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Quote:I guess I'll add my two cents to this 93 page behemoth...

Coaching changes on young teams are always a bit risky. The last thing we need is someone who wants to come in, blow everything up and start building a new team in their image. The Jaguars are undeniably heading in the right direction, and as long as we keep showing improvement it's tempting to just leave things as they are.

That being said...

If you objectively analyse Gus's performance as head coach its hard to reach anything but a negative grade, even if you decide (with good reason) to overlook his overwhelmingly negative win-loss ratio because, frankly, no coach in history could come through a total tear-down like we did with a winning record.

As far as the x's and o's and game management go, even Gus supporters will have been frustrated at times. The list is long and has been repeated ten billion times on here, but its fair to say there have been some baffling personnel decisions, poor game management with timeouts and challenges, and a reoccurring theme of being unable to adjust in games. However, I think these things are always overplayed and over analysed when the spotlight is on a coach. Pretty much every team in the NFL will have questionable moments that the fans get annoyed with every week. Just think of the end of the last Superbowl... If Gus was responsible for something like that then it would be painted on here as further evidence of his total and utter ineptness, yet nobody really questions Pete Carrol's coaching ability.

Perhaps more damning is the team mentality aspect. It might seem like I'm contradicting myself a bit here, but first I want to give Gus some credit. The job he took on was pretty daunting. He was facing at least two guaranteed losing seasons while we rebuilt. I think, and some will argue with this, that Gus has actually done a good job throughout this time. We needed a positive, energetic, optimistic and enthusiastic atmosphere to carry the players through that period, and to create an environment where the players are in a position to focus on improving. I thing Gus was successful with that, and its credit to him as a coach and a man that the players still seem to have so much respect for him. Most coaches with a record like that would lose the respect of the players. Gus hasn't.

However... Now that we are emerging from the rebuild with an impressive core of young players expectations have rightly changed. We have talent. We want victories. It can be argued that Gus's friendly and supportive approach is no longer the right vibe for this team. Up to this point the priority has been on commitment, effort and improvement, and mistakes have been excused as growing pains. Now we need to switch to a culture where we demand results, and failure is not accepted. Look at the Patriots... You perform or you're out.

The question is whether Gus can switch from being the 'everybody's best friend' coach to the hard taskmaster that people are afraid to cross... Personally, I don't get the feeling that he will be able to do that.

So where does that leave us? Obviously the next move is an important one, and for that reason I believe we wait until the end of the season before we do anything. Gus has 8 games left to prove he can get results with this team. If, and I acknowledge this is unlikely, he has a winning record over the second half of the season then he will probably deserve another year. Anything less and I think he should be out, and replaced with someone who will be committed to continuing to build around the core of young players we have. That person will need to come in and immediately establish a culture that puts the priority on winning. Considering the young talent we have at key areas, and the cap situation and owner, it should be a very appealing position.


Well said. The Jaguars have gone 1-1 since this was posted, and at a bare minimum Gus needs to go 2-3 in the final five games. I do think the vibe Gus sets is good for the team, but it does seem that attention to detail can get lost at times.

Quote:I guess I'll add my two cents to this 93 page behemoth...

Coaching changes on young teams are always a bit risky. The last thing we need is someone who wants to come in, blow everything up and start building a new team in their image. The Jaguars are undeniably heading in the right direction, and as long as we keep showing improvement it's tempting to just leave things as they are.

That being said...

If you objectively analyse Gus's performance as head coach its hard to reach anything but a negative grade, even if you decide (with good reason) to overlook his overwhelmingly negative win-loss ratio because, frankly, no coach in history could come through a total tear-down like we did with a winning record.

As far as the x's and o's and game management go, even Gus supporters will have been frustrated at times. The list is long and has been repeated ten billion times on here, but its fair to say there have been some baffling personnel decisions, poor game management with timeouts and challenges, and a reoccurring theme of being unable to adjust in games. However, I think these things are always overplayed and over analysed when the spotlight is on a coach. Pretty much every team in the NFL will have questionable moments that the fans get annoyed with every week. Just think of the end of the last Superbowl... If Gus was responsible for something like that then it would be painted on here as further evidence of his total and utter ineptness, yet nobody really questions Pete Carrol's coaching ability.

