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Firing a HC isn't 'blowing it up'. This team doesn't need a full-scale rebuild like it has in the past. 

Quote:Firing a HC isn't 'blowing it up'. This team doesn't need a full-scale rebuild like it has in the past.

You wouldnt know it based on today's play.
This [BLEEP] guy has the balls to say "we did a pretty good job defending Gronk i'd say". Really? Do we need any more proof that this guy doesnt even know where he is?

And "we didnt blitz because brady is more efficient against it".... Well your soft zone wasnt working all game, so gee, idk, maybe youd think he'd change up his strategy a little as the game went on
Bradley has got to go.  He is not the answer.


I firmly believe this team is too talented to look this bad.


A coaching change needs to happen (and should have happened last year honestly) before this ship has a chance to really correct itself.


This team isn't winning with Gus.  


Honestly if Dave thinks Gus is the answer, kick him to the curb and wish him well too.  Gus is a great guy, I like him, but the only thing his team is consistent in is being consistently out-coached.  


I'm sick of this team looking like they are playing with their head up their [BLEEP].

If it took two to three days to get over the Panthers loss will it take five days to get over this one?

Quote:No chance, not after having ONE win this early in the season.
Hey thats better than the zero wins we had at this point the last couple of seasons...
Quote:Hey thats better than the zero wins we had at this point the last couple of seasons...

Isnt that the beauty of this? That Gus has already set the bar so, so low.
How many other coaches could get away with this for this long, seriously?
Quote:Tweet from Rick Ballou (@Ballou1010xl) - Gus: I'm discouraged, that's a fair assessment. #Jaguars


I didn't think it was possible for him to have anything other than a positive outlook on everything. Whether you're a fan of his or not this is terrible.

I think it would be considered a fair assessment to say that the fans are discouraged too. Some fans are even more discouraged then others, as evidenced in their postings in here.
Quote:People act like blowing the whole thing up is supposed to be a bad thing. Is it ideal? No. But is riding with this for another year or 2 gonna be any better? I mean have you really seen much in the way of progress?

Blowing it up never works, that was the mistake we made last time around. If we clean house and fired Gus AND David I wouldn't want the new GM to come in and gut the roster again. He would have to evaluate the roster and decide which players are worth keeping and building around and who to bring in to add to the team. As to where David came in and said to build this house we must tear it down to the foundation. Hell we had a decent LT and his first pick was another LT because we sure didn't have any other needs elsewhere right? 
clots game this week is HUGE

Quote:clots game this week is HUGE

Winner will be in 1st place for the division
There really is no reason we shouldn't beat the clots next week, they've been struggling all season. There is no reason we shouldn't be 3-2 after Tampa. But I'm not sure this team can string back to back wins together. I can't remember the last time we had back to back wins.

Quote:Blowing it up never works, that was the mistake we made last time around. If we clean house and fired Gus AND David I wouldn't want the new GM to come in and gut the roster again. He would have to evaluate the roster and decide which players are worth keeping and building around and who to bring in to add to the team. As to where David came in and said to build this house we must tear it down to the foundation. Hell we had a decent LT and his first pick was another LT because we sure didn't have any other needs elsewhere right?

But i think you just offered a great reason for blowing it up. If he's making questionable personnel moves (trading monroe and drafting joeckel, not bringing daryl smith and knighton back), wouldnt keeping him around just result in more damage down the road? Idk that we've seem enough "hits" in terms of draft picks. His record hasnt been stellar in that regard, and his free agent signings have been OK at best.
We got our butts handed to us by the most dominant, albeit, controversial at times, best football team in the NFL over the last 15 years. Move on....

I will wait until much later in the year before I have an opinion on whether Gus needs to go.   In the meantime, if the players like playing for Gus as much as they say they do, they better play a lot better, or Gus is gone.   I know they understand that, and Gus' open expression of "discouragement" should be something the players take note of and respond to.  
Quote:I will wait until much later in the year before I have an opinion on whether Gus needs to go. In the meantime, if the players like playing for Gus as much as they say they do, they better play a lot better, or Gus is gone. I know they understand that, and Gus' open expression of "discouragement" should be something the players take note of and respond to.

I dont think it's a question of effort most of the time, i think there's still a legitimate lack of talent in a lot of areas.

Nobody wants to say it, but wr and qb are hardly fixed
It's about time...

The 'positive thinking' eastern influenced philosophy held by Gus may have made him popular in the pacific northwest part of this country but it sure as heck isn't generating positive results here. Nevertheless, the disruption to this team that would be created if Gus were fired right now would be devastating. And who would we replace him with? Marrone? Olsen? Neither of these guys are people you'd brag to mom about! There's absolutely no guarantee that we wouldn't be moving from bad to even worse with such a move.


So I don't like Gus Bradley's 'philosophy' nor do I like the kind of results his team is generating. Still, I say give him until it's mathematically impossible for us to reach at least 6-10. If that unhappy event should occur prior to the end of the season then I say it's time to 'cut bait' and show Bradley the door. We can let Marrone finish what's left of the season as an interim HC. In the mean time hopefully Dave can be considering what's available out there in the way of HC prospects.


This is all speculative of course. I would prefer that the Jags finish with a bearable record of at least 6-10. A new coach would mean another 'rebuild' and several more years of the same 'ol stuff we've been getting fed by this franchise. So it's put up or go away time coach.

Quote:It's about time...

The 'positive thinking' eastern influenced philosophy held by Gus may have made him popular in the pacific northwest part of this country but it sure as heck isn't generating positive results here. Nevertheless, the disruption to this team that would be created if Gus were fired right now would be devastating. And who would we replace him with? Marrone? Olsen? Neither of these guys are people you'd brag to mom about! There's absolutely no guarantee that we wouldn't be moving from bad to even worse with such a move.


So I don't like Gus Bradley's 'philosophy' nor do I like the kind of results his team is generating. Still, I say give him until it's mathematically impossible for us to reach at least 6-10. If that unhappy event should occur prior to the end of the season then I say it's time to 'cut bait' and show Bradley the door. We can let Marrone finish what's left of the season as an interim HC. In the mean time hopefully Dave can be considering what's available out there in the way of HC prospects.


This is all speculative of course. I would prefer that the Jags finish with a bearable record of at least 6-10. A new coach would mean another 'rebuild' and several more years of the same 'ol stuff we've been getting fed by this franchise. So it's put up or go away time coach.
hahah so wait until we are 1-10?


Yea... That would be fun. Thats a joke.
Quote:People act like blowing the whole thing up is supposed to be a bad thing. Is it ideal? No. But is riding with this for another year or 2 gonna be any better? I mean have you really seen much in the way of progress?

Yes but the problem is not enough progress.  It is to be expected because we are installing the second system in 2 years for a 2nd year quaterback.  It takes time to work out these things for a ridiculously young team.  We are painted into a corner where we can only go forward with what we have.  The team can't really sign too many veterans at this point because the young guys need the reps.


Like it or not the new CBA sucks for teams that ditch their roster and turn over every 3-4 years.  You get one year of extra practice and the rest of the time you have to go with the tiny bit you get to work with the team.  Honestly not many people like parity except us bottom dwellers.


All of the rules except the draft favor the top teams.  When you have an installed system and two thirds of your roster knows it, you have a huge advantage year in and year out.