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Full Version: The Giant Fire Gus & Dave Thread (MERGED)
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You got to give to the Bortles' haters...you were so right.
Quote:I think we could have anyone as DC and the D will stink. We can't rush the passer and our DBs are below par. It's a terrible combination.

Quote:The point is something is missing and not even the best of offense will make up for it.

No, your point, or lack of one rather, is that this team is seen as a joke. Given the offense's production, this team is not quite the laughing matter you think others see them as.
Quote:I think we could have anyone as DC and the D will stink. We can't rush the passer and our DBs are below par. It's a terrible combination.


Can't rush and can't cover is a tough combination.
Quote:Can you believe this team? What is it with this franchise? I dont believe in curses but this is ridiculous. Can any explain?

[Image: gus.jpg]
Quote:I think we'll see a big improvement in the D next year. We'll get Marks back and Fowler should be ready to go. There are also free safetys like Weddle, Gipson and Berry who are available. Then hopefully we can address the pass rush and corners in the draft.
I would sign 2 of those guys, bench Cyp, and Evans and Brown
Quote:I hate it when you bring logic to our lynch mob...


Though I think it can be argued the lack of situational awareness & hustle on the 80 yard run along with  a lack of repetitive practice on the miss-snap resulted in the 2 plays you mentioned, it's not like anyone can 100% refute your point.  And it could be argued that I am trying to hard to pin those 2 plays on the coaching.  


+1 to you.


eh...  what are you gonna do.  We just stink on ice.  
Am I the only one that felt like Gratz was jogging while pursuing Mariota on the 87 yard TD run? Maybe it was just my anger of watching that ridiculous play unfold but it seemed like Gratz was in position to run Mariota down but was jogging.
Call up Jim Schwartz when Gus gets the can and Marrone takes over.
Babich is on his way out.
I think they will give Gus another year. I think the same thing will happen to Babich, that happened to Fisch this off season. He'll get fired, they'll bring in a new DC and Gus will officially have his 4th *absolutely zero excuses* year.

Quote: Gus will officially have his 4th *absolutely zero excuses* year.
Let's hope not.


Forking Pea brain


U know, U know, U know, U know, Uknow, U know, U know, U know.....
Quote:Coaching staff is terrible, defensive scheme is terrible, defensive players are terrible and never get benched, terrible adjustments, questionable play-calling most of the time, undisciplined and inconsistent players who need proper coaching to fully develop as well. It's no surprise that one of the best WR coaches has turned our receivers into TD machines, and basically made our offense great because of it. That's what good coaches can do!

This is exactly right. We also need some new blood on defense. Pass Rusher will make a huge difference with the defense.
Quote:You got to give to the Bortles' haters...you were so right.

They sure were. Where has Thunderbunz been anyways?

This loss falls directly on the defense which gave up almost 500 yds. Defense let a 2 win team score over 40 points that is unacceptable. This is classic case of players not plays being the problem. We will see a huge difference if we can add 3-4 playmakers on defense (in the right positions of course).
Quote:Babich needs to go. The only reason he got the job was because he gave opportunity to Gus in NDSU.  He does not have a much bigger resume. If Babich has the 85 Bears defense players, he would have made it the middle of the pack.  His scheme is full of flaws that a good Offensive coordinate will take advantage of. 

Absolutely correct.  This is the most important move for the Jags in the offseason.


Everywhere Babich has gone, the team became worse. At NDSU, he walked into a 9-3 year 1 record and left that place at 2-8.   In Chicago (Bears), they took away his control as a DC and demoted him to LB coach prior to ultimately releasing him.


He's terrible !!


Yup, Babich is gone. It wouldn't surprise me to see Walsh get promoted. I would like to see them go the route that they did with the offense last year and bring in a handful of coaches to surround Gus and turn around the defense.

Quote:This loss falls directly on the defense which gave up almost 500 yds. Defense let a 2 win team score over 40 points that is unacceptable. This is classic case of players not plays being the problem. We will see a huge difference if we can add 3-4 playmakers on defense (in the right positions of course).

But Bradley was supposed to be this defensive guru. The defense has stunk since he's been here. That zone defense design is crap. Recievers were wide open all day yesterday.
Quote:And people wonder why we don't blitz more.

I'm okay with that play. Well I'm not okay with it, but I'd rather do that then sit back and let a qb pick you apart. That was a very unlikely play and isn't going to happen very often.
Quote:Call up Jim Schwartz when Gus gets the can and Marrone takes over.

Was saying that earlier in the year. Would love a Schwartz ran defense here.
Quote:But we still lost. Offense has pretty much been good all year and still losing.
I hear ya... well, it can be looked at this way; yup, we lost another eminently winnable game, but for the first time in a long time our offense actually showed tangible proof that it is capable of big plays, clutch plays, and putting big points on the scoreboard. That's a good thing, a real good thing. As another poster said earlier, "it bodes well for this team". Certainly they had their bad moment with that blown snap from Wisniewski that led to a quick touchdown. But the overall performance from them yesterday was certainly appreciated.


Yeah, we lost another game we could'a/should'a won. We've got trouble on defense that we've had all season. The tacks exploited it yesterday... that's what winning teams do. I still maintain the bad snap and resulting touchdown was what did us in; this was a close scoring game and that free td was the difference... this time.


With the defensive roster addressed this off season via the draft and f/a acquisition things should get better. Hopefully, we'll have this years 1st round pick (fowler) healthy and ready to play and show us if he was worthy of a high round pick. We'll see.