Perhaps more damning is the team mentality aspect. It might seem like I'm contradicting myself a bit here, but first I want to give Gus some credit. The job he took on was pretty daunting. He was facing at least two guaranteed losing seasons while we rebuilt. I think, and some will argue with this, that Gus has actually done a good job throughout this time. We needed a positive, energetic, optimistic and enthusiastic atmosphere to carry the players through that period, and to create an environment where the players are in a position to focus on improving. I thing Gus was successful with that, and its credit to him as a coach and a man that the players still seem to have so much respect for him. Most coaches with a record like that would lose the respect of the players. Gus hasn't.

However... Now that we are emerging from the rebuild with an impressive core of young players expectations have rightly changed. We have talent. We want victories. It can be argued that Gus's friendly and supportive approach is no longer the right vibe for this team. Up to this point the priority has been on commitment, effort and improvement, and mistakes have been excused as growing pains. Now we need to switch to a culture where we demand results, and failure is not accepted. Look at the Patriots... You perform or you're out.

The question is whether Gus can switch from being the 'everybody's best friend' coach to the hard taskmaster that people are afraid to cross... Personally, I don't get the feeling that he will be able to do that.

So where does that leave us? Obviously the next move is an important one, and for that reason I believe we wait until the end of the season before we do anything. Gus has 8 games left to prove he can get results with this team. If, and I acknowledge this is unlikely, he has a winning record over the second half of the season then he will probably deserve another year. Anything less and I think he should be out, and replaced with someone who will be committed to continuing to build around the core of young players we have. That person will need to come in and immediately establish a culture that puts the priority on winning. Considering the young talent we have at key areas, and the cap situation and owner, it should be a very appealing position.
you're wasting your time...The Gus haters won't see anything but what the w/l record shows...everyone was well aware that this would be a long rebuild when Caldwell blew the roster up...Everyone was all excited but cooled off when we didn't start winning right away...There has been no blow up of a roster to the extent that Caldwell blew this up but most feel we should have been winning more with younger inexperienced players, therefore they have all forgotten that they knew this would be a long rebuild and have given up...Very few want to finish the process started 3 years ago....No one wants to look and see that there has been progress, they simply abandoned the process and think wins will come by sheer will rather than gaining experience...


Has there been poor coaching? yeah sure...some of it comes from being limited to the abilities of the players, some comes from rookie HC mistakes, but most poor play comes from inexperience...


As the team (including the coaching staff) gains experience, the wins will come, but for now we are still stuck with growing pains that will only go away with time and experience... 

Is Caldwell (not Khan) on record anywhere for saying anything along the lines of Bradley is safe next year or won't be fired?

Quote:you're wasting your time...The Gus haters won't see anything but what the w/l record shows...everyone was well aware that this would be a long rebuild when Caldwell blew the roster up...Everyone was all excited but cooled off when we didn't start winning right away...There has been no blow up of a roster to the extent that Caldwell blew this up but most feel we should have been winning more with younger inexperienced players, therefore they have all forgotten that they knew this would be a long rebuild and have given up...Very few want to finish the process started 3 years ago....No one wants to look and see that there has been progress, they simply abandoned the process and think wins will come by sheer will rather than gaining experience...


Has there been poor coaching? yeah sure...some of it comes from being limited to the abilities of the players, some comes from rookie HC mistakes, but most poor play comes from inexperience...


As the team (including the coaching staff) gains experience, the wins will come, but for now we are still stuck with growing pains that will only go away with time and experience... 

Gus haters?  People here don't hate Gus, he's just a bad HC (but very nice guy).  You're obviously ignoring the many facts that point toward Bradley being a bad coach.  Anyone with reasonable football or leadership knowledge can also watch every week and see that he is in over his head for a HC position.  He's a super nice guy but a very bad NFL HC.
I laugh at "Gus haters" as if the majority (or anybody at all for that matter) wants to "hate" Gus or even "hates" Gus as a person.


He has stunk up the joint with his coaching.  Some guys just are not meant to be a head coach.  It happens.  

Unfortunately, I think Gus gets another year. I think anything short of winning the division next year gets him fired though.

Quote:Unfortunately, I think Gus gets another year. I think anything short of winning the division next year gets him fired though.

Someone has to go this offseason and I get the feeling Babich is the fall guy.  My heart tells me we get one more year of Gus.

Quote:Unfortunately, I think Gus gets another year. I think anything short of winning the division next year gets him fired though.


Quote:Someone has to go this offseason and I get the feeling Babich is the fall guy.  My heart tells me we get one more year of Gus.

I really hope you guys are wrong on this...  I feel like we'd be wasting a year if we stick with Bradley.  He's clearly not head coach material, why keep him if we know this???  


On top of that, there's a chance there are some really good HC's that come available at the end of this season.  I hope the front office is smart enough to not get entrenched in some stupid idea that we have to give Gus an extra year, "just because".
Gus forgot to plug in the soft serve machine so the team had no cold treats after the game. He tried to make up for it by ordering pizzas but he forgot everybody's favorite toppings!!!! Not a good day at the office for Beer Belly Bradley. This may be the last straw.

How many fans really felt that the team would win more than 7 or 8 games this year before the start of the season?

I am really interested if its the majority because I couldve sworn many felt that if the team finished 8-8 it would be a success for this year... and then they saw Blake Bortles & the Allen Brothers and felt that the team should automatically be in the playoffs because of it.


The team still needs a pass rusher, hopefully Fowler can be that guy next year... the team still needs a great DB like CB and or FS to make the defense better...

the team still needs to improve the Oline...


If they do fire people they should keep Doug Marrone as the OLine coach as he has done a good job in coaching them despite not having the best talent.

Quote:Is Caldwell (not Khan) on record anywhere for saying anything along the lines of Bradley is safe next year or won't be fired?

I just wonder if it's a slick move by Khan holding the line that "it hasn't crossed his mind" because in reality it'll be Caldwell doing the firing/hiring.
Bradley's message is getting old. We are always finding new ways to lose and when we do win (rarely) they are the ugliest. We need a more experienced head coach that would definitely get this team playing at a high level.

Gus has been making bone headed decisions all year. He is in over his head. For example: Branch played the most snaps among the DL yesterday, yes BRANCH. These moves are baffling and there's many more. With a good head coach, i think this team can be at least 500 at this point.
No....but starting to lean towards.....

Still hanging on to hope.

Quote:No....but starting to lean towards.....

Still hanging on to hope.

There is no hope.
He gets until the end of the season...at the very least. If this team wins 6+ games, he stays.
Do we have to do this after every lose 


We were never gonna win out, so let the season play out and then see where that goes

Quote:Do we have to do this after every lose

We were never gonna win out, so let the season play out and then see where that goes

We know how the season will play out. The same way its been under Bradley.
wait a tick.....


was this loss really on Gus?


Is it really Bradley's fault that Clem and Branch collectively suck really bad?

On defense, the lack off a pass rush, and STUPID offsides penalties really hurt us.

And on offense, well...

Bortles has to shoulder this one. And I'm a big pro-Bortles guy. But twice throwing from beyond the LOS.... smh, can't do that dude.

And the INTs right before half gifting the opponents points....


All-in-all, however, this season is going about how I expected it. And while a win (surely possible) would have been nice... 

I think it's nicer to let all the AFCS division title/playoffs go on that back burner.... (that is off)

we're not there. We're good in spots. Good in spurts, love what I see between the 20's (mostly)


I don't know what changes will take place... but next year is gonna a good year for us. Bortles, Yeldon, the Allens....

couple spots on D are shining stars too, just surrounded by too much inept talent.


I would be OK with drafting 6 D-linemen and a FS this offseason.

Quote:We know how the season will play out. The same way its been under Bradley.
You are the worst "fan" in the world.


I'm sure you know this.


Sure wish you were a Jets fan instead....


Go away. lol