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If Gus were let go.... it wouldn't ruin my day.

He hasn't shown me that he has gotten better at coaching.

Just more confused.

The Bears held Rivers to 19 points...... On the road...Is their defense better than ours?

Quote:The Bears held Rivers to 19 points...... On the road...Is their defense better than ours?



Who do they have? McLellan? I know they were trading away lots of pieces earlier in the year.
Quote:I was agreeing with you.

Clearly rushing 4 wasn't working at all. Seems very stubborn to continue that.

It was sad to watch rivers have anything he wanted. He's a great qb. But sometimes you have to take a chance and disrupt his rhythm. It's a real bummer because it's yet another game the jags should've won.
Quote:We need a few additions, granted.


However, it just seems to go from 'playoff contenders' to 'no hopers' on the balance of one win or loss..


Our results going into this game (in recent weeks) weren't atrocious...


I don't know about anyone else, but I don't care how ugly a win is, I'd rather win ugly, that play well and lose (and you can do such a thing).

The problem is that winning ugly has been more about luck and bad opponents than anything the Jags are doing. Hell, the clots tried to give us that game and we still couldn't win it. The same with the Jets and Chargers. None of the four wins have been anything like a good win. Miami and Baltimore are in shambles, Buffalo was a spurt of scoring followed by a huge attempt to give it back, and the tacks are god awful. Ugly wins over good teams would be fine, Ugly wins by ugly play over ugly teams aren't signs of improvement.
Quote:I was agreeing with you.


Clearly rushing 4 wasn't working at all. Seems very stubborn to continue that.

Especially after 3/4ths of a season of the same thing.
Quote:The problem is that winning ugly has been more about luck and bad opponents than anything the Jags are doing. Hell, the clots tried to give us that game and we still couldn't win it. The same with the Jets and Chargers. None of the four wins have been anything like a good win. Miami and Baltimore are in shambles, Buffalo was a spurt of scoring followed by a huge attempt to give it back, and the tacks are god awful. Ugly wins over good teams would be fine, Ugly wins by ugly play over ugly teams aren't signs of improvement.
We have a term in soccer, called 'grinding out a result'..


Playing ugly, but winning.. I just try to apply that with any ugly Jags win and it makes it more acceptable to me... hehe..
Quote:No. Definitely not. It was all on me. I was the one who assembled this wonderful coaching staff which will one day take home a Lombardy trophy. I was the one who prepared the players. I was the one who motivated the players. I was the one who studied the game film to point out the weaknesses and what needed to improve for our players. I was the one who placed accountability on players... I was the one who did it all so it was on me, not Gus.
oh goodie... another one.


Just to be sure... the coaching staff threw two illegal forward passes and jumped offsides giving up first downs

threw a pick at the end of the first half


and called a horrible game




-shrug- I don't know why I bother. Or any sane person for that matter. You trolls will just keep it up, make a new name, or two, and continue slurping up each other's nonsensical ramblings..

all for a little attention. And we keep giving it to you.


So close to removing my message board accounts too. I'm not sure if you guys are a bunch of kids... or fans of other teams... or just plain dumb.

But I left facebook because of trolls that seemingly have nothing better to do but ruin other peoples days just by breathing....


Quote:The problem is that winning ugly has been more about luck and bad opponents than anything the Jags are doing. Hell, the clots tried to give us that game and we still couldn't win it. The same with the Jets and Chargers. None of the four wins have been anything like a good win. Miami and Baltimore are in shambles, Buffalo was a spurt of scoring followed by a huge attempt to give it back, and the tacks are god awful. Ugly wins over good teams would be fine, Ugly wins by ugly play over ugly teams aren't signs of improvement.

Quote:The problem is that winning ugly has been more about luck and bad opponents than anything the Jags are doing. Hell, the clots tried to give us that game and we still couldn't win it. The same with the Jets and Chargers. None of the four wins have been anything like a good win. Miami and Baltimore are in shambles, Buffalo was a spurt of scoring followed by a huge attempt to give it back, and the tacks are god awful. Ugly wins over good teams would be fine, Ugly wins by ugly play over ugly teams aren't signs of improvement.

I could no have said it any better.


This team is still really bad.  A few wins against bad teams didn't change anything.
Quote:oh goodie... another one.


Just to be sure... the coaching staff threw two illegal forward passes and jumped offsides giving up first downs

threw a pick at the end of the first half


and called a horrible game




-shrug- I don't know why I bother. Or any sane person for that matter. You trolls will just keep it up, make a new name, or two, and continue slurping up each other's nonsensical ramblings..

all for a little attention. And we keep giving it to you.


So close to removing my message board accounts too. I'm not sure if you guys are a bunch of kids... or fans of other teams... or just plain dumb.

But I left facebook because of trolls that seemingly have nothing better to do but ruin other peoples days just by breathing....



It's not that serious brother. 

Quote:Is Caldwell (not Khan) on record anywhere for saying anything along the lines of Bradley is safe next year or won't be fired?
what Khan has said, is that as long as he can see improvement he will be patient and that a change during the season had not crossed his mind and that he will do a full review after the season is over
Quote:Gus haters?  People here don't hate Gus, he's just a bad HC (but very nice guy).  You're obviously ignoring the many facts that point toward Bradley being a bad coach.  Anyone with reasonable football or leadership knowledge can also watch every week and see that he is in over his head for a HC position.  He's a super nice guy but a very bad NFL HC.
people are also ignoring the many facts that limit what players can and can not do...young offenses mostly comprised of second/third year players don't generally light the league up no matter who the coach is...I already said Gus has made many mistakes, he's learning along with the team, and so is Caldwell... 
How many coaches publicly call their QB stupid?
Quote:Gus forgot to plug in the soft serve machine so the team had no cold treats after the game. He tried to make up for it by ordering pizzas but he forgot everybody's favorite toppings!!!! Not a good day at the office for Beer Belly Bradley. This may be the last straw.


Quote:How many fans really felt that the team would win more than 7 or 8 games this year before the start of the season?

I thought they could be 7-9 with a good year. Once the season started and the schedule started falling apart I had hopes that they could be over .500.


Having watched them look bad over and over, week in and out for 10 games now I'm convinced that the coach must go but that the next guy won't have a lot of work to do to make them respectable.
Quote:Unfortunately, I think Gus gets another year. I think anything short of winning the division next year gets him fired though.
I believe you are correct...I'm not sure about winning the division thing though, I think if the Jags keep getting better he will get an extension. Mr Khan has never said (publicly that I have seen) anything about what the record shows, only that as long as he can see improvement he will be patient...Now how much improvement is enough only Mr Khan and probably Caldwell know
Quote:It's not that serious brother. 
bad case of the mondays.....
Quote:what Khan has said, is that as long as he can see improvement he will be patient and that a change during the season had not crossed his mind and that he will do a full review after the season is over

He's learning?  Wow. Most people are not calibrated to that fine tune level of minutia to be able to recognize the amount of "learning" Gus Bradley has done over the last 3 years.


this team is getting better in spite of the Head Coach, not because of the things he does.  I'm glad you're  able to find the tiny speckles of learning and positive coaching adjustments that Gus had made. 

I, for one, cannot see it.  But then again, I don't have the visual capabilities of an electron microscope as it appear you do.  Kudos to you!