicks and stupid penalties. There's your two reasons this team is not 2-2. Gus didn't do either of them.

OK so ignore the last game, what are the excuses for the other 27 losses?
Quote:How do you know that? 
Well, for starters, Jason Myers still has a job.
Quote:How do you know that? 

Have you seen any evidence that anyone is held accountable?
Quote:OK so ignore the last game, what are the excuses for the other 27 losses?
The players skill levels did not allow them to win. Next question.
Quote:Have you seen any evidence that anyone is held accountable?

Yeah, I saw some video of the ice cream party afterwards, and there were definitely no sprinkles.  Sprinkles are for winners.
I don't get the defense of Bradley tbh.  Does anyone really think he has what it takes to be a good head coach in the NFL?  I get wanting to wait until the end of the season.  Though personally I think before the bye week is a good choice.  But I don't get people thinking that he's actually made progress.  Not after yesterdays game